Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 240: Thunder Saint

Luo Kai flew to the mountain and studied it carefully with the piece of fat leftover skin. On the surface, there was nothing strange about this thing, but it was attached with a peculiar layer of energy, not energy, it should be a kind of willpower.

Willpower is too vain, it can not amplify itself like mental power, so it is very difficult to discover its form and function.

Before he knew it, he stood for another day. The starry sky of the mountain was very dazzling. He looked up at the boundless starry sky, gently rubbed the fat leftover skin in his hand, and pondered for a while, the silver light flashed between his eyebrows, his will The force began to collide and blend with the remnant thoughts contained above.

In a trance, he became a huge flying snake with six legs and four wings, soaring above the nine heavens, wherever he went, everything between the heavens and the earth quickly withered and withered.

He looked down at a small river below. The water in the river was disappearing silently, the air was drying up inexplicably, and even some plants were rapidly withering. This is what he unconsciously simulated the snake skin on his hand. Contains the effect of will, is this the power of fat leftovers?

Gradually, there is an understanding in the heart that the mysterious willpower may contain some kind of code hidden in the deepest part of the soul. As long as you understand this kind of will code, you can tap the deepest potential of life.

The heavens and the earth all come from nothing, this is a kind of "nothing" power that touches the ultimate mystery of material reorganization and even material production.

Willpower and mental power have a complementary relationship. Together, they are the ability to achieve what one wants. A person may be too weak, but thousands of people are different.

For example, if people firmly believe in the truth of a certain thing, then this thing really becomes the truth.

Human religion is actually born in this way. There may be no gods, buddhas, or creators, but if people believe that there are, then gods, buddhas and creators really exist. It can also be extended to science. If people firmly believe in the power of science, then science The power will be endless.

If he thinks of a question, is it that the evolution of the universe and the development of human civilization are guided by a certain spiritual will?


A banquet is being held in the Sujia Manor in the upper capital city. Most of the participants are sports teachers. In addition to the political and military high-level officials, there are also many great nobles.

The Three-Eyed Clan has always been known for benevolence and righteousness. Although great control has been revealed, most humans are not hostile to them.

The host of the banquet was an elegant old man named Su Mingsheng, the chief engineer in charge of military manufacturing at the Dongyuan Shangguo Senate Association.

Su Mingsheng is not well-known in the sports world, but he is an epic master craftsman in the industrial field. In this era, the combination of sports and technology is the complete human body.

People have created mimic mechas by studying the composition of the alien life, so that the relatively fragile physicists who have not yet advanced to the physique have the capital to directly fight against the fierce beasts.

Other technologies such as gunpowder and energy have also made huge breakthroughs.

Only in this way can it stand firm with the fierce beast in the constant battles over the years.

The three-eyes have a natural strong logical thinking ability, and they are the top in any industry, and industry is no exception.

But logical thinking ability is different from creativity. They can expand something to the apex on the basis of existing knowledge, but it is difficult to make breakthroughs.

There is a lack of heaven, and perfect creatures do not exist.

This dinner is very lively. People are discussing the newly emerged human saints. After all, weapons and equipment are foreign objects, and their own evolution is the goal pursued by all physical skills practitioners.

In a small hall inside the manor, there are also several elderly people sitting, the difference is that the people here are all high-level physical trainers.

"Everyone, it was raining heavily at the time, and you may not believe it. The old man has never seen such a heavy rain in his life under that heavy rain. It is like the whole sea turned over and all ran to the sky...

It was an old man with a rough face and a stubborn beard who was talking.

An elderly man with a blue beard curled his lips and said, "Old Hu, you are talking nonsense again. If it is such a heavy rain, wouldn't it cause a catastrophe?"

"This is the weird place. The heavy rain never hits the ground, it just keeps spinning in the sky, um...just like the galaxies at night, the heavy rain disappeared after the war, just like it didn't appear, old man's The clothes are still dry."

The hall fell silent, and the blue-bearded old man sighed: "The power of the saint is beyond our ability to speculate. In other words, Lao Hu, haven't you seen the appearance of this thunder saint? Why can't you even make a portrait?"

The old man blushed: "Well, I remember it very clearly in the first few days, but it became more and more blurred afterwards, and now I can't remember it at all, I just remember that it seems to be very young."

The faces of the people in the side hall changed. They were all well-informed people, and they all realized what it was because of.

In the physical arts world, there are roughly two groups, one focuses on physical training, and the other spends more energy on the spiritual level.

The two are in a complementary relationship, but the manpower is sometimes poor, and more energy is devoted to other things, and the others will definitely be ignored.

Needless to say, the mysterious spirit is also infinitely useful. When the mental power is strong to a certain level, it will not only increase its own combat effectiveness, but also affect things and things between itself and the outside world.

The green-bearded old man sighed and said: "It is said that when the cultivation base reaches a certain level, you can speak according to the law, shape according to the heart, and everything must be operated according to his will. As long as he doesn't want you to remember, you can't remember!"

The people in the hall showed awe. As the saying goes, transcendence and sanctification, saints have crossed the ordinary life level, and are not human beings in the traditional sense. That is the pinnacle of human evolution.

After a while, the next man in chain armor asked: "I heard that Mr. Xi went to visit the Saint Master some time ago. Did the Saint Master talk about this Thunder Saint?"

The blue-bearded elder was named Xi Shangdan, an elder of the Donghai Xi family. He had advanced to a high-level physical teacher hundreds of years ago, and he retreated behind the scenes when he was old.

He shook his head and said: "The saint master just smiled and shook his head, without saying anything."

At this time, Su Mingsheng, the owner of the Su Family Manor, walked in: "What are the old friends talking about? The atmosphere seems a bit boring?"

Xi Shangdan smiled and stood up and said: "Su Gong, we are talking about our newly-emerged saint, the Three-Eyed Clan is well informed, do you know the origin of this Thunder saint?"

Su Mingsheng is the chief manufacturer in charge of the industry, so people call him Su Gong.

Su Mingsheng shook his head and said: "Don't hide it from everyone, the Three-Eyed Clan doesn't know who this saint is, but it's definitely not a lonely person."

Xi Shangdan muttered: "Yes, the birth of a saint must inherit a certain kind of Taoism and inherit his luck. It is by no means a lonely person, but who will it be?"

There are currently six sages known to mankind, and the first four are long-established sages, each of whom has inherited a certain tradition.

Yungan inherited the Taoist yin-yang conversion, and the five elements intergrate and restrain each other.

The dragon sage Ling Hong of Longyang Temple is mainly engaged in the refining of the body of the Buddhist school. The technique of refining the body of the Buddhist school is extremely extreme. Overlord body, unparalleled combat power.

The Royal Yinsheng Gankongjin took a different to enter the Tao with sound, "sound" can also be called resonance, and the art of the sound path is the strongest mass attack method among thousands of methods.

As for the fame of the last Fengsheng, not even many people know his name. The only thing he knows is that he also adheres to the Taoist philosophy, which is a kind of "dao" that travels infinitely without relying on the wind.

The two newly promoted saints, the saint of the night of the cult, Ning Huizhi is equally mysterious, but the cult has a long heritage, and its concept is not difficult to guess. It should be a way to achieve oneself by plundering others. Acting as more extreme, likes to use some quick and violent evil spells, so it is intolerable by the world.

The sixth saint, Lei Sheng, is even more mysterious. Not only is his name and appearance unknown, no one even knows the philosophy he is adhering to.

Of course, there is another possibility. This Lei Sheng may be the same as the first generation of sound saints of the royal family.

All the laws are one, all the ways have the same origin, no matter what is studied to the extreme, it will directly point to the heavens.