Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 4095: The world is easier to bully

The mortal in the world accounted for the absolute majority. This population of 100 billion is only a rough estimate of Yu Yu, but the difference will not be too great. In the last battle, the monks actually gave up the mortals, and then Yu Yu counterattacked and started to build a safe city for the mortals, hoping to take the opportunity to make up for it.

However, it seems unrealistic at this time. No matter how kind he has or what kind of thoughts he has, there is no one to make arrangements for him now. Mortal, he can't take care of it.

This number is more than the world where mortals are concentrated. This was something that Yu Yu didn't know when he first entered the monk world. The place where mortals gather, that is, a place dedicated to mortals, is the main place for mortals to survive and multiply. There are a lot of mortals gathered there, and business transactions are also very good, especially the country of Yan, which is the most prosperous country in all the mundane worlds.

But these places are very small. The ancient Taoist temple was very big, much bigger than the place where mortals gathered. Therefore, the population is much larger.

But it is very scattered. When these mortals started, they basically originated from the monk family or the monk sect, they were descendants of the monk, but after the sect or the family fell, the mortals slowly broke away from the monk system and started their own For development, some have a secular system like a country, and most of them are city lord and rule by force.

Such cities are often small, and they are not places where the presence can be enriched. The monks look down on them, and there will be no monsters, so they can slowly develop.

Another part is that at this time there are still mortal people attached to the monk family or the monk sect. These people are still living under the shade of the monks at this time. There is no harassment of the beast tide, and the life is still very moist.

But at this time, both categories will be abandoned. Because there is no way to take care of it. What Yu Yu has to do is to completely integrate the power of the entire monk, and then smash with the opponent, which will inevitably lead to a result, that is, people in the monk world can no longer go out at will, and they can't go out and do anything for mortals. .

Wang Weinan didn't say anything, just sighed, Yu Yu stood up and left in silence.

This was the last thing he wanted to see, but it still appeared. He once thought about finding safe places for these mortals. At this moment, the idea at that time seemed naive. The world is in chaos, and the world is no longer the same as before. How do you find a place for them?

The monk's safety was not settled.

Up to this point, fortunately, mortals gathered in places, the mundane world, never suffered any greater trauma. Occasionally, some evil cultivators killed innocent creatures in an entire city, but they were only a few. The ordinary world, at this time, seems to be the safest.

Yu Yu had no choice but to make up his mind. Pass the message out and start building a stronghold.

These strongholds were all the locations of the former old sects, basically like that, such as Yuxianzong, Tyrant Heaven, Piaoyunfeng, Tang Family's site, etc., these sites already have a very strong foundation of monks. If someone raised their arms in the past, and then provided them with good resources, it could still be done.

And then connect the whole world by dots, lines, to form a plane, supporting each other and taking care of each other, it will be much better. After all, the teleportation array is there. With the teleportation array, the speed of communication is much faster. This is the emperor. Advantages they don’t have.

Building a stronghold cannot be completed in a day or two, but it is also fast. First, the Allied Forces on Earth have not been defeated very much, their morale is good, and their prestige is still very good. Secondly, there are still many large sects with extraordinary strength. Some casual cultivators are the same. There are their own masters in various places, and they join the camp. Come, the speed of manpower expansion very fast.

Xie Xiu didn't seem to be moving, and they seemed to stop moving. They did not move because of Yu Yu's aggressive construction. When the jade slips were delivered to Youdi's desk, he quickly discovered Yu Yu's thoughts, but did not give any response.

The land of Xi Tuo has basically been taken down at this time.

The strength of the source sky beast is still very trustworthy, and wherever they go, it is almost one-sided. The evil cultivation is basically invincible, and there are occasional fierce resistance, and it is quickly defeated by the source sky beast.

Yu Yu's plan was successfully implemented.

Many people who came out of Huanling seemed to have disappeared into the world at this time, and did not appear in other places. Yu Yu and others originally estimated that they might go to the sea, Shuiyuetian and other places. Wandering around, but now, they seem to have disappeared.

Yu Yu's name became louder and louder. The fact that he beheaded the three snakes in the late stage of the God Field realm that ran out of the magic ridge had already spread throughout the monk world, which was undoubtedly a huge help to the confidence of the monk world.

A cultivator in the late stage of the **** scene can kill the demon cultivator of the same realm, which boosts everyone's confidence and is of great help. In fact, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't make much sense, because this is a time when the world is in chaos, not a one-to-one competition? What can you do alone?

But everyone's confidence was boosted. Hou Shan acquiesced in the spread of various gossips, saying everything, and blowing Yu Yu into the sky. In fact, everyone understands that there is no basis for such flattery, but they are still willing to choose to believe it.

After all, living in this seemingly apocalyptic environment, it is always good to see some hope, even if it is a little false, what's the harm?

This situation lasted for more than a year. In other words, Yu Yu and the others have been building a stronghold for more than a year, and no problems have occurred. Many places have been taken down, including Yuxianzong. The reason why it is so easy, besides the functions of those big sects and some hidden sects, is the power of the demon world.

The evil repair is very jealous of the demon The demon army will participate in the encirclement and suppression of the evil repair every time. They are very powerful. They are all beings who are not afraid of death. The demon never knows anything. It is called retreat, blindly fighting and rushing, and the bravery of the battle is impressive.

Sometimes, when Yu Yu looked at the demon army desperately fighting with evil cultivators on the earthly battlefield, he would secretly admire the ancient powers of the year. He didn't know how those great powers faced the demon army back then. Persevering, and this persistence is more than a thousand years.

Yu Yu himself understood the thoughts of Emperor You. In the eyes of Emperor You, the world is nothing but a thing in a bag and can't escape. What can you do now?

There are more and more enemies, and they can consume a considerable part of your masters without taking any action. When the time comes, they will come again and kill all those who come from some forbidden land and people from another world, and his goal will be achieved. So there is no need to move at all now!

This fact, Yu Yu can see, those in the forbidden area, people in another world can also see, but they will not go against the purpose of the Emperor.

Because Emperor You is too terrifying, and the human world is easier to bully!