Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 3487: Space Array

Pang Feng didn't know that Yu Yu was already approaching here, but he knew that the last time he shot Yu Yu from his side, there was even a star beast, but he didn't succeed.

   He actually didn't know who invited the behemoth, but he could guess that it was from his own side. This is also the evil cultivator's style of doing things. Each is busy with each other, not related to each other, and internal information is not shared.

   This is also the fatal weakness that Yu Yu discovered. Once the main character on a certain line is killed, the line is equivalent to paralysis. It is not easy to rebuild it in a short time. You can't let You Di take up specific positions on each line concurrently, right?

   "Yu Yu..." He thought of Yu Yu and couldn't help but say it softly. Over the years, he has heard all kinds of news about Yu Yu from various places and from various people, some of which are facts, and some are mixed with fabricated lies.

  He is a Wudi, so he pays more attention to Yu Yu. Because Yu Yu is also Emperor Wu, there are very few Emperor Wu in this world. There are even fewer and more Emperor Wu who can reach this point. After reaching this point, they can only helplessly die in their homes after a hundred years. , Become a loess.

   He never thought that one day Yu Yu might come here. In his thinking, there is no such possibility. He knows the power of the big formation in this place and is very powerful.

   Apart from anything else, from the outside, you can't get in. Moreover, once you get close, you may get involved in different dimensions of space instead of directly entering the world.

   This big formation was established by the people of the fairy world, and it was built on different dimensions. This is the source of his confidence, very similar to the fragmented world Yu Yu saw in another world, the so-called Lingxiao Mountain.

   What Pang Feng didn’t know was that when Lingxiao Mountain was established, it took a lot of effort to build. It was not because the people of the fairy world were unable to do so, but because they were restrained by the heavens, many. A lot of skills can't be used!

   Yu Yu approached, he felt this.

"We can only send you here." Behind him was a weasel demon who looked a bit like a yellow satin. It did not transform into a human form. Even with this ability, the realm is extremely high. If you walk less than 10,000 miles, you will fall into an unknown space. Don't believe what you see... Oh, yes, Mr. Yu, you can see through the illusion."

"Well...Thank you." Yu Yu squinted, looked at the distance on the mountain, then turned around, looked at the weasel, and said, "You...the realm is not low, the star field is real, how can you do this errand? What? It stands to reason that you have other people who deliberately tried to help me hide my breath, and were discovered by the other party for a short time? And I see your conversation, you seem to have a low status, right?"

   Weasel shook his head dumbly. "Mr. Yu, it’s a thousand miles ahead, where our ancestors have lived and practiced for generations. Our ethnic group has been there for more than 20,000 years and has been fine.

   Not long ago, our entire ethnic group was annihilated by the evil cultivators. I am the ancestor of the ethnic group, and I tried my best to save a few people. My descendants, including my direct descendants, are basically dead. I watched them die in front of me, and this excitement made them old... alas, let's not talk about it. "

   There were tears in the corner of the weasel’s eyes, "Mr. Yu, take care, they are not human!" After speaking, its forelimbs were raised, and it fisted towards Yu Yu slightly, swish, and disappear without a trace.

   Yu Yu looked at a faint yellow light trace disappearing in front of him, and was a little dazed for a while.

   After coming here, Yu Yu got to know the local demon cultivator, and finally determined that he decided this time, it seems to be right, and this time he really came to the right place. There is a big formation in this place, there are demon repairs here, and they have explored many times and found nothing, but they also left some information.

   Yu Yu made a comprehensive judgment, the large array in this place should be a miniature version of the Lingxiao Mountain array in another world. In other words, the big formation is still built on several different dimensions and spread out in different spaces. However, the big formation in this place is rushed and imperfect, and there are not enough people coming down, so it is restricted everywhere. Functionally, it is much weaker.

However, for those who don’t understand this array, after entering, they will still be in a fog or unable to go out all their lives. After all, it is built on different dimensions. This is almost impossible for monks in this world. Understandable.

   Yu Yu himself couldn't understand what is meant by "different dimensions". This is a difficult question to clarify, but it must be understood that the only way is to feel it by yourself, similar to understanding the law of space by yourself, and what you understand is what it is.

   This space law, even at the lowest level, cannot be recorded. There is no way in the human world to record how to comprehend the law of space, what direction it is, and what exercises there are.

   does not exist, which is why the refining method of the storage bag has been lost. Its refining method is extremely difficult to be copied.

Fortunately, he once went to Lingxiao Mountain. The most important thing is... he was in Lingxiao Mountain and got a map left by the mages. At that time, he used that map to find the fairy finger bones, and then used Lingxiao Mountain where the map leaves.

  According to Yu Yu's personality, he found something he couldn't understand. He wanted to study it thoroughly. He has studied that map many times. Mamotoko is also discussing, and the two of them have made countless deductions. What should I do if I encounter a similar formation in the future?

   They are not immortals, and they cannot arrange such a big formation, because Yu Yu cannot exist in two dimensions at the same time.

   This is the key! Similar to the Sky Eater, it can exist in four dimensions at the same time, while Yu Yu can only be three-dimensional. He can only run from one three-dimensional world to another three-dimensional world at most, but the fairy world seems to have The method is to spread their formations in multiple dimensions at the same time.

  This is impossible for Yu Yu to do.

   But, as long as everything in this world, it obeys the laws of this world. This is determined by the way of heaven, and no one can break it. In other words, as long as it exists in this world, there must be a corresponding method to restrain it to the death. This is the basic law of the world's way of life.

   This method was found by Yu Yu. In fact, it is still difficult to break through it, but Yu Yu and Zhen Yuanzi have found a relatively simple but practical way. He doesn't seek to break the formation, he just needs to be able to roam freely in the big formation.

   Such a big array is tantamount to non-existent!

   Yu Yu can feel the faint but existing strange spatial fluctuations not far away just by relying on his own primordial sense. This is the fluctuation of the big array, which fluctuates in different spatial dimensions, so it is very strange!

   (End of this chapter)