Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 5190: This foggy area is not easy

Under the protection of Jinlian's golden light, Yu Yu slowly landed on the mist below. He hovered on the mist, and looked down quietly, carefully studying a large amount of mist.

It is the ordinary fog in the mountains, Yu Yu can't judge what is special about it, but no matter how hard he exerts, his vision cannot penetrate this fog and reach the world below.

The bottom is hazy, like a normal mountain area, but it is not clear.

But the fog did not cause any obstacles for him to descend.

Yu Yu asked everyone in the ring if they could see any problems. He himself was in a state of not seeing any problems. No one could see the problem, whether it was Zhenyuanzi, Tian Yuan, or Murong Rong of the Spirit Race, they couldn't see what was special about this place.

Yu Yu feels that it is similar to the uncertain area he entered last time, that is, the leftovers of the so-called space left after the world created the secret realm. However, the feeling of this place is somewhere between true and false, but Not that feeling.

"What is the most important thing about your own feelings" Tian Yuan said. "Looking at this place, you may still have to explore this place yourself. Because the world is actually a world, it is impossible to fully understand what it is.

I told you that even the ancestors of the immortal world are unlikely to fully understand what a world is about, because the world was created by heaven.

Your world seems to be more special, probably because your world is really a nodal existence of the Three Realms, which leads to some places, I also seem to be very foggy, and I don’t understand what is going on. This place is not simple. The law of space is understandable. And in my opinion, even people who have insight into the laws of space don't necessarily understand what's going on here. "

Yu Yu can only go on.

He soon landed on the ground. There are no obstacles in the middle. When Yu Yu landed, he neither felt threatened nor felt any discomfort.

But when Yu Yu’s feet touched the ground, he frowned and said, “This is not a simple world. My spiritual consciousness is completely blocked, and I can’t let it go at all. Even my spiritual power is trapped. Can't put it out. I can't sense anything."

He opened his third eye, the same, completely blocked.

Here, there is fog and visibility everywhere, but it is only half a meter around. It's like a foggy weather, surrounded by white fog, no matter where you look, it's the same, it's all white. See nothing.

Yu Yu put the sword out, tentatively let it out, and then took it back. His connection with Jiandan even risked being cut off.

"This is a lot of trouble," Yu Yu said. "After my guts are released, there is a risk of losing contact with my mind. I will try to see if I can fly up."

Everyone in the ring didn't say anything. This is also one of their expectations. Once Yu Yu comes down, he may be trapped.

"Can't fly up" Yu Yu didn't fly to a position two meters high in the air, and immediately felt that the whole person had fallen. Completely unable to sustain themselves.

"This is a lot of fun." Yu Yu smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect to be trapped in such a place."

"Don't be nervous," the person speaking is Zhen Yuanzi. "With us and your cultivation level, this place is unlikely to trap you for long, just because it consumes a lot of time. some."

"I hope so" Yu Yu said, "Here, eh..."

He was walking forward. In fact, he didn't take a few steps. He found that something was wrong. This place looked like an artificial place. He happened to walk next to a small stone bridge. I saw the small stone bridge at a glance.

This is a small stone arch bridge, which looks very delicate. And it is a typical human construction model, not of other ethnic groups. There are many different architectural styles in this world, but the human model is very consistent, especially the Zongmen architecture of the righteous monks. The Yaozu’s architectural style is generally rougher than that of human beings.

No matter what method Yu Yu uses, his visibility is only half a meter, which can't be more. When he came to the side of the small stone bridge, he could see the flowing water and even the swimming fish in the water.

There is life here, and the fish Yu Yu just saw is the kind of fish that is very common in the outside world.

"This place may be connected to the outside world" Tian Yuan said at this time. "Those fish, as you said, are very common fish in the outside world, it means that the environment here is the law of birth of life. The laws of the outside world,

Rather than internal laws. What you came here might really be a nodal existence. This node is mainly a node in the outer space, not a node in the so-called secret realm. "

Yu Yu previously thought that this place he came to was a node of a secret realm born in this combined area. This place exists in a secret realm, and this secret realm exists in the combined zone he is looking for.

So Yu Yu thought that the node he felt should be the node of this secret realm, but in fact, it might not be.

Similar to the node of Jiluodian, that node is not actually the node of the space of Jiluodian, but the node of the whole world. It is neither a node of a simple human world nor a node of a certain plane, but a node of this solar system.

This solar system is a big world, with various planes in it, and different races in the planes, including dragons, zergs, demons, humans, and so on.

These different planes make up this solar system world. These planes are relatively independent, but are unified in this solar system. So they can communicate with each other, and because of this, the cultivators in the realm of gods, their primordial spirits can move freely between all planes.

And it doesn’t need to be Dacheng’s cultivator of the realm of God, UU reading www. only needs to cross the threshold of the **** scene.

"What you see now, maybe it's a node world like Jiluodian," Tian Yuan said. And listening to her tone, she seemed a little excited. The old lion and the others obviously saw her change and looked at her strangely.

Yu Yu was calm, and he also noticed Tian Yuan’s excitement. "This world is not a node like Jiluodian. I have feelings. If it is a node similar to Jiluodian, it would be a good idea. I can just look at it. See what's going on."

Yu Yu can see the node directly. With the example of Ji Luodian first, he already has experience.

"Moreover, you seem to be very excited," Yu Yu asked Tian Yuan.

"It's a bit excited," Tian Yuan said. "I have always known that the nodes of the world are a concrete manifestation of the laws of space. If a node of a certain world can be found, it would be greedy not to mention the nodes of the Three Realms.

It is the node of your world, and it is of great help to my sense of space. You now understand why that ancestor would spend so much energy on the layout of the world and build the so-called Jiluodian? "