Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 147: Victim

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The heavy rain kept falling, and everyone in the small building curled up to sleep.

Luo Kai retracted his consciousness into his body, thinking silently in his mind that heaven and earth have their own balance. If the birth of high-level lives will inevitably make low-level lives a victim, then this kind of woodification is not caused for no reason. It may be because plant life is about to give birth to "the kind of" existence.

With his current level of evolution, it can be said that he is the pinnacle among human beings, but facing another level of life is still full of powerlessness. The two belong to different levels and different dimensions of life. If you want to touch or understand, only He has also reached that point.

His path of practice is to simulate the operation of the universe. Up to now, only pure light energy and gold and fire in elemental energy are left among the six basic forces for constructing the universe. There is no sign of it. If one day his own microcosmic cycle is completely achieved, then When you step into the realm of heaven, there will be different changes at that time.

There are nine people and four children in the small building. The youngest is only seven or eight, and the elder is only 13 or four. Of the five remaining, three are gray-haired old men. Uncle Yan’s real name is Yan Chang, look. She is actually the youngest to be old, in her fifties, and the others are in her sixties or seventies, and finally there are two skinny village women.

The tides of the past few days have eroded their bodies, and they have suffered extremely serious rheumatic bone disease. Coupled with the influence of woodification, it is difficult to walk for a long time, let alone walking hundreds of miles to Wuchuan.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Kai went out to find a means of transportation. First, he went to the nearest human gathering place, a place called Qubo Town. Unfortunately, there were only broken walls in front of him.

He walked in the ruined town and observed carefully that fierce battles broke out here, and there were gaps caused by guns everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder remained strong, but he did not see any corpses or even bloodstains. It seemed that everyone disappeared without a trace in one day.

It was still raining heavily in the sky, and all traces of odor were washed away by the rain. It was difficult to tell which beast attacked him.

"Wang!" A dog bark came, and a pine-haired big yellow dog got out from under the collapsed wooden beam, with a hideous wound on his abdomen, and growled at him with suspicion and fear.

The big yellow dog is not a fierce beast, but a domestic dog, and may also be the only livelihood in this small town.

Luo Kai groaned and beckoned to it. The big yellow dog groaned in fear and wanted to retreat, but his body moved forward uncontrollably, and finally crawled under Luo Kai's feet.

Luo Kai leaned over and stroked its fur. He caught a faint pungent odor at the tip of his nose. He quickly filtered the information of the beasts he had encountered, and found nothing. It seemed that it was a kind of fierce he had never seen before. Beast, thinking for a moment turned and left.

The big yellow dog stayed, limping and following far away, but soon lost the target trail. He could only sniff with his big nose while moving forward, and was quickly drenched in the rain.

Luo Kai floated forward slightly, the rain that he was experiencing formed a cluster of highly condensed water cushions around his feet. With the infinite diffusion of rain, his thoughts and perceptions could not escape the subtle changes of things in a radius of a hundred miles, but he did not. Did not find the footprints of the unknown beast.

He stopped and turned his head, a big yellow dog with wet body and propeller tail appeared behind him, but he didn't dare to come when he was approaching, half squatting and whimpering in a low voice.

This guy chased him for at least a few miles, and he could still keep up with him in such heavy rain. It seemed that he had evolved a magical sense of smell.

Luo Kai couldn't help but think of Lao Huang, and said with a smile, "Come here!"

The big yellow dog understood his words, shook his head and waved his tail, and approached cautiously.

Luo Kai waved his hand to condense the essence of water, healed it, and said softly: "Go, look for your kind and partner."

The big yellow dog stretched out his tongue, licked his palm, and then slowly walked away.


In the small building, Uncle Yan announced the news that he will set off to Wuchuan. Now everyone is afraid and confused about the future.

The eyes of the children were full of longing light, but the older ones were unwilling to leave this temporary home.

An old man with a missing arm whispered: "Old Yan, you said they want to take us away?"

Yan Chang sighed: "Well, we old guys don’t care. We can’t live for a few days no matter where we go, but we always have to find a way out for these small ones. ability."

An old man next to him snorted: "I'm not going, it's good for us, we will have more food when the weather is better."

The remaining two village women also persuaded: "Yes, it's pretty good here, we may be cured when the rain stops."

Uncle Yan's face turned cold: "If you don't want to go, just stay."

Everyone didn’t dare to speak anymore. They were able to live until now because of Yan Chang. Yan Chang was a hunter when he was young. He was able to find edible plant rhizomes in the complex forest, and he was good at archery. Later, he followed the business group to various places and was the one who really participated in the fight.

On the other side, the human bear is screaming around thirteen. There is no sorrow in its When you are full, you will sleep, and when you wake up, you will be entangled with thirteen to eat. Thirteen often couldn't stand its entanglement, and opened the bag dumbly and took out a large piece of jerky.

The human bear immediately hugged it in his arms and bitten, everyone was attracted, watching it gobble down eagerly, thinking that it would be good to follow these people, and it should be able to eat meat.

Luo Kai pushed open the iron gate, leaving a huge mutant wild boar carcass still on the ground, and said to Yan Chang; "I haven't found a vehicle, and I'm going on foot. You will take care of yourself in these two days."

Yan Chang hurriedly said: "If you can't find it, it won't work if you have transportation. Now many highways have been washed down by floods."

"Well, I will think of a way, you can divide this wild boar, and make it into jerky meat if you can't finish it."

It is not easy for others to send this group of old and weak women and children on foot hundreds of miles away, but it is not difficult for Luo Kai. He wants to see the cure for this woody disease. It is foreseeable. Metamorphosis will inevitably spread all over the world, and even fierce beasts can't escape the infection.

With enough meat, the people in the small building recovered quickly, and the weather gradually cleared.

Three days later, Uncle Yan greeted the group of old and young to leave. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. They were all pots and pans and clothes and beddings made with great difficulty.

Half of the people in the group are old men over half a hundred years old, as well as some children and women, so they don’t move fast. They walk along a somewhat flat road, like a prosperous time. The road is covered by a thick layer of moss. It was very slippery and slipped to the ground with care.

Luo Kai looks very gentle, but in fact has a great sense of isolation from ordinary people. Those eyes can penetrate people’s hearts when they are closed. No one dares to speak to him, but a few children have been curiously staring at the front and waving. The man bears a broad cut.