Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 457: Shura blood

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"Good grandson, please be obedient and don't resist. In fact, the world of the dead is extremely beautiful. That is the essence of the world. You will definitely like it."

Old Master Yuan spit out a cloud of black mist that seemed to be constantly distorted and deformed, and when he was about to force it into it, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the dark clouds in the sky: "Old man, do you dare to come out and fight with me?"

Several ghost cultivators turned pale with shock: "This... this woman hasn't left yet!"

Old Master Yuan was relatively calm, and said: "It's okay, she doesn't dare to break into the Ten Thousand Gu formation, at most she will leave after yelling and cursing for a while."

After speaking, he opened Yuan Xingfa's mouth forcefully, and when he was about to pour the ghost servant in again, a tiny blue electric arc suddenly appeared out of thin air, and hit the ghost servant directly, only heard a painful cry, and the ghost servant turned into blue smoke .

Several people looked around, and at this moment, they realized that there was another person in the field. This person seemed to be there, but they unconsciously ignored him. Old Master Yuan's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help asking: "Who are you?" ?”

Luo Kai ignored them, and looked beyond the dark clouds, Gan Kongjin was flying around the dark clouds, as if looking for the weakness of the plague cloud that day.

Qian Kongjin is not as worried as he is, this is the difference in personality between the two, and it can also be said that the "Tao" they practice is different.

He himself is getting closer and closer to that kind of thinking of the way of heaven. Even if he regains his emotions, it is extremely easy to be compassionate to the sky and people.

As the saying goes, people who have no foresight must have near-term worries. He belongs to the kind of person who is extremely easy to look forward and backward, and is extremely sentimental, but Gan Kongjin is different. She pays more attention to the present and follows the immediate sensibility. Existence, the first thought is to eliminate it, as for the future... that will be discussed later.

In front of non-human beings, Gan Kongjin no longer hides her body. She has a pair of small horns on her head and a tail behind her. With her relatively petite body, she looks like a little devil. In fact, she is a pure Asura. The body of the family is standard.

As one of the sentient beings of the six realms, the Asura clan is also known as the demon clan, which is the opposite of the stubborn and orderly protoss clan. They are a life system that yearns for ultimate freedom, opposes all moral precepts and other rules, and believes that everything is random. Out of concepts, disorder should be the essence of the world.

These two extra parts are not simple. A pair of horns, also known as Shura's horns, can show courage infinitely. The tail, also known as charming tail, can display a powerful mind-invading ability.

Generally speaking, male Asuras mainly temper their horns, that is, temper their courage, while female Asuras mainly temper their tails, that is, to nourish their own mind and universe.

It's just that Gan Kongjin is different. She doesn't like charm, she prefers violence, so the horns on her head are mainly tempered. Although these horns are still very immature, they also have unique attributes. The reason for being able to travel in the void forever lies in this pair of horns.

Gankongjin flies around the dark cloud of disease, and the pair of horns on its head emit a faint black light, capturing all spatial fluctuations.

After a few days, she also figured out the nature of this thing. This basin is a kind of natural yin magnetic field, which can attract the accumulation of evil qi. To some extent, the evil qi is microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, that is, hungry ghost.

Gu Chi

And this dark cloud is a collection of countless hungry ghosts. Although it is not a god, it can gather huge dark energy. The dark energy can wipe out any energy and matter, so if it goes deep, it may be dangerous.

She spared several laps but failed to find a good attack method, so she could only say viciously: "Old man, do you dare to change your form and fight with me?"

The plague cloud rolled again, gradually forming a giant face that was sometimes excited and wailed in pain, and made a voice like countless men and women mixed together: "I am the mother of the plague, and my appearance is the manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth. You cannot destroy me."

Gan Kongjin pulled out the huge sword that was much bigger than her body on her back, and cursed: "What kind of **** rules, you shrink your head, see if you come out and I can kill you!"

The plague mother body also has the emotions of a living body. It has had enough these days. With a muffled snort, it rolled violently, and after a while, it manifested countless ghosts, rushing towards the sky.

"Good time!" Gan Kongjin shouted excitedly, holding the giant sword and rushing into the Yinhun. First, there was a sharp howl, and invisible sound waves spread out layer by layer, followed by a scorching hot wave. The sword light of the flames killed the gushing ghosts in a short while.

But immediately after, countless ghosts surged out of the plague cloud again, as if a river that had broken its embankment spewed out.

There was a fierce battle outside, but the inside was still. Several ghost cultivators crawled on the ground, their bodies trembling violently.

In fact, they are suffering from soul searching, and a strong will is sweeping their hearts. All their past experiences, including being in their mother's cradle when they were children, and memories that they can't even recall are presented to each other. People are like a little girl who has been stripped naked, undergoing a cruel plunder spiritually.

After a while, Luo Kai opened his eyes. Any kind of knowledge is worth studying, including these seemingly evil ghost techniques. The way of "gu" is called "samurai soul" by ghost practitioners.

The parasitic "samurai soul" will reach a symbiotic relationship with the owner, through which they can obtain a certain energy fit, otherwise some people may not be able to induce energy infusion to become a body master for a lifetime.

And it is not easy to go It needs the samurai cultivated in the body to devour other hungry ghosts, so as to make themselves grow stronger, and maybe one day in the future they will be able to achieve the sky through this way of devouring mother of the plague.

He turned his head to look at the stunned Yuan family brothers, and said slowly: "Avenge your revenge yourself." After speaking, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

The Yuan family brothers glanced at each other, stood up with support, and looked at the ghost cultivators.

Old Master Yuan's originally robust body was rapidly aging, and after a while he became an old man with gray hair, withered skin, and on the verge of death, as did the other ghost cultivators.

The samurai souls in their bodies have been wiped out, which means that there is no channel to maintain their physical vitality. Even if the Yuan brothers don't do anything, they can't live for a few days.

In the sky, Gankong Jinsha was excited, unknowingly, she was getting closer and closer to the plague cloud, and she was also undecided. There were heavy violent elements deep in the blood of the Asura clan, and the more intense the battle , the more excited, but also the more powerful.

They are born to fight, this is the power given by courage, there is death but no life, and death is life!