Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 3574: Mysterious cave

Many people have studied this Qiongyue Cave, including Fenglin Pavilion. The masters of the past dynasties in Fenglin Pavilion are all studying the peculiarities of various places, but because Fenglin Pavilion hasn't existed for enough time and the background is limited, many problems are actually not clear.

Take this Qiongyue Cave as an example. Feng Linge knows that it is actually not as good as evil cultivators, but Mu Lingzi himself has been to this Qiongyue Cave many times. Every time he comes out, he will meet some inexplicable masters. It's very similar to the abnormal creatures that everyone knows in Jieyao Valley, but not exactly the same.

Mu Lingzi himself mentioned to Yu Yu that his own guess was that there was a problem with this Qiongyue Cave itself. In other words, the emergence of these problems is not because of the mystery in Qiongyue Cave, but the Qiongyue Cave itself, the mystery itself.

But this is just a speculation. Since Yu Yu entered the monk world, he has not been idle, so he doesn't have much time to study these issues. Basically, he is surrounded by various things and has no time for him to care.

This time he took advantage of this opportunity to come here to take a look. As a result, he could avoid the opponent's chase, and those evil cultivators were still right, at least partly right. Yu Yu came here, just to borrow Qiongyue Cave to resolve their endless pursuit. This place is dangerous for him, and for those ghosts, etc., it is also dangerous, so his chasing and killing situation may be resolved.

"Oh" Yu Yu was standing on the side of a mountain at this time. After watching for a long time, he didn't see anything. As far as the eye can see, there is almost no life. The place is also quite cold. There is no sign of life at the peak. There are large cold rocks everywhere, and it looks very depressed.

Yu Yu searched for a long time on his own, but did not find any sign of Qiongyue Cave. He knew that the cave was nearby, but there was no trace of it. He had been to Cuofeng Mountain, but he had never seen Qiongyue Cave, but he had the corresponding information, all obtained from Fengling Pavilion.

But knowing the information and going in in person are two completely different concepts.

Yu Yu sighed, and just about to turn around, suddenly felt that his soul moved slightly, followed by something that seemed to be on his soul, poke, and lightly.

He has never had this kind of feeling before. He hasn't experienced a similar feeling. Is this a warning or a temptation or what kind of feeling? Yu Yu took out the spear, and the spiritual sense swept the surroundings. There was silence in a radius of thousands of miles, and then up, the heavy snow of goose feathers was flying all over the sky, and it was full of joy.

He carefully followed the feelings just now, looking for that mysterious, vague and vague feeling, still there. That feeling is still there! But he can’t say what it means. This kind of feeling from the soul is a basic induction, complicated and vague, and difficult to explain. Unless it is a common warning from the soul, it is difficult for you to understand what it means. What's going on.

Yu Yu flew forward for more than a thousand miles, got down, stood on the upper part of the mountainside of a not very large mountain, and stared at an ordinary big rock. The rock was big and protruded forward, but it was connected to the mountain. One, if you don't look carefully, it's hard to tell that this is a big stone that is self-contained.

If you didn't come to this mountain deliberately, or come to this big rock deliberately, you would not know who you are.

No matter what method or method Yu Yu uses, he concludes that this big stone is an ordinary big stone without any peculiarities.

Not only does it have no field energy fluctuations, it can't even count as a strange stone. Yu Yu relied on his subconscious intuition to leave the big stone and fought for a long time. Did he feel that he was influenced by some existence, or something else, and was drawn to this place?

He backed away, far away, and then Li Li stood in the void, crushing the big stone with his sword. Just raising his hands, silently, the sword guts crushed the big rock into powder in an instant.

Under Yu Yu's precise control, none of the other stones attached to the big stone were damaged in any way. At this time, Yu Yu gave up spiritual sense, because he was worried that if he let go of spiritual sense at this time, something unknown would be followed.

When he wanted to go to the sea to kill his life, when he encountered the black desert, and saw immortals, he suffered a similar loss. In such a strange place, he cannot let go of his spiritual sense at will. You don’t know which broken dead souls, The traces of soul and soul they still have left, what did they realize, and some can even invade your consciousness directly through spiritual consciousness.

Yu Yu has experienced this aspect.

The third eye can also see through the obstacles or all illusions in front of him, but he did not see any problems. In other words, he saw nothing.

Yu Yu squinted!

At his level, being led by that feeling, he flew for more than a thousand miles, in this vast world, specially came to this stone, and found nothing.

This is impossible!

His field energy primordial spirit, with the basic talent of Tian Yuan Yuan as the essence, can feel a lot of strange things, seeing through illusions is just one of the abilities, it does not mean that he can only see through illusions.

Yu Yu looked at it for a long time, but still couldn't see any clues, but he didn't move. The sword gallbladder hovered in a dark hole left by the crushing of the big stone, and quietly suspended there.

Yu Yu is not worried that the coercive force of this sword will attract ghost repairs at this time. There is no major accident. Those people should not follow it for the time being. This is a forbidden area and they are not free to move. Yu, is no longer the little monk back then, they should also be cautious, just thinking about why Yu Yu came to the forbidden area, they would have to spend a lot of effort.

In fact, just as he guessed, the other party was studying why Yu Yu came here, and he hasn't acted temporarily.

The big rock is very big is very long, and there is nothing strange about the part protruding from the outside, but it is very long, deep into the mountain, from Yu Yu’s perspective, It was like a plug, stuffed directly into this mountain.

He sacrificed a treasure, a Tao treasure, because the sword gallbladder is his life treasure. Once damaged, he himself will be damaged. Although this probability is very low, he can't help it.

Daobao went deep and probed inside, which was equivalent to Yu Yu's gaze going deep into it. He couldn't see clearly with his divine eyes what was going on inside the cave.

This is actually the biggest problem. Yu Yu's third eye can see through many things. What is a mountain? It is tantamount to being transparent. If there is a problem, you can definitely see it. But it just can't be seen at this time!

At the beginning, when the treasure entered it about 30 meters away, Yu Yu could still see something, but after 30 meters, his eyes went dark and he couldn't see anything.

The treasure is gone! I completely lost contact with him, and disappeared mysteriously in front of him!

(End of this chapter)