Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 466: sea ​​of ​​waves

Luo Kai followed Ying Ying's breath and came to the sea of ​​Litao, the mother sea of ​​the Hai Clan.

He was worried that this little girl was alone, and after the battle with the Protoss was over, he searched everywhere.

As the saying goes, people leave marks, and the same is true in seawater. Some fish with a keen sense of smell can smell the smell of blood from thousands of miles away.

Luo Kai now also has this ability, and he is even better. He can feel every water molecule in a radius of hundreds of nautical miles, and can even analyze what has happened in the past through the changes of water molecules.

I thought that the little girl would be taken to the return to the market, but this little girl didn't know what method she used, and she actually got rid of the wave of tyrants and rode a tiger shark to the sea of ​​Litao, the hometown of the Hai Clan.

After the cataclysm, the ocean no longer adopts the name of the original human beings. With the largest land on the earth as the boundary, it is simply divided into four seas: east, west, south and north.

Among them, the South China Sea and the North Sea are at the poles of the earth. After the cataclysm, the earth’s magnetic field is always in a state of violent explosion. After colliding with the high-energy particles ejected by the sun, it will trigger a terrible killing aurora, which is specifically displayed at the poles of the earth, so no creature can be in the north and south. very survival.

Marine creatures are mainly concentrated in the East China Sea and the West China Sea. The Sea of ​​Litao is located in the middle of the East China Sea, about 2,000 nautical miles away from the East Continent and 4,000 nautical miles away from the Dahuangzhou opposite the ocean. In recent years, it has become an important place between the two continents. transfer station.

The Sea of ​​Litao is composed of countless large and small islands, with a half-moon-shaped giant island as the center, spreading out, so it is also called the Half-moon Islands.

In recent years, the sea clan has continuously absorbed other marine intelligent races, and has gradually become an indispensable new force in the East China Sea. Therefore, the Banyue Archipelago is extremely prosperous, not inferior to the human cities on land, or even better.

Today's marine biota is just at the stage of civilization, and has just broken away from the wild. A large number of high-intelligence marine creatures come to the Sea of ​​Litao to study, trade, and of course loot all year round.

When it comes to the level of science and technology, the sea tribe is no worse than the human tribe. Since the power of electromagnetism has emerged, the information age has come fully. The island has not only a safe and efficient nuclear fusion power plant, but also several satellite launch centers. Of course, it can also be transformed into ICBM launch site.

The reason why the sea clan developed so fast is because they have a lot of knowledge achievements of human beings before the cataclysm, which can be transformed into technology only by the appearance of electricity.

The largest city in Banyue Islands is called Giant Whale City. It is a large industrial city. The city is built in the innermost part of Banyue Island and is completely a city of steel.

There is an electromagnetic tower every few streets in the city, equipped with fully armed sea warriors.

The electromagnetic tower can cover a range of hundreds of meters in the surrounding area. Once something happens, it can emit a high-voltage current of millions of volts, which is unbearable even for a complete beast.

Of course, most of the beasts with complete body are physically evolved, and their bodies are huge, so they will not easily come to human cities.

There are all kinds of creatures in the city. In addition to the human race, sea race, fish human race, snake human race... these pan-intelligent races, there are also many fierce beasts with high intelligence.

This kind of city where humans and beasts live together should be messy and violent, but in fact the city is not only clean and tidy, but also very good in security. A stronghold was set up in the Sea of ​​Litao, and a dragon beast general was personally in charge.

Dragons are promiscuous and have powerful genes, which can break the reproductive isolation between different species, and can almost mate with most creatures, so there are many offspring, and gradually a family of dragons and beasts was born.

They not only have the powerful power brought by the blood of the dragon, but also have the ability of their own race, and only the strongest in the dragon beast group can get the title of general, comparable to the gods.

Strictly speaking, every living individual is controlled by its own genes, whether it is desire, thought, or emotion.

The competition between species is actually the competition between genes. After the explosion of species, there will be a great fusion of species. Strong genes will rule weak genes, and strong thoughts will rule weak thoughts. This is the way of heaven.

Luo Kai followed the breath left by Ying Ying and came to this sea clan city. Although he came to the hometown of the sea clan, the majority of the people he saw were still human. This is also an advantage of a low degree of evolution. The fate of mowing, but at least not easy to extinction.

From the perspective of biological history, strong biological individuals do not last long, but weaker groups are more likely to survive.

As the saying goes, when the sky falls, there are tall people on it. Once it faces natural disasters or other things, they need to be on top. For example, the anti-space invasion that the earth will usher in this time can be imagined. It must be a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Ferocious beasts and even groups of gods will probably have to pay a huge price.

The corpses of the ultimate beasts on the bottom of the sea, and the remains of those powerful creatures in the Earth's star core, may have all died like this.

I thought Ying Ying came to this sea clan city, but Luo Kai did not feel her specific location, as if it was hidden by something.

He only has to stimulate his spiritual power and search for every step of the way. Physical things are easy to be covered and hidden, but spiritual things cannot be hidden.

In the past, if someone raised hostility to him, even if they were separated by thousands of miles, he could feel it even if they were separated by space.

Now this kind of telepathy has gone a step further. He can also perceive tender thoughts, sustenance prayers, and even meaningless remarks, but it is still vague, and he needs to calm down to feel it.

Of course, if he misses someone in particular, then his sixth sense will also point the way.

This ability is already somewhat similar to the legendary praying to gods and Buddhas. If gods and Buddhas really exist in the three-dimensional universe, they can indeed hear your prayers, but you don’t know if you want to answer them.

Luo Kai walked around, stopped at a street corner, and his mind penetrated into the ground, feeling silently. UU reading www.

Hundreds of meters underground in the city, there is a huge library.

The library is heavily guarded, densely covered with electromagnetic defense devices, and only pure sea clan can enter.

The little girl was in the library and seemed to be listening to stories with gusto.

Luo Kai breathed a sigh of relief and thought about it. The body of pure water quickly dissolved and penetrated into the ground.

The dense electromagnetic coils outside the underground library had no effect on him. Electromagnetic sensed his arrival and became more active. The dense arcs flickered non-stop, so that the nuclear power plant in the distance was alarmed again and again, and the voltage was seriously insufficient, making it difficult to maintain Electricity elsewhere, was forced to shut down many electrical systems.

In the library, Yingying was carrying a small bench and was listening to a woman in blue telling a story. She was very fascinated. Her little face was sometimes sad, sometimes sad, sometimes excited, and she was completely immersed in the world of stories.

The woman in blue has an ordinary face, but her temperament is very elegant, especially the pair of star-like beautiful eyes, which makes Luo Kai feel a sense of deja vu.