Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 451: Judge of Light

Today, most of the gymnasts in Zhaohui City are gathered on the school grounds, and Luo Kai observes them one by one, feeling the fluctuations in their thoughts.

Humans have hundreds of features, Buddhas have thousands of faces, what is deep in a person's heart, maybe he doesn't even know himself. There are dozens of gymnastics in the school grounds, they are in the process of changing thoughts every moment, and the last moment was full of Compassionate and compassionate, the next moment, greed and evil arose.

Maybe this is human nature. There is no truly pure and perfect person, and of course, there is no truly evil and evil person.

As the saying goes, knowing the face but not the heart, it is not easy to truly understand people's hearts. Luo Kai can feel their current thoughts, but he can't go deep into the heart, he can observe the preconscious, but he can't check the subconscious.

Unless you can make the other party take the initiative to open your heart to you in a way similar to piety, or forcibly search for their memory images hidden in the depths of consciousness.

The main body of the monster is lurking in someone's subconscious. In spiritual terms, he has become someone's second personality. If it is not actively exposed, it is almost difficult to be discovered.

This is the terrible thing about monsters. They belong to a kind of virus at the spiritual level. They are an important weight to curb the birth of powerful ideological subjects. When you are weak, they are also very weak. When you are strong, they are very strong, and even with you Steal the right to life.

Luo Kai rubbed his forehead and interrupted the exploration a little tiredly. The physiotherapist is of course very weak to him, but feeling the fluctuations of their thoughts one by one is far more troublesome than directly erasing their consciousness. It seems that in the spirit It is not easy to quickly find the main body of the monster before the power is restored.

Near noon, the pre-war meeting came to an end. A large airship approached Zhaohui City. There were two "verdicts" on the airship. One by one, silhouettes of silver lights jumped from the airship.

There are many soldiers in silver armor. They are tightly wrapped in the armor, only revealing a pair of cold eyes. The silver armor is extremely reflective of light energy, like mirrors, making it difficult to see See.

Another person jumped out of the airship. That person was also wrapped in silver armor, nearly four meters tall, and extremely majestic. Standing there like a hill, a strong chilling air rushed towards his face, making him even more so. What is shocking is that this man is carrying an exaggeratedly large silver longbow on his back, which is more like a giant crossbow with his size.

These people are the light cast warriors supported by the Judgment Division. The giant man named Ling Qiang is a bright judge trained by the Judgment Division. It is said that although he is not a saint, he has the powerful fighting power of a saint.

In fact, the main combat power of human beings is now concentrated in the center of the earth, including several saints, so that the high-end combat power on the surface is seriously insufficient. This time, Zhaohui City has gathered dozens of gymnasts, which can be considered to have assembled on the current surface. The strongest combat power. .

In addition to the gymnastics, the most powerful are the group of light-cast warriors from the Judgment Division. Although they are not many in number, they are extremely powerful in combat. These people have been trained together since childhood to practice a kind of battle formation technique. The technique of battle formation can gather scattered forces together. If thousands of them are gathered together, they can use extraordinary attack methods, and even saints must temporarily avoid them.

The support of the Judgment Division arrived ahead of schedule, so the meeting would be over soon, and a group of gymnasts set off into the underground in the form of a small team of five.

The underground passage space is narrow and the terrain is extremely complex, so each team can only be used as a combat unit.

Luo Kai was also assigned to a five-person team. The task was to gradually sweep away the monsters underground in Zhaohui City. This task is actually not difficult or dangerous for a physiotherapist.

The more dangerous task is to deal with the three monsters that have begun to fuse. Of course, this task is handed over to the Judgment Division and some high-level gymnasts.

After coming to the underground, Luo Kai walked silently at the back of the team, his thoughts expanded outward, and the pulsation of the earth sent the most subtle environmental changes in a radius of hundreds of kilometers into his mind. He saw the group of light-cast warriors, also I saw Xiao Pang holding a long spear and leading a group of divisions to move forward cautiously underground.

Valley squid

The main body of the monster will not let humans wipe out all its descendants, and it will definitely show up in this siege.

While walking, the team suddenly stopped. The team leader's name was Zhang Ke. He was very experienced in combat. He waved to the people behind him to stop and said solemnly, "Come on."

As his voice fell, a sound of pain and mourning sounded in the ears of several people, and the strange creatures hiding in the dark were aware of the breath of living creatures and revealed from the darkness.

They are skinny corpses, they still have human form, there are men and women, old and young, all of them are as thin as dead wood, their faces are hideous, their body essence has been drained, and their bodies are covered with Withering black hair,

"Do it, don't be soft-hearted. The blood of these people has been drained by the monsters, and all of them have been transformed into fierce and bloodthirsty monsters. Killing them is the end of their pain!" Zhang Ke took out a pair of big axes behind his back and rushed towards the corpse. go.

These mummified corpses have no fighting power. They are like dead wood. They will be cleaned up quickly, but this is just the beginning. , the various teams gathered together, and as the battle became more intense, no one noticed that Luo Kai had disappeared.

Luo Kai has come to another battlefield, which is a large underground space, and a group of light-cast warriors from the Judgment Division are encircling and suppressing a powerful monster covered with black hair and blue-faced fangs.

A dozen or so light-casting warriors formed a circle, and the silver armor on their bodies exuded blazing white light, forming a huge mask that enveloped the zombie-like monster.

The monster's body was covered in black mist, and with every punch, the air seemed to be torn apart, and a sharp screeching sound was emitted, which hit the silver mask with layers of ripples.

The two sides have been fighting fiercely for a long time, and the monster seems to sense something, and suddenly beats the chest with both fists, and then makes a shrill roar. Punch on the silver shield.

This punch was very powerful, and the silver light shield was shattered inch by inch.

At this moment, a sharp and shrill whistling sounded, and a silver light pierced through the monster's chest. It didn't lose its strength and fell into the ground. The silver light was a bow and arrow made of silver metal all over its body.

The giant sweat named Ling Qiang was revealed at the entrance of the palace. UUkanshu was holding a huge silver longbow in his hand. , only half bent forward.

Silver metal bows and arrows have a great restraint on monsters. The part where the monster is penetrated burns with a blue flame, which quickly spreads to other parts, and quickly burns out.

With the improvement of spiritual realm and thinking cognition, Luo Kai's cognition of life has deepened, and he has made new discoveries by observing these lightcast warriors again.

Physical properties have a way of restraining each other. Most negative creatures or substances belong to the "acid" nature. When encountering "alkaline" objects, a chemical reaction will occur, resulting in intense combustion.

These light-cast warriors of the Judgment Division are an acquired "alkaline" life, and they are the biggest nemesis of demons and ghosts.


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