Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 373: Group devil

The four people in the Taixuan Dojo were all shocked, this bull demon was equivalent to a saint, and was killed in a second silently!

The headed man stroked his chest in awe and saluted: "Thank you for your help."

Luo Kai nodded lightly and looked towards the sky. Although he could not see it, he could feel that a greater threat had arrived. It was not from the cosmic zerg, but from space, the city of Sun Luo, and even Pluto will be overwhelmed...

As his thoughts appeared, a faint red light in the clouds lit up. It was the tail flame of some flying device, followed by a harsh whistling sound, whose loudness directly overwhelmed the squeaking of the giant insects. His scream, this sound is very familiar, it is made by the high-speed aircraft cutting through the air.

Luo Kai's eyesight was amazing. He had already seen the specific shape of the missile. It was a huge cone-shaped missile. A familiar crisis came to his mind, and his face changed. If he guessed correctly, it should be a nuclear bomb.

However, in the past or in the future, the development of matter has its limits. After reaching a certain level, it will be difficult to advance. Nuclear fission (fusion) and annihilation of positive and negative matter are the strongest energy excitation methods in the universe, even in this highly developed period of civilization. The same is true. Among them, the annihilation of positive and negative matter requires extremely high technology and materials, while nuclear fusion is not difficult and is the most commonly used weapon in space combat.

It’s just that the frequent use in space does not mean that it can be used on planets. Nuclear radiation is the life and death enemy of terrestrial species. Super-powerful nuclear bombs can even cause changes in the earth’s crust and climate catastrophe. Although they cannot instantly destroy planets like anti-matter weapons, they can also cause The planet is not suitable for species to survive and becomes a dead star.

The Galactic Empire has long banned the use of large-yield nuclear bombs, but such simple and easy-to-manufacture weapons are difficult to completely and completely prohibit, and other hostile forces are using them.

The four people beside them could only see a meteor crashing down quickly, and they couldn't tell what it was, and each looked puzzled.

"Find a bunker, it's a nuclear bomb!" Luo Kai shouted coldly. The nuclear bomb of this era is obviously not comparable to the Earth after the cataclysm. It must be powerful, and the target of the nuclear bomb is the city of Sun Luo. The body is estimated to be unable to withstand the high temperature generated by the nuclear bomb and the subsequent radiation.

The headed man with the national character face reacted and said loudly: "Come with me, I know the entrance of an underground bunker."

The other three rushed towards him in a panic, and Luo Kai hurriedly followed.

The face of Chinese characters led them to a collapsed ruin, and a row of downward steps exposed after opening a collapsed alloy wall.

This is an underground bunker with a depth of nearly 100 meters. At this time, a lot of people have gathered in the bunker, some ordinary residents of the city, and some army soldiers. The city of Sun Luo is the base camp of the ice people, so most of the army soldiers are ice people. , All of them had cold faces, and they didn't seem to take the immediate crisis seriously.

After Luo Kai waited for them to enter, he stretched out his hands and picked up a few floor slabs to block the entrance again. Following a violent explosion, the ground began to shake, and the cement blocks continued to fall.

The nuclear bomb is launched from outer space. It takes about three to five minutes to react from the discovery of the nuclear bomb to the time it falls. If people can find a building cover and stay away from the explosion center, then survival will not be a big problem, but the violent radiation may cause it here. Become a dead place.

After a while, the shock gradually subsided, and a man wearing a tattered long sleeve asked in confusion: "Is it over?"

An elderly man with eyes shook his head in fear: "This is just the beginning. The most terrifying thing about nuclear weapons is radiation. Let's get out of here quickly, otherwise we won't live for a few days."

Luo Kai looked gloomy. He already felt the terrible radiation approaching, passing through the thick soil and gravel, directly penetrating into the human body and violently destroying human cells.

Whether it is the past or the future, since humans discovered the secret of nuclear energy even if they opened the Pandora's Box, this energy chain reaction is the foundation of all things, and it is also the end of all things.

Several older people suddenly screamed and rolled on the ground and scratched their bodies desperately. They were **** after a while, but they still hadn't noticed, and they scratched their skins to pieces, and screamed for help from those around them: " me!"

The others backed back in fear, how dare they approach.

Luo Kai walked over with a solemn expression, stretched out his hand and flicked it in front of them, his mental energy expelled quickly to get rid of the radiation in their bodies.

After a while, several people gradually recovered their peace.

Radiation has different influences based on people's physical fitness. Young and strong people have strong body cells, and the temporary harm is not obvious. Older body cells gradually age, and deformities will appear almost instantaneously.

Nuclear radiation is chaotic energy at a certain level. If Luo Kai’s elemental body is still there, it can absorb chaotic radiation and transform it into ordered elemental energy. Unfortunately, without this ability, this body cannot directly absorb it. Radiation energy can only gather the infiltrating radiation around, a ray of silver light suddenly shines, and gradually envelops him. Most of the radiation gathers behind him, like eggshells and wings, making him feel like descending. Between the angels.

Guo Zi Lian couldn't help but said in shock: "Are you the Holy Light Teacher?"

"What is the Holy Light Teacher?" Luo asked happily.

When Luo Kai asked this, Guozilian understood that he was not a teacher of the Holy Light, and hurriedly explained: "A member of the mysterious sect who worships light energy is said to come from the four-dimensional universe and rarely manifests."

As time passed, the violent radiation that penetrated did not slow down. Luo Kai began to feel a little overwhelmed, and now he can’t absorb and filter the radiation with his body. When the violent radiation is increasing, he gradually begins to transform into substance. The size of a thumb, something like a dark iron ball gradually took shape.

Today’s situation is like holding a small nuclear reactor that may detonate at any He needs great attention to keep the reactor running to a minimum, otherwise it will be difficult to control the rate of depletion, and it will really become one. Nuclear bomb.

What's more frightening is that in addition to the radiant energy of matter, he also felt a kind of alternative energy rising from the bottom of the earth, which seemed to be a kind of chaotic energy, but it was more like a body of consciousness. The skirt has been trying to invade into the human body. Once invaded, the vitality of the host continues to strengthen, but the soul power continues to decay.

Noting this mysterious energy pouring toward him, Luo Kai freed up a hand and pulled a mass of condensed in the palm of his hand. The powerful mental force field was like a most advanced microscope, trying to see through the true face of this thing.

At this moment, the energy in the hand seemed to feel something, and it began to decay and dissipate quickly, before turning into nothingness.

Luo Kai frowned, this thing really possessed wisdom, and unexpectedly discovered that another life was studying them, and disintegrated on its own.

This thing came from the bottom of the earth. There was obviously a group of very powerful enemies in space, and there was also a strange and mysterious existence underneath Pluto that was awakening.