Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 5023: Those mysterious spaces are more complic

Yu Yu's feelings are very good. It explains why the catastrophe will come to these people in the late Dzogchen realm, because their understanding of the world is becoming more and more macroscopic and higher and higher.

   This does not mean that they can understand all of the world, nor does it mean that they can understand all the problems of the world, but objectively, their understanding of the world is condescending.

   This leads to a result that conflicts with the program run by Heaven. Because of the operation of heaven, in the chain of these life operations, it is not allowed to have an absolute high, but a relatively balanced cycle mechanism, similar to the food chain in nature.

   If you are absolutely high, then others will be absolutely low. This is breaking the balance mechanism of heaven.

   Yu Yu also feels more and more pressure from heaven. This pressure is very weak, but very clear. He also knew why all those people came out in search of treasures.

   Because everyone is very upset. All have to face the pressure of crossing the robbery. The monks in the past were the same. In fact, there is no difference from the current monastic world.

  The monks in the ancient times, when they were about to cross the catastrophe, they would look for treasures everywhere, and even **** some so-called ancestral things from other people's homes.

  Although the conditions of all parties are getting more and more favorable, it still took a year for Yu Yu to build the large formation of the Phoenix Forest. During this time period, the outside world was calm.

   After a year or so, the three people sent by Dongming came back. Fortunately, none of them died, but they were all injured to varying degrees.

After    came back, Yu Yu listened to these three people with many people.

   The rough course is similar to Yu Yu's previous guess. They even entered the Jiluo Temple and saw the magnificent buildings.

   But because Yu Yu had seen the issue of the Jiluodian before, the three people knew the threat of the Jiluodian, so they didn't go deep, and their mission was not the Jiluodian, but the scattered spaces.

   These spaces are divided into several types.

   This is something Yu Yu and others had never thought of before. Some of these small worlds turned out to be natural secrets. It is naturally there, not built by man.

   These natural secret realms are also divided into some natural secret realms in ancient times, some secret realms just born now, and some secret realms that are not yet fully mature.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The holy city has a similar, immature secret realm, these immature secret realms, they are generally not fully functioning of the five elements, you can enter them, but not What's the point, there is nothing valuable in it, but it is difficult to find, so if it is used as a hiding place, it would be good.

   Some of the spaces are guessed by Yu Yu, and the most important are the artificially constructed secret realms. Not only do these secret realms exist, but they are many and very complicated.

   There are more than 30 secret realms, big or small, just the three of them experienced.

   "These artificially constructed secret realms have a common feature, that is, they have gathered the methods of humans, monsters and spirits" said one of the half immortals who entered them

"We have studied the composition of these secret realms in detail. They are not single, and they are built extremely firmly. They even used the power of stars to stabilize these secret realms. The things inside each secret realm are different, but the mode of construction is different. ,similar."

   "This was also inevitable at the time," Dong Ming said silently, "At that time, there were concentrated hands and lots of people, but time was urgent. What they could do was to build a space similar to today's giant city."

   "That's right," said a half immortal, "It is similar to today's giant city specifications. Each secret is different, but the construction mode is very uniform, which is probably convenient."

   "That..." Yu Yu hesitated, "Did you find any hidden treasures?"

"There are" three people said. "But with our ability, we can't open those places at all. We even suspect that those places can't be opened at all. It's not that we can't understand those places, but the so-called treasure places, more like absolute treasures. Kill the formation."

   "Lore Array?"

"Yes," the human said. "We have heard from all the people who have heard that we have seen it in the past..." He glanced at his companion next to him, and said, "Our injuries are left in those places, those formations. The law has not been weakened by the passage of time. We suspect that those formations have borrowed from the power of the Jiluodian."

"It's very likely" Yu Yudao" This is also right. People at that time, they may have discovered the great formation of Jiluodian. Under the tight time, they couldn't explore too much, so they could only go and have a look. More energy is still placed on my own formation."

He thought for a while and said, "That Lingyun real person said. The ancient monks who came here at that time, their original idea was to die with the immortals and demons who were chasing and killing them, but found that other immortals came. As a result, the fairies fought.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Later, they themselves were also involved in the war. The situation at that time was more complicated and chaotic. But what is certain is that the formations they built should have borrowed the power of the Ji Luo Temple. The formation of this Jiluodian is really too magical, it is difficult to crack, and it is unnecessary. "

"Yes." That humanity." Mr. Yu is right. These formations are too difficult to decipher. Those who lost public to Lan also suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, whether it was theirs or evil They all have big ideas about these spaces. I think many of them have entered, but there is no result."

"Those formations, we guess, may be the big formations of Jiluodian, or even connected together," another companion said, "but we are strange, why did the people from Fenglingshan go in? They can even get it. Some inheritances and treasures? As far as I know, those of us who went in actually didn't get anything at all. It just cost our lives in vain."

They looked at Yu Yu, and Yu Yu said, "I don't understand why the people of Fengling Mountain can get the inheritance and treasures. I am also skeptical of them. These people are a little strange...they interact with people from the fairy world very much. Close...but, having said that, have you ever found a clone of Emperor You ever gone in?"

"Yes" that humane "Youdi's clone, as well as people from the ghost world, there are many, and it is very complicated. Moreover, Gong Yulan himself has gone, but they seem to have reached the You Emperor and the people from the ghost world. What an agreement has been reached. The two sides have not done anything, oh, yes, one of the two masters in the Star Palace, the person named Banshan has also gone."

   "These people have appeared again" Yu Yu said silently.

   This mid-level is the palace lord of the star palace that was killed by Yu Yu back then, the master of Meng Xingzhou, is a top power. Before, Yu Yu didn't care about him very much, but later slowly discovered that this person has another master in Xinggong. After verification, he was called Nanmu, who was very mysterious.

   The strength of these two people is even second only to Youdi's body, far beyond Yu Yu's imagination!

   This is amazing! Now they reappeared after being calm for a while!