Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 4969: The secret of the node is much more than

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"Good question" Yu Yudao. "This node itself is connected to the outside world, and is also connected to our world. If this node is destroyed or affected by some means, our world will also be affected. "

"What will be the worst effect?"

"Our world will be destroyed"

"The world will be destroyed... what is the method of destruction? Will our planet or the world where the sun is located will be destroyed?"

“It’s our planet, not the world where the sun is,” Yu Yu said, “because this node is inside our world. This node seems to be inside this different world, but in fact, this different world is a subsidiary attached to our world. Kong Jian, it is essentially in our world."

"Why is there such a terrifying result? Isn't this just a node?" Murong Rong asked.

"This node is related to the law, similar to the support of our world. It is not the same as the law of heaven. But the law at this node is still a similar support of our world. If it goes wrong, our world There will be big problems.

Inside this node, that is, inside the group that looks like light, there are a lot of light connecting our world. This connection has nothing to do with space. "

Yu Yu thought for a while and continued, "Let me give you an example. For example, this node is a fire, and the light and heat of the fire spread outward.

Outside of this fire is our world, which is like something that constantly needs light and heat. If this fire goes out or something goes wrong, our world will be collaterally affected. "

"Is there nothing else to provide light and heat to our world?"

"Yes," Yu Yu said, "for example, the basic law of the heavens. But don't forget a basic fact, that is the node itself, which is also one of the results of the operation of the heavens, and is integrated with the law of our world.

The movement and change similar to the five elements is one of the results of the operation of heaven. However, if there are only four parts left in the five elements and one part is missing, what do you think will happen to our world? "


Zhen Yuanzi said, "Do you mean that this node is a comprehensive part of our world, or that it is a part of the whole world, is it indivisible?"

"Yes" Yu Yudao" and it is the supporting part of the overall operation of this world. If this part goes wrong, the whole world will go wrong.

Our world was like this when it was born, that is to say, when this world was born, it was a part of this world, and it was a part of this basic system that had the function of supporting the operation of the world.

This world is born like this. This node is born a part of this world. It is indispensable and indestructible."

"I basically understand now" the old lion said lightly.

After a series of explanations, Yu Yu explained the relationship between the world and the nodes clearly. Although the node is a bit special, since it is symbiotic with the world, it is an objective fact and cannot be changed. Now that some people think about this node, the result will cause the world to collapse.

"So..." a god-level evil repairer said hesitantly, "Mr. Yu, this node in our world is really so important and attractive to a big figure like the fairy world?"

"This node is not a normal world node," Yu Yu said. "It is a node connected to other planes and even higher interfaces.