Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 379: Hell road

Yiqing flew a saucer-shaped anti-gravity vehicle to the sky lightly. The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and she will also find a way to leave.

To break through the barriers and travel through time and space, what is needed is not material energy in the general sense, but consciousness energy, not a single consciousness energy, but the consciousness energy of a whole world where hundreds of millions of lives gather together.

Mind is the universe. To bring together the consciousness of many different individuals, it can only rely on the power of "number", that is, the power of the network, to connect the concerns of hundreds of millions of lives through the establishment of a virtual digital network. Gathering huge consciousness energy to travel through time and space.

The reincarnation of the heavens and the earth, the prosperity and order, the evolution and transition of life is nothing more than trying to avoid reincarnation, transcending dimensions, and in a word, completely controlling time and space.

Under the four-dimensional universe, there are many different levels of multiverse. Some are in the embryonic stage, and some are mature. They have reached the critical period of transition from three-dimensional to four-dimensional. Most of them are in natural development and are not controlled by any existence. Some are testing grounds for the gods, dedicated to studying the mysteries of time and space.

The generation of matter must be from the virtual to the real, that is to say, when the convergent consciousness of a virtual network world reaches a certain level, there will be a substantive reaction, and the world will unfold from this.

Xuanyuan Ye next to her was already like a walking dead. The three souls had no seven souls, and she was on the verge of dying. Fortunately, her purpose was not a person, but the fiery red armor on Xuanyuan Ye's body. This armor was a "nirvana" type machine. The light form of the armour.

This kind of armor is made of chaotic primordial stone, that is, made of etheric particles. After countless years of warmth and care by the masters of the past dynasties, it is now not just a piece of equipment, but a set of shaped magic weapons. The value is inestimable. The Galaxy Empire also had only five such mechas, which were awarded the most outstanding disciples of the Xuanyuan imperial family.

This level of equipment naturally has a powerful recognition system, from gene lock to soul lock. Genes and souls are infinitely deep as the universe from the moment of birth, and the powerful mimicry ability of the metamorphosis clan cannot be used. Perfectly copying all the human genes, as for the soul lock, it is helpless.

Even if others get it, they can’t start it, and it’s almost impossible to destroy the equipment made by ether particles. The key point is ether particles are a kind of active quantum. If a deep connection is established with the host, once the host dies, the ether particles Will also collapse on its own.

Fortunately, this mecha has not yet established a deep connection with Xuanyuan Ye, and she still has a chance.

She spends a huge price, even not hesitating to travel through time and space. The real purpose is not the mecha, but the information stored in the mecha, a piece of information about a previous owner of the mecha.

The flying saucer seems silent, but in fact, it is impossible to hide the eyes and ears of some powerful existence. This matrix world is similar to a plot game. If you have not participated in any plot progress from the beginning to the end, nor have you interacted with anyone in this world. When communication occurs, nothing in this world can affect you, just like an invisible outsider.

But once you fall into the timeline of this world, you must merge into this world. The rules will rationalize all your actions, and your own mind will recognize and gradually forget the past until it is completely integrated.

Yiqing has already deeply affected the timeline of this world, and naturally is also affected by the rules of the world. As soon as the flying saucer took off, she felt the peep of high-level existence.

But she was not afraid. Instead, she took out a white jade disc from her arms, a faint white light rose, and the entire flying saucer transformed from the essence to the imaginary number, and gradually disappeared, as if it had melted into the void.

Not long after she disappeared, the decayed old monk in the city suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, as if a red sun rose from the horizon, dispelling the coldness and darkness between the world and the earth.

The king of Soo in the sky and the demon man turned their eyes at the same time, with solemn expressions on their faces, knowing that the most critical moment is finally reached. The old monk uses the top supernatural powers of Buddhism to turn into a big wheel by burning himself. Red sun to suppress the growth of the tree of the world.

The two of them didn't dare to touch this kind of ultimate means of showing Buddhism, so they could only watch.

The red light is getting more and more intense, not only making the material world warm, but also making many people's dreams warm, but that's all.

As time passed, the red light gradually began to dim, and the world returned to silence. The tree of the world grows by swallowing the negative emotions of the consciousness, just like a normal tree, it needs to be rooted in the dark ground to absorb enough nutrients. By breaking through the layers of blockade, the pure sunlight is ushered in.

Now the entire Pluto has become a place for it to draw nutrients, and the consciousness of each life can be emptied, leaving only the body dominated by instinct, that is, the walking dead. It will not be long before this planet will become the realm of the undead.

However, taking advantage of the weakening of the power of the nightmare, the warship of the Huasheng clan that had fallen to the ground recovered its power, and the limp hull once again returned to the shape of a jellyfish. null.

Upon seeing this, the King of Soo and the demon man immediately snorted and chased him face-to-face.

"Huh, it's such a big deal, but you really think that the tree of the world is something you can control!"

There was a cold snort from inside the battleship, followed by an image of an octopus appeared in the void, and said towards King Soo and the demon man: "Humans, UU Reading, your organization is always counted. I am so self-righteous, I don’t know that all this will be a wedding dress for others. Once the tree of the world grows up, it will definitely connect the three realms of heaven, earth and man. It just gives the way of **** a way to attack the realm of heaven and god."

The demon man stopped and said, "What do you mean?"

"Among the six realms of beings, **** is independent of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and is not controlled by anything. It is the place of order and reincarnation. However, there are many old guys in the heavens and gods who don’t want to enter reincarnation, let alone be judged. They want to be The eternal existence wants to control the way of hell, and the hundreds of millions of gods, ghosts, and demons suppressed in **** have long looked at the heavens and gods realm. They just lack a connection channel. Now this channel will finally be available."

The Metamorphosis tribe took a look at King So'ao, and solemnly said: "If I guessed correctly, your Excellency is the envoy of Hell Dao!"

The demon man's face changed drastically, and he turned his head towards the king of So'ao: "Evergreen, you... are you really the hellmaster of hell?"

King Soo sighed slightly, and when his eyes turned to the world where the buds were re-emerged, he said: "The Metamorphosis Clan has footprints all over the Three Realms. As expected, I can't hide anything from you. There are too many things that have been accumulated in **** over the years. Let them out for activities."