Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 4811: Yu Yu's terrible guess

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But Wu Lingzhi was very shrewd. Seeing that he was struggling with Yu Yu, he quickly moved a few times and got out of the ring. If Yu Yu wanted to kill him, he had to be in battle. If he wanted to escape, Yu Yu would have nothing to do. This was the case at this time. After all, Wu Lingzhi had reached this state.

This is why Wu Lingzhi dared to be so bold and unscrupulous. His realm is very high, he can't beat you, he can run, and your disciples and grandchildren will be in trouble after running away. Therefore, many sect masters are not willing to offend him. Not afraid of him, but worried about bringing disaster to his disciples.

Wu Lingzhi looked at Yu Yu slantingly, with a long knife in his hand. He obviously made a mistake in evaluating each other's strength. He didn't expect Yu Yu's combat effectiveness to be so strong, and after a few rounds, he actually couldn't stand it anymore.

And Yu Yu is a person known all over the world at this time. Many people know about his fighting methods and techniques, magic weapons, and his stuff at the bottom of the box. Therefore, facing Yu Yu, many masters have the advantage, because They know Yu Yu, but Yu Yu doesn't understand them.

"Yu Yu, hum, the old man admits he is dead." Wu Lingzhi simply put away the long knife. "I admit that I can't beat you, but don't think about it. Hey, if I can't beat you, won't you run? "

He gave Yu Yu a thumbs up and looked at Yu Yu slantingly, but said nothing. The threat was already written on Wu Lingzhi's face, and he did not hide it.

Yu Yu carried thunder and looked at Wu Lingzhi. Lan Xie flew between the two of them and said, "You will fight like this, and there will be no results. Although Wu Lingzhi is weaker than you, he is not as smart as you. If you want to kill, you can kill, Yu Yu, I don’t think so. Our purpose is to explore the secrets."

Yu Yu glanced at him. He pointed at Wu Lingzhi with a long sword, and said, "Wu Lingzhi, I will let you go. You know my Yu Yu's name, you are not easy to provoke, and I am not easy to provoke. Compared with Emperor You, how old are you?"

Wu Lingzhi's face was ugly, and he obviously couldn't hold on anymore, but he still didn't say anything. Yu Yu continued, "If you don't listen to me, get out immediately."

He didn't say anything, Wu Lingzhi looked at Yu Yu and said nothing. Yu Yu ignored him, but he didn't put away the treasure. Wu Lingzhi put away his immortal tool and sacrificed a treasure that looked like a sword, an ancient treasure, similar to the high-end appearance of Taobao.

Wu Lingzhi followed Yu Yu and the others and continued flying. Yu Yu flew forward, Wu Lingzhi and Lan Xie followed side by side. After the trouble just now, the three of them had nothing to say.

Yu Yu slowly felt the world. After a few back and forth with Wu Lingzhi just now, he felt that this world was not exactly the same as the spiritual world in the corpse of the demon world he had seen.

He did think that immortal artifacts should not be sacrificed here. This place is the spiritual world of immortals. For Yu Yu and the likes of human beings, it's actually easy to say that outsiders like them won't cause things to go wrong in this place, but if there are immortals, the situation is different.

Not because of the fairy spirit power of the fairy, but because of the spirit of the original fairy in the fairy. Every immortal artifact has been nurtured by immortals for countless years. Human beings can barely erase the spiritual imprint on it, and then use their own spiritual power to forcibly suppress the spiritual imprints of those immortal artifact owners, so that immortal artifacts can serve themselves Used.

But those spiritual imprints are still there. If these spiritual imprints have something to do with the spiritual space here, it would be a big trouble.

The corpses of these immortals were acquainted with the owner of the immortal implement in Wu Lingzhi's hands. This is what Yu Yu worries most. If the immortal spirit of this place is imprinted with the spirit of Wu Lingzhi's immortal tool owner, it is hard to say what the consequences will be.