Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 5189: The magical effect of Taobao Jinlian

"Huashan God Gate (

Tian Yuan said calmly, "Because it is too difficult to get any results. As I said earlier, things involving time ancestors are often very complicated and mysterious. Such things are not a secret in the fairy world, almost everyone knows."

Therefore, just because it involves people of that level, our ancestors of Xianmen would not be very concerned. Because you don't understand them. The ancestor of the fairy gate where I am, is not the top ancestor of the peak. His realm and level are not enough.

If it came down because of Xianfu's problems, it was actually nothing more than luck. The reason why the ancestors will send us down at a huge price, there is only one purpose, and that is to come down and take a look to see who is down. Then he has a number in his heart. He has no other ideas. Or a very specific idea, what to do and what not to do, what happens to the young sapling, we don't care, do you think I mentioned that we want to get the young sapling? Not at all. We simply do not have this task.

Because people from the fairy world have sent people to your world many times, other fairy gates wanted to see what was going on, so they sent people down. I'm speaking more bluntly, in a sense, just to join in the fun.

Not enough, the price of this excitement is very high. It requires the ancestor to do it himself, like the ancestor of our fairy door, no one knows about it. He generally doesn't know how to do it.

And once he does it, even if it is a great price to us, it may not be a big deal to him. This is easy for you to understand, the life field realm cultivator thinks a great price, and it may be very common in the eyes of the **** field realm cultivator. "

"Then the conclusion is that this immortal palace should not come from the result of the last immortal demon war, but from other things, perhaps a certain ancestor of the immortal world brought it down, but the problem is that this ancestor is so powerful. Why would he stay in the world with his immortal mansion? It stands to reason that he... should be invincible, right?" Yu Yu asked puzzledly.

"Invincible?" Tian Yuan shook his head. "No one dares to say that he is invincible. The vastness of the fairy world is beyond your imagination. The starry sky you see may have an end, but the fairy world has no end.

The complexity of the space in the fairy world is not something you can understand. It is not the world you see. In short, everything is possible in the fairy world. No one dares to say that he is the best.

Because you don't know where there is a character who has not been born for billions of years, he is a master, and he is a master of the pinnacle, it is possible. Time is a law. Understanding the law of time and being invincible is not a concept. "

"Also right" Yu Yu nodded. "The world is made up of time and space. This is our usual understanding, but in fact, there is a problem of heaven above these two. After all, after we understand time and space, There is still a problem, that is where these two problems come from."

"If you can think of this, it's great" Tian Yuan said. "Furthermore, when we were talking about the ghost world, we also asked a question, that is, the ancestor of the immortal world, in fact, did not understand the ghost world.

As far as I know, they are the ancestors who understood time, and they don't know much about the ghost world. They don't know what the reincarnation of the world is about, and they cannot fully understand many related issues. Immortal realm, after all, is not the end of cultivation, there are many secrets of heaven, the peak ancestor of the immortal realm, dare not say that he is invincible in the world.

Don’t say anything else, but it’s the sacred beasts of the fairy world, such as the dragon clan, such as the phoenix clan. These races have a lot of masters, and there are many other races. Each race has top masters. Said he was invincible.

What happened to the owner of this fairy mansion that year, why he left his fairy mansion in the world is not clear, I think it may be almost impossible to figure out. But now this is not a problem we should worry about. What you should worry about is this place, is it the way you said, after entering, is it possible to be trapped again. "

"There is no way to be trapped," Yu Yu said, "I can only go down now..."

He looked at the mist below, and said lightly, "If there are people in this misty area, I am not surprised at all. After all, I have not been here for a short time. It is reasonable for people to find this place. People who came here People will definitely find it different."

After speaking, Yu Yu moved to the top of the mist.

It was a normal foggy area, and he didn't feel any difference. Regardless of whether or not Murong Rong was talking about the alien space, this place didn't give Yu Yu any strange feelings for the time being.

Yu Yu released the shield and Xiaoding to protect himself, and at the same time, he sacrificed the golden lotus and slowly descended. In the process of using Golden Lotus, Yu Yu slowly discovered its many functions.

The characteristics of this golden lotus are very strange. It cannot be broken, even if it is attacked by a fairy weapon, it is fine. Yu Yu once thought that this thing might not be able to withstand the attack of the fairy weapon, but then several facts proved that it was all right.

Whether it is attacking or defensive, it is not very dominant. At the level of Daobao, it is neither offensive nor defensive Even it does not seem to be comprehensive, and Yu Yu himself cannot classify it.

But as the time of use increased, Yu Yu slowly discovered that Jinlian is very easy to use. It covers a wide range, and the range covered by Golden Lotus is exactly a multiple of the range of its own domain, which is exactly a multiple.

It is a bit like expanding Yu Yu's "domain", which is a certain domain space of Da Neng. Although this expansion also sacrifices domain capabilities, it can also play a very good role.

For example, after the opponent's treasure enters Jinlian's range, whether it is speed or aggressiveness, it will be compromised, and Yu Yu is more sensitive.

This ability is too great.

Unconsciously, Yu Yu paid more attention to Jin Lian, and even relied on Jin Lian a little.

Around his body, nine golden lotus surrounded Yu Yu. Under his feet was a big golden lotus, slowly descending downwards. There was also a golden lotus on his head. The light of the nine golden lotuses was connected. It formed an organic whole, and when viewed from the outside, it formed a golden shield. This shield has a large range, with a radius of several kilometers.

Although this range cannot resist external attacks, nor can it resist the invasion of masters of the same realm, it still provides a lot of help to Yu Yu.

He feels that he has a small world of his own at this time, and this small world is connected to the outside world. He has a sense of security in hiding in the small world, but he also has a clear sense of insight into the outside world.

This feeling, taking into account both internal and external directions, made Yu Yu more and more inconceivable. He himself didn't even know why this happened.

Jin Lian came from after he broke through the realm of God, and was not refined. Until now, Yu Yu didn't know what the composition of Jin Lian was.