Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2963: Injustice

Li Chengfeng began to kill, and then swallowed the soul of others. In the beginning, he just killed the monks' family members and massacred them all. Generally, he didn't attack mortals. Later, he found it troublesome and killed them all.

Because of some small families, mortals live with monks, he can't pick them out. This group is monks and can be killed, and the other group is mortals and cannot be killed. This is cumbersome and difficult to do, so just forget it!

All killed!

Through uninterrupted devouring, he found that he could not only enhance his own cultivation level by devouring the soul of others, but also quickly improve his realm. He could even directly devour the cultivation base of others, but he could not absorb it effectively.

In other words, if he swallows 10% of the cultivation base of others, he can absorb less than 10%, but it is also quite impressive. Of course, it is dangerous to swallow someone else's cultivation base, thinking that it will be swallowed before the others die, and the swallowing process will not happen if they die.

But this gave Li Chengfeng a hope of revenge for the entire monastic world. He could not see hope before, the higher the realm, the deeper he found the water in the monk world. As for the ghost world, he could no longer go down.

Because his realm is very high, it is easy to be spotted by masters in the ghost world. The masters of the ghost world are far more powerful than the masters of the human world.

It's not on the same level at all.

So Li Chengfeng made up his mind to slaughter more people, and he didn't hesitate to retaliate. What happened in the future was actually simpler. The reputation of the great demon of the mad master had spread to all corners of the monastic world, and even the places where many mortals gathered in just a hundred years.

At this time, Li Chengfeng's eyes no longer have the concepts of mortals and extraordinary people, the way of heaven is not heaven, and the concepts of reasonableness and unreasonableness. He has only one thought, that is, revenge.

Constant slaughter, constant devouring, constant struggle. The pursuit of the monk world has never stopped, and Li Chengfeng's realm has risen all the way. The cultivators in the gods' scene were startled and then fell, one by one!

At this time, the entire cultivator world realized that this mad master did not regard them as a thing at all. The monastic world of that era was completely different from what it is now. At this time, the monk world is basically in the hands of people such as Mu Lingzi and King Dapeng, each guarding one side, and when necessary, they can quickly cooperate and respond extremely quickly.

It was different at the time. In the monk world at that time, no one didn't care. There were one or two super powers in each continent, and the super power was dominating one side.

It was impossible at the time, and it was only when the immortal demon war came that the monk world began to examine the matter of cooperation.

At that time, this atmosphere gave the madman, the mad master, Li Chengfeng, an opportunity.

When hordes of cultivators from the Gods’ Field Realm came, he ran away, and when you were dispersed, he would kill them back. This is also a normal way of casual repair. At the same time, each family is not united. It is possible for other people to see the joke, and it is impossible for other people to help.

For the sake of safety, many sects are not far away from each other, acting as horns and taking care of each other, but when things happen, no one takes care of you.

Li Chengfeng slaughtered the Quartet.

In his most ruthless time, he slaughtered nearly 100 million people in the capital of a country at once, and blood flowed into rivers. The evil things he had done in his life were exhausted.

Li Chengfeng probably would never have imagined that he had become the kind of person he hated the most, the kind of person who killed mortals!

The monk world reacted, and the mighty began to dispatch. The real master soon discovered his secret, that is, he is not a normal monk, but a ghost cultivator. Judging from his actions, everyone has always speculated , He is the kind of person who is rumored to be able to travel between the ghost world and the world.

After the news spread, Li Chengfeng quickly became the object of attention of the top powers in the world at that time. Within three years, he was lost in the hands of a great divine body, severely injured, and then captured alive.

The body formed in the ancient times was almost like an immortal body. It was a sign of invincibility. No one could face them directly. Li Chengfeng had not fully grown up at that time, and he was unable to face Dacheng’s divine body and wheel aptitude. Not as good as the great body.

The person who started it was a divine body, and many people knew it.

Li Chengfeng was not killed, but locked up. This is the place that Yu Yu saw now, the place where Li Chengfeng was held back then.

Here, many masters came to ask about Li Chengfeng's ghost world, and no one mentioned too much about his massacre of other people's sects, annihilation of other people's families, and massacres of mortals. These top powers were focused on the ghost world.

What they want to know most is how to get to the ghost world. In the ghost world, the legend is the place after the death of people. No one can say exactly what happened. Firstly, they are curious, and secondly, they also want to know if there is any way to continue their life in this world.

With time, enough time, a person of no matter how ordinary aptitude, through patience and careful practice, can also reach the day of ascension.

Before you can absolutely break through the realm, it's a big deal. As long as there is enough time, under normal circumstances, human monks can fly to the fairy world.

Li Chengfeng knew their selfishness well, but didn't say anything. When he was alive, he was blinded in one eye. Yu Yu saw that one of his orbital bones showed obvious signs of damage.

After being arrested, Li Chengfeng suffered all kinds of torture. His cultivation was abolished, but unfortunately, no one searched for his because of his spiritual knowledge, his knowledge of the sea, At that time, it seemed to be a physical existence like a wall, rather than a spatial existence.

The sea of ​​consciousness of a normal person is a spatial existence. Controlling this monk, the spiritual consciousness of the person can freely enter the sea of ​​consciousness of the other person, but this person is different. His sea of ​​consciousness seems to be a solid entity. Impenetrable.

No matter who you are, you can't penetrate his sea of ​​consciousness, including the great divine body that caught him.

Torture is useless. At the same time, the masters don’t want him to die, so although his cultivation is abolished, he still provides him with a very good environment. A cell like this is built specifically for him. Although simple, But it can keep him alive.

After all, his life span is endless. They tried their best to save Li Chengfeng, but it was just torture. Li Chengfeng said nothing. His right arm was broken and torn off by the head of the cell, and his ten finger bones were shaved off.

Li Chengfeng suffered all the torture in the world. But he did not speak from beginning to end!

This is Li Chengfeng, a man full of evil, a sympathetic person, a respectable person, and a fearful person!