Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 5228: man untying the string

5165 The person who unties the string

   Yu Yu and the others have a very simple idea, they just want to get the Immortal Mansion.

   But how to get Xianfu?

   In fact, there is no specific plan. Because they have never seen Immortal Mansion, at least Yu Yu has no plan.

   But he doesn't quite believe the words of those immortals. Those immortals said that they themselves did not know how to get the immortal mansion, and they were serious.

   This Yu Yu does not believe it. Before they came down, the immortal emperors must have explained, and they must have told them how to get it if they saw the immortal mansion.

  If there is no similar explanation, why let them down?


   No matter which immortal they are, if their goal is immortal mansion, they will definitely have their own way. But this method is aimed at the regular immortal mansion, not the current immortal mansion.

   Generally speaking, the immortal mansion is actually a treasure of the cave that can be regarded as the fairyland version. Of course, such a rough division is inappropriate, it is an insult to Xianfu.

   But for a human monk like Yu Yu, it is really impossible to describe it. It can only be understood that way.

   Cave Heaven Treasure can be regarded as the best treasure in the world. For the cultivator, even the current Emperor You is so powerful. He has a small world like Xiao Luo Tianjie, and he is also very interested in the treasure of the cave.

   Such a high-end and atmospheric thing must not be so easy to control. Similar to the treasure of the cave, it is useless if you get it.

   Yu Yu himself had obtained the treasure of the cave, and he knew what was going on. At that time, it was a complete coincidence that he was able to refine that thing. He obtained the treasure from the cave from the inside, not from the outside.

   If you take it from the outside of the cave, such as holding it in your hand, you cannot refine it. And it can't hurt it in the slightest.

   For those who hide inside the cave, this thing is simply the best amulet. There is hardly one of them!

   And Xianfu is more complicated.

   To get the Immortal Mansion, a series of methods are naturally needed. Yu Yu even suspected that the immortals who came down had received long-term training or some kind of education before they came to the world.

  Because of their posture, their purpose is very simple to target the Immortal Mansion, and they will never do anything. There are various signs that these people are determined to win the Immortal Mansion.

   So to say that they have no way to get Xianfu, this Yu Yu does not believe it.

   But to say that these people can refine the Immortal Mansion is too much.

   Seeing this memory of Immortal Emperor Lunwu, Yu Yu felt ashamed of himself and those immortals for their ignorance and low realm. This is not inferiority complex, it is real shame.

   Immortal Mansion is not actually made of some very specific ores. It is a condensate like a law. It is the law itself that condenses the matter, not when the matter is refined, the law is added.

   In other words, the formation of the Immortal Mansion is the opposite of the birth of matter.

   This is the area that Yu Yu can't understand at all.

   is to tell you the secret, you don't even know what people are talking about.

  Yu Yu could clearly see the refining process of Immortal Emperor Lunwu's immortal mansion, as well as the refining principle. He also clearly knew that even if those immortals, as well as himself, saw the immortal mansion, even if those immortals had a so-called good way to try to get the immortal mansion, they could not succeed in the face of this immortal mansion.

   Not to mention myself.

   He even felt that he shouldn't have come at all.

  Simply put, it can be explained in one sentence, this immortal mansion is bound to the consciousness of Immortal Emperor Lunwu.

   In other words, if Lun Wu did not die, outsiders would not be able to get the Immortal Mansion. There is no way to succeed.

   And even if Lun Wu dies, you will not get the Immortal Mansion. Because the Immortal Mansion bound to Lun Wu's consciousness, if it loses Lun Wu's consciousness, it will shut itself down.

   "This looks like the field of artificial intelligence."

  Yu Yu read some of the principles of this immortal mansion. He smacked his mouth and felt more and more that this thing was similar to those immature artificial intelligences he had seen in his previous life.

   But this immortal mansion is far superior to human artificial intelligence.

   Seeing the memory of the Immortal Emperor Lun Wu, Yu Yu, a small character in the world, was hit by a huge mental shock, and he didn't know how to describe his mood for a while.

   Looking at the human world from the perspective of Lunwu's realm, looking at the so-called late stage great perfection of the gods, and even the so-called immortals, they are all ants.

   This is not bragging, but it really is.

  The gap between you and others is too great.

   "The Immortal Mansion is just a tool, but it can be refined into such a thing. This thing can be bound to human consciousness" Yu Yu shook his head, unable to understand.

  It is bound to consciousness, and it is something we can’t wait for.

   For ordinary treasures, after being sacrificed by monks, the treasures have their own spiritual imprints on them. Generally speaking, this imprint can be erased.

   Except for very few very powerful treasures.

   But this kind of ritual is not binding.

   is like a lot of treasures that flew in front of Yu Yu, and he couldn't get it, and he couldn't erase the spiritual imprint on it. There are almost no such masters in the world.

   But in fact, the spiritual imprint of that treasure can also be erased.

   But this consciousness binding of Immortal Emperor Lunwu cannot be erased. Whether this fairy mansion is in Lunwu or not

continue reading! No matter how far away it is from Lunwu, or even if one is in the human world or the other in the immortal world, their consciousness is bound.

   You can't get it unless Lunwu is dead. Because it theoretically cuts off the possibility of being obtained by others.

  "You're a real cow"

   Yu Yu had to admire this Lun Wu.

   "If it wasn't for me to get your memory and see all the secrets of this immortal mansion, you would be dead, and I wouldn't be able to get it, and probably I wouldn't be able to get it in this world, but now, hehe, it's different"

   Yu Yu is right.

  Lunwu's design is almost seamless. But there was only one problem left, and one that theoretically he couldn't solve.

   That is, he himself knows how to solve this problem.

   is like a programmers have backdoors. They can modify programs through backdoors.

  Lun Wu has done all the calculations, but he didn't calculate that he will be able to see all his memories one day. He is an Immortal Emperor, and theoretically it is impossible to be searched for souls.

   This is determined by his realm. For a character like him, it is no longer possible to search the soul.

   But in the end, he died in an unexplainable way, and exposed the secrets of his life to Yu Yu's eyes.

  Lunwu is completely dead. But his memory, for Yu Yu, is alive.

  Xianfu's problem, Lun Wu himself knows how to solve it. In other words, the issue of binding with his consciousness is not a problem for Lun Wu.

   It was all designed by him. He also knew how to solve all these problems. It seemed to be a troublesome spool of thread that Lun Wu had woven himself.

  Only he can untie this thread.

   And now, the person who can untie this thread has become Yu Yu!

  Because Lun Wu's memories are all in Yu Yu's mind!

   (end of this chapter)