Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 4590: The situation here

I want to have a good side when I get better, but it's unpalatable. Yu Yu thought about these questions and felt that there was a very weak but obvious fluctuation around him. He didn't need to feel it to know that someone was coming, but this person, like himself, did not show up.

The world was calm at this time. The monks who were below the gods had learned well at this time and no longer came here easily, and the people with high realms were very cautious and did not show up.

Yu Yu himself couldn't know whether the people came alone or a group, because they were all inside the space, and could only feel that someone was coming, but he didn't know who it was or how many.

Moreover, this person is very close to him, which makes him have a hint of instinctive vigilance. Obviously, the other party is very aware of his existence, and this person entered this place from another dimension, he did not intend it. Yu Yu didn't know whether he came to him deliberately.

But Lai Ren did not take any further action. Even if Yu Yu was inside the space, he still confined his breath, and minimized the fluctuations he caused as much as possible. He thought that the other party might have the same idea, so the spatial fluctuations that he could feel were extremely weak.

After a short period of time, human figures began to flicker in his field of vision. He was not alone in twos and threes, his realm was not low, and his speed was extremely fast, like patrolling or patrolling back and forth.

Yu Yu couldn't see the situation clearly, but only knew that someone had flashed back and forth, but he didn't know why, and the place not far from him stopped moving. The spatial fluctuations were extremely weak, and they were carried so quietly, as if There is no meaning to go.

Yu Yu didn’t think about that person anymore. He simply opened up his vision, that is, exploded part of his spiritual sense out of space and began to explore the outside world. If it’s out of spiritual sense, he might be discovered by others, but This is also helpless.

Obviously, the people outside knew that someone was in the void early on, but they didn't seem to care. After Yu Yu looked outside for a few times, he understood why there would be people patrolling here. They didn't run around aimlessly, but were looking for it.

Their purpose should be, as Zhen Yuanzi speculated, they are looking for a place where they can settle down. The so-called settlement is to find a place where a relatively stable formation can be built, trying to communicate inside and outside.

They also saw that this place may be a channel for internal and external connections. Yu Yu thought that if he wanted to control Magic Ridge in the future, it would be inevitable to set up camp here.

What he can think of, don’t outsiders know? What's more, the people who came were the masters of the Star Palace, the masters of evil cultivators, and even the people of the fairy world, the people of the ghost world, and those people's knowledge and vision were not worse than the people of Huoshan.

Yu Yu told Zhenyuanzi and the old lion about his conjecture, and the old lion said indifferently, "This is obvious. They have also seen the future of Huanling in the future, and they are determined to win at this time. And, I think, people in the fairy world Sending someone in was also the idea. Their Yangming Mountain may not be as simple as you think, it should be solid.

And they probably don't care about the giant city on earth. What they care most about is this natural secret realm, which is the space that nature can block them from outside. They really want to occupy this place. If they can't, I guess they will let their own people completely seal this place. "

"Seal to death?" Yu Yu was startled, but he didn't expect this possibility.

"It's just to be sealed," the old lion said lightly. "This result is impossible for the human world, but it is possible for the immortal world. They can seal this place to death and prevent humans from entering. .They have great abilities, and I think they may have also benefited a lot from the upper realm.

These people are also very selfish people! They are not a good job when they go down to the world. If they don't give enough benefits, they probably won't come. I took the opportunity to ask for some good things from the top of the fairy world, swallowed most of it, and then used a small portion to deal with the world. Of course, it was actually enough. A similar thing happened last time during the First World War. "

"I'll go" Yu Yu was a little unacceptable for a while. The impression of the people in the fairy world in his heart was never good, but it was not so. At this time, when he heard the words of the old lion, his attitude towards those in the fairy world Knowing, can be regarded as having a new view again.

In fact, the world of monks in the world has an instinctive attitude of looking up to the upper realm. The same shameless thing, if it were done by the people of the upper realm, the monk realm of the world might try its best to decorate the upper realm. In fact, it is shameless!

If this psychology is gone, that is, if the psychology of looking up to the fairy world does not exist, then the sense of existence of the fairy world will collapse very badly.

Yu Yu didn't want to be more entangled in this issue, he asked, "If it is to be blocked, then how long do you guess it will take?"

"Then I don't know," said the old lion. "Seal this place is not to destroy it, nor to delay the process of change in this place, but to prevent the people in the world of monks from entering it. In my opinion, their The way is probably to abide by the laws of the world. It is estimated that they should start from the space they are best at, and then seal this channel of internal and external connections. I think it may be inevitable to fight, that is, the masters of the world and those in the fairy world. Fighting is inevitable. Moreover, it is not necessarily that the coalition forces are on the front line."

"I understand this truth" Yu Yudao "Now I have seen the purpose of these people. They want to occupy this passage and then take this place as their own."

"Yes," the old lion said. "Whoever wants to take this place as his own ~ Who will face the people of the fairy world. The people of the coalition army also need this place, but the coalition army already has the robbery valley and the wrong peak mountain. In fact, this place is not an inevitable place of contention, but forces like evil cultivators, and even some forces like silver-robed men, must have their own backyard for the convenience of future actions.

These people seem to be mysterious now, but it's because you haven't found their lair yet. If you do, they are not mysterious at all. I even guessed that these people were forced out by the semi-immortal bodies of Emperor You, do you remember that Emperor You still has a group of people who have been searching for masters all over the world, and then killed and seized the fright.

I think they should have killed a lot of people, and from the people they killed, they also know more things. For example, there are still a group of masters in this world who have not been able to hide them, but now they also hide. Can't help it. "

"If this is the case, I don't have to go out in a hurry," Yu Yu said. "After all, the war between them and the immortal world, if it starts, regardless of the casualties, it is a good thing for us."

"Not necessarily." The old lion immediately denied Yu Yu's thoughts. "Your thoughts are very common. I think they may also estimate that they are developing each other. Someone will stand on the sidelines..."