Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 5205: Fight

"Huashan God Gate (

"Not good, here comes"

Yu Yu frowned, a force that didn't know where it came from was like a kind of temperature, surrounding herself. The corpse king next to him also felt it, and she changed her face with a brush, and said, "This is this, this is the feeling. I was wrapped in this feeling at the time, and then my sea of ​​consciousness was controlled by him."

Yu Yu didn't gnaw, he immediately closed his eyes and ran the Nine Turns Divine Breath Secret Art, and at the same time inspected his Sea of ​​Consciousness. Actually, there was no need to look at it. The two souls were already extremely nervous.

Yu Yu didn't even know the reason for this extreme tension, nor did his soul, an instinctive tension and fear, made Yu Yu's two souls flustered.

The bewildering temperature made Yu Yu feel like he had entered a sauna with a lower temperature, and his mental state was not very good.

This feeling does not come from the outside world. It comes from the sea of ​​knowledge.

In other words, this is not a feeling from the outside in, but a feeling that spreads from the inside out.

Yu Yu found that no matter how he operated the Nine Turns Divine Breath Art, he couldn't get rid of that feeling. The feeling of bewilderment became more and more obvious, and he felt like he had actually entered the sauna at this time.

And the temperature of the house seems to be rising.

The corpse king looked at Yu Yu's face nervously, and did not dare to relax at him for a moment. It seems that the person who is undergoing the test is not Yu Yu, but herself.

Yu Yu's two primordial spirits seemed to be drunk and a little top-heavy. He himself didn't know why this happened, but he felt uneasy.

Moreover, his soul didn't know how to resist. Yu Yu didn't know it himself.

No one can help Yu Yu.

Yu Yu was very calm. He didn't panic at all. The King Corpse looked at Yu Yu nervously, and she found that Yu Yu's face seemed calm, not as if he had been controlled.

Yu Yu gave up the Nine Turns Divine Breath Secret Art, and simply stopped working. Instead, he pulled out his consciousness, he forced himself to give up everything outside, and pulled out his consciousness alone.

This is actually risky. Because if his consciousness is pulled out, the other party may take advantage of the vacancy and directly control his sea of ​​consciousness, but Yu Yu really has no other way.

He now knew why the corpse king was controlled, and it was controlled so badly that even the corpse king would be terrified. Because the power used by this person is simply beyond Yu Yu and the others.

He used conventional methods, without any clue, he didn't even know what to do.

Yu Yu pulled out his consciousness and looked out. There was nothing but the light immediately. The network formed by the rays of light still spreads out infinitely, like a networked world, with no boundaries at all.

Yu Yu felt like something was in front of him, but he didn't understand what it was. He can see the light area, but he cannot see himself.

This is not the same as in Jiluodian.

When he was in Jiluodian, he could feel his own existence later. At this time, it was the conventional consciousness withdrawal, and he could not feel himself.

But he can still feel the external things. He doesn't understand what he feels, but intuitively, it is that thing that is affecting him.

Regardless of whether Yu Yu has confidence in his own consciousness or not, he must make a decision at this time, because he knows that if he does not make a decision as soon as possible, he may lose control of his own sea of ​​knowledge like a corpse king.

His consciousness has been withdrawn, and to withdraw his consciousness is to lose control of his body.

Yu Yu condensed his energy and used the most primitive, simplest and most helpless method. He slammed his head into the thing that gave him some feelings.

"I go……"

Yu Yu felt like his brain was being held with a long stick from the back of his head, and he slammed a stick. He was not in pain, but dizzy.


The person's voice came from Yu Yu's mind, "Interesting, I see what else you can do", Yu Yu hasn't reacted from the dizziness just now, and immediately feels like his body is gone.

The whole person seemed to have been hollowed out. It seems that my spirit has been extracted.

Yu Yu did not recover from the state of consciousness, but endured the chaos and pain that followed, almost relying on instinct to shift his consciousness to the front.

He still knows that thing, and he also knows that his method is probably right, and if that doesn't work, he has no other way.

Yu Yu is no longer as reckless as before, and the effect of his hard collision is still too bad. He didn't care about any changes in the outside world, but slowly approached that thing.

I looked vaguely, not a thing, but also a light, similar to a silk thread, but this light was very dim, very dim. It looked like it was about to go out, a little gray. If you are not close, you cannot see it.

The gray light is similar to those very bright lines, and it also extends to the distance, but this light, on its entire line, is not shiny, because it does not cross any other light.

Only when there is a light that crosses, there is a light egg. This light is independent.

Yu Yu didn't think much and didn't have time to think too much. He tried to think that his consciousness was a and went down. Directly bite the gray light.

He really didn't move. Because I don't know what to do.

"I go……"

Yu Yu felt that his whole person was bad.

The so-called biting the light is to wrap the light with his consciousness and then slowly cut it off. And this process, Yu Yu himself doesn't know if it can succeed.

not long time.

Yu Yu snorted, eyes jerked, and gasped for breath. It seemed to be suffocated for a long time, and it felt like it was about to suffocate.

"What's wrong, how are you?"

The corpse king watched Yu Yu wake up, the anxiety on his face weakened a lot, but he still looked at Yu Yu very uneasy.

"It's okay." Yu Yu gasped for several breaths and felt much better.

After he bit the gray light just now, he found that not only did he bite the light, the light also bit him. The feeling is that my neck is strangled.

But I don't know why, I just woke up like this. He didn't even wake up from a state of consciousness himself.

"That person, did that person treat you like that?" The Corpse King looked at Yu Yu anxiously.

Yu Yu shook his head, "Don't worry, I'm fine, but I don't understand what method he uses now. I really don't have a clue."

Looking at the nervous face of the King Corpse, Yu Yu sighed and said, "I finally understand why you are so nervous. This person is indeed terrible. I have no idea what he can do."

"You finally know now, right?" The Corpse King seemed to have received some relief, and said, "I still don't know why my Sea of ​​Consciousness is controlled by others."