Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 4262: There are nodes outside the Holy City Gr

   "Then how did you come in?" Yu Yu looked at the two opposite people, the palace lord and Nangong Xuanyong.

   The two people glanced at each other, and the palace owner continued to say, "Actually, it is what I said just now. It is completely because of the changes in the heavens, which caused some spaces in this place to be misplaced."


"Yes" the palace master said, "but you can't find out. I slowly discovered this problem because of my identity as a spirit race. At that time, I was actually studying the passage to the fairy world in the holy city. It was very bad. I wondered if I wanted to take a gamble and go to the immortal world through this passage, but at that time, the passage was closed, and it closed quickly. It was also at that time that I found the space of the holy city, there was a problem. It was also at that time, I found a fairy wandering around!"

   "Did you find that person?" Yu Yu asked.

"How do you know that it is a person... Oh, yes, it is that special place, that is, the strange place that you see, a piece of flat land, which is very different from the surrounding environment. You pass through that place. Where to go.” The palace lord nodded, she saw the immortal, Yu Yu guessed the immortal.

   The palace lord at that time saw a fairy, and Yu Yu guessed that it was the hands and feet of the fairy that caused the flat ground to appear. But the time is not right.

"I saw a fairy, and the situation you saw in it, and the fairy who I guessed was not alone" the palace lord explained immediately, "there is a time difference between the two. However, I am also guided by the fairy. I found some dislocations in this place."

   Yu Yu and Han Duxue are both puzzled, but it seems that Mu Lingzi already understands the Palace Master’s explanation, and he hasn't said a word at this time.

   Simply put, the Holy City is a special place. The fairy also knows that there are several special places in the world. And for immortals, this world itself is the most special.

   At first, how the world was reborn all at once, they didn't know at all. Thought it was the punishment of God. But thinking about it carefully, it’s not right. Heavenly Dao is generally aimed at sentient beings. It will not target one person or something. If it’s because they invade the human world, Heaven will punish them, so the immortal world is probably long ago Doesn't exist anymore.

   Because people in the fairy world violate the world, it is normal.

   Therefore, this world, to the immortal world, is actually unclear, and it also makes the immortals a little jealous of this world, and at the same time, in some places, they can't fully understand it.

   For example, some forbidden places are very strange.

   This holy city is actually not because of the relationship between heaven and the way, nor is it because of the relationship of nature, it is entirely because of the immortals of the ancient times, the large formation established by the immortals is too complicated, and they are not very clear. Moreover, this large formation is basically based on human means. So the fairy wondered why he couldn't see through such a place.

   "You were with the fairy, didn't he want to kill you at that time, and still keep you for now?" Yu Yu asked.

   "At that time, I had been helping them to do things. At that time, I was still helping You Emperor to fight against the army of the Demon World. How could they kill me?" said the palace lord

"It's like the current Emperor You. The people in the immortal world are basically sure that he is linking with the ghost world, but he still leaves him. If the immortals are rightly trying to kill Emperor You, he will not survive. Even You The emperor has the cultivation base of the peak of Sanxian, which can compete with some immortals, but he still can't compete with the immortals. But he is still valuable to the immortal world. I was the same back then!"

   The immortals may not know many people, but there are a few people in the world, and they definitely know them, such as Yu Yu, such as Youdi, and this Yuhuang Empress. Even though they had never met the Yuhuang Empress, they must have known each other.

At that time, Empress Yu, the palace owner, did not dare to go too far. She said that she was also curious about this holy city. She just came over and took a look at will, but she never understood, and wanted to see where this place leads to the immortal world. Channel, what is going on.

   She did not lie either.

   "The result?" Yu Yu asked.

   "The fairy who I met said that the space in this holy city is dislocated. Although the magnitude is small, it is still dislocated." After she said, she stared at Yu Yu and said, "Do you remember the ground in the holy city collapsed?"

   "Could it be caused by spatial dislocation?"

"Yes" Palace Lord Road" that is caused by the spatial dislocation of the holy city. In fact, there have been some signs of changes in the heavens a long time ago, but we can't detect them. When we detect this change, It's already obvious.

   After he said this, he warned me a few words and left. But I paid attention, because I also found that there was a problem with the space of the holy city, but it was not as accurate as he saw it, and I didn't know the dislocation.

   I even asked some things about misplacement. What he said was very vague, and he also said that I shouldn't ask too much. I won't understand if I ask. But then I slowly understood.

  The reason why the space of the holy city is misplaced is not in the space of the holy city itself, but in one or two superimposed spaces. In fact, it is the confusion of the eye position of the big array you see which caused the dislocation of space. "

"They suspect that some spaces, that is, some other worlds, may re-integrate into this world. Our world may become larger. Even if it is not comparable to the ancient times, it will increase a lot, but it will also Cause some space problems" At this time, Mu Lingzi explained.

   "Can there be such a thing?" Yu Yu was puzzled, and Han Duxue was the same, somewhat unacceptable.

   "You can't accept it, but this is a fact." The palace master said. "The changes in space, speaking of the changes in the fundamental laws and the changes in heaven, may have caused the changes in the laws of space in this world."

   People in the world of spirit races are very sensitive to changes in the world and also very sensitive to world rules. Because the existence of spirit races, such as Xiaopang, many of them are born and nurtured by heaven and earth. They are extremely sensitive to changes in the laws of the world and their operations, and they can understand them better.

"In addition, our Yuhuang Tiangong had studied the holy city before. I synthesized a lot of clues, and then slowly searched for the traces of the space dislocation of the holy city, little by little, I found a node that generated the large formation outside. It was also through that node that I came to the inside of the holy city's great formation," said the palace master.

After speaking, she looked at Nangong Xuanyong and said, "Daoist Nangong, he is better than me. He has not studied the holy city for a long time, but he has also found the node outside the holy city, and through that node, the holy City. Oh, by the way, you don’t need to ask where the node is. I’ll tell you, it’s the place called Liger Mountain that you went to when you had the graduation exam.