Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2824: Concealed a lot

There are dozens of universities that have joined the Sejong Sect, but only a few are famous. In fact, the reputation of Chiyue Academy is not as good as that of the Holy Academy, but the other ones are relatively low-key and basically only open to their own countries. It is not as open and inclusive as Qianzheng Academy, so even fewer people know it.

This Sacred Academy is considered to be a relatively large one, and it has been flourishing for many years, and it focuses on sword repair. The disciples of the Holy Academy, the core disciples, basically focus on cultivating kendo, but unfortunately, their kendo training does not seem to be outstanding.

The core disciples of the Sacred Academy are far behind the disciples of Wushuang Sword Sect or Excalibur Villa in terms of kendo cultivation. As for Duhuai, it has always been rumored that it is not pure sword cultivation, but also various methods. Although he also uses swords, I heard that swordsmanship is just ordinary.

Qin Yuanyi looked at Yu Yu, "Is that all?"

"I really know very little. You just go out and ask other people. I think I can tell you very few. I don't know. I guess outsiders don’t know much. If you want more details, you probably have to go. I have asked the inside of the Holy Academy. I can give you some detailed information about the Holy Academy. After you and I finish the narrative, you can leave as much as you can, and do what you want. I will never stop."

"Yu Yu, I hope you can fulfill your promise" Qin Yuanyi said indifferently, but before Yu Yu asked questions, she went on to say, "When I met this Duhuai back then, he was the same as me in the late stage of Star Field Realm. For, counting, if he is still alive, it should be the cultivation base of the gods."

Yu Yu frowned.

At that time, Qin Yuanyi only passively knew a lot of things. Her circle did not have much contact with other monks, such as the righteous monks or magic cultivators. Although she had contact with them, but not many, they were concerned about the super sect of the Sejong Sect. Not much is known. At that time, the Holy Academy was established. After all, it was only a thousand years ago. However, she did not know that Du Huai was the founder.

Du Huai had contacts with evil cultivators, and it was very deep, and his relationship with evil cultivators seemed to be good. At that time, this person was combined with several demon repairs and evil repairs, intending to enter the Jieyao Valley and explore a relic of the ancient war.

Among these people is Qin Yuanyi. Qin Yuanyi joined the crowd with an evil cultivator who was very familiar with him at the time. This kind of joint treasure hunting is not uncommon in the cultivator world. It is good to be careful with each other.

After arriving at Xueyun Mountain, they encountered the kind of ghost-like existence that Yu Yu also encountered before, the sound of killing and killing all over the sky, but the naked eye could not see where the enemy was, and they could only rely on spiritual sense to sense. Judge the opponent's ability and threat level from fluctuations.

There was a mess at the time and they were besieged. Qin Yuanyi herself often travels in the Jieyao Valley, and she is familiar with this place. She knows that there are such things and has encountered some, but there is no fierce conflict.

And after all, she had been dealing with evil cultivators for a long time, and her cultivation level had reached this level again. At the time, she didn't care so much. However, once she fought against her, she realized that she seemed to be wrong, and the other party was terribly outrageous.

In the melee state, he was attacked by Duhuai, an unknown spell-like attack that caught her by surprise.

"Where was it during the war?" Yu Yu asked.

"It's not far from where I was imprisoned." She glanced at Yu Yu. "I knew it was not good at the time. I thought that it might have been conspired by a joint venture. Let's not hide it from you. I have been doing things for many years and I have something on my body. It's Caibo that moved people's hearts, making them jealous and murderous."

The cave where she was imprisoned at the time was not what she is now, but a cave that looked very big. For some reason, she was besieged at the time and forced her to run towards the cave.

When she arrived near the cave, she suffered an attack from Duhuai's attack.

"The iron chain you see on me is the bone of the soul, and it is Duhuai's masterpiece, which is the result of his attack on me." Qin Yuanyi said, "All these are connected together, and I know that it is actually a conspiracy. Those things that I saw, not surprisingly, are what you call a master of the plane of the dead. I myself might be the organization behind the evil cultivator, so I was calculated."

"You mean, Jiu Nether Palace did it?" Yu Yu said.

"In these years, I only thought of this result" Qin Yuanyi said. "That Duhuai may be a descendant of the witch people. He himself is not an evil cultivator. I know this very well, but he must have been bought by the evil cultivator and become A running dog of evil cultivators, this should not be a problem."

"It's very possible" Yu Yudao. "In our monastic world, many people have been cultivators, or other enemies, bought or controlled. They are gradually eating away the world. But why don't they kill you, Shouldn't it be difficult to kill you?"

"Kill me?" Qin Yuanyi smiled. "I think they are calculating me, not just to deal with me, I'm just a test product. I guess they have discovered Liuhe in the cave you mentioned long ago. They may have studied the Fate Array for a long time before they have come up with the fact that the Sixth Round Fate Array plus the Netherbone can completely control a person."

"This seems to be a bit far-fetched. The experiment does not need to use so many resources and so many manpower, and after the final proof is successful, why do you still keep you? After you are trapped, it is very simple to kill you." Yu Yu asked.

Qin Yuanyi shook his head firmly, "Yu Yu, I think you guessed wrong this time. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they can use experts better than me to kill me at will. Xie Xiu has always been cautious in doing things, and experts are never easy. Take action. There is no special reason. They only invite masters at the level of Untouched God's Field Realm, and they can only besieged by a few people!"

After speaking, she glanced at Yu Yu!

"I understand" Yu Yu suddenly.

There are many ways to prove one thing And this matter is not only related to a certain experimental formation that proves evil cultivation, it also involves what Qin Yuanyi just said, she has a lot of treasures, these people are happy to hunt, and want to do more with one stone.

Maybe they had discovered the six-round fateful formation a long time ago, and then they thought of trapping her and getting her things by the way of the bones.

The combination of this six rounds of life formation and the bones of the soul is probably not the specific method of Xie Xiu's internal control of others, but they borrowed this idea.

To put it bluntly, it was an infighting!

The complicated thing is that this matter involves the high-level people behind Xie Xiu, because Qin Yuanyi's realm is so high that he has many contacts with the organization behind Xie Xiu, that is, the masters of Jiu Nether Palace.

At that time, Qin Yuanyi didn't know that those people were from the Nine Nether Palace, but the people included in Duhuai were originally from the Nine Nether Palace. Didn't these people know?

However, Yu Yu still felt that Qin Yuanyi still had a lot of things, and she still hid a lot without telling herself!

(End of this chapter)