Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 491: mysterious spaceship

It seems that the battle between the human saints should be difficult to understand, but it is not the case. Humans are a kind of intelligent race. They are not as good at summarizing as the beasts and gods, nor are they as good at calculating as the celestial spirits. It is a creative wisdom.

Compared with the beasts and gods, it is a competition of power and speed. The battle between humans has a lot of skills. Although the essence of skills is to increase strength and speed, some skills are extraordinary, and they have been separated from the skills themselves. , but to the level of skill and Dao, that is, to the level of divine art.

Cangjie and Thirteen, one of them is like the ubiquitous wind and clouds between heaven and earth, sometimes violent storms, sometimes dark clouds fall, and the other is like a rock, rooted in the earth, unshakable despite the wind and rain.

Thirteen's Eight-armed Vajra Seal is a genetic technique. It expands its physical limits by absorbing the beast gene of an eight-armed giant ape. At the same time, it uses the Buddhist mentality of Shura's evil thoughts to stimulate the will to fight. There is a saying It is said that there is no madness and no Buddhahood. Both Buddha and Demon are concrete manifestations of spiritual will, representing two extremes. This fighting method belongs to a kind of self-mutilating magic power, which improves the combat effectiveness by infinitely overdrawing the potential of life.

And the mustard is also extraordinary. The sea clan is a kind of aquatic species. As the saying goes, everything is water, which means that the source of all kinetic energy in the universe comes from water, including light, electricity, heat, wind, etc., and even The living body itself is also the effect of the entropy increase and decrease of the base pair molecules.

Therefore, Cangjie's specific application of kinetic energy has reached the top level, and it has truly become a part of the situation between heaven and earth.

If Cangjie shows the extreme of kinetic energy, then Thirteen shows the extreme of static energy. He stands on the ground, his figure is as still as a mountain, and the golden light around him expands and shrinks, like a hair that is gradually tightened. Article, the accumulated power is getting bigger and bigger, and every release is an earth-shattering power.

This battle has also benefited Luo Kai a lot. He seldom thinks about Canglang Jin and static physique now, just because of the skill in the use of methods, no matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to compare with the beasts and gods with natural power. It is determined by the size of both parties.

Ferocious beasts are one of the six realms of sentient beings. The translation of the animal way is not accurate. The new translation is "the way of life", or "the way of ignorance". The wise begets wisdom, and the foolish begets strength. Therefore, the way of beasts represents strength.

The six realms of beings are in endless rotation. If you want to obtain the power system to which they belong, you must become a part of them. If you want to have the power of the beasts, you must revert to the ancestors and degenerate to regain some animal nature.

In the face of absolute power, skills are useless, so Luo Kai's mind is now all on higher-dimensional astrology, but now it seems that he still has to make breakthroughs in Canglang Jin and static body skills.

The battle between Cangji and Doro was difficult to determine in a short period of time, and everyone else's minds turned to the spaceship.

The syndicate took out spar one by one from his arms and eagerly said to Luo Kai: "Brother Wu, this kind of fossil-making should belong to a kind of fuel, and there are many more in the spaceship. Okay, there will definitely be more saints coming in the future, and even fierce beasts will come to **** it, we need to do it as soon as possible."

Luo Kai can see that Thirteen is not dangerous, the Buddhist practice is deep and constant, and it is extremely advantageous to fight for a long time. I am afraid that it will not be long before the sea clan saint will show his defeat, so he nodded and said: "Okay."

The syndicate hid again and probed quietly towards an entrance of the spaceship. The Titan Saint Xun Kang also moved his huge body, avoiding the dirt and gravel, and actually merged directly into the surface and walked through the earth.

While walking, I also wanted Luo Kai to send out a buzzing sound transmission; "Human children, just follow me."

The Titans are the natural masters of the earth. For them, the earth is like the sea to the current. It is not only a hindrance, but the greatest help.

If they stayed still, it would be difficult for the sea clan to find them. Once they moved, they immediately attracted the attention of the three of the sea clan, and they bombarded the surface indiscriminately.

Xun Kang sank a little bit, the earth will disappear all the force, as long as he is in the earth, no one can hurt him.

Soon at the entrance of the spacecraft, there was a huge crack, from which a creek-like viscous liquid flowed out, releasing intense light and heat.

Luo Xin was secretly surprised, because these liquids were somewhat similar to the plasma flowing out of his body, a product of highly condensed energy.

Xun Kang rose up and surfaced, Taoist Fanlong and the other two saints of the sea clan were guarding near the entrance, and it seemed that a fierce battle was inevitable if they wanted to enter.

The syndicate showed his figure and sneered: "Now three-on-three, can you still stop us?"

Sikong Haorong snorted: "Silver Eagle, hand over the control hub, otherwise the Sea Clan and Taishu will always issue a warrant for you, you will face the endless pursuit of ten saints, and even the Quicksand Academy will not be able to protect you! "

Syndicate's expression changed, and he was a little hesitant. When he first entered the spaceship, he picked up a glowing crystal skull. It was not only exquisite, but also seemed to be alive.

Later, when I saw the sea clan rummaging through boxes and cabinets, I realized that this thing is actually the control hub of this spaceship. If you want to enter the main control room, you must obtain the approval of the crystal skull.

This spaceship is extremely huge. They just checked a small part of the cabins and found a lot of incredible treasures. If they could control this spaceship, wouldn’t it mean that they had a treasure, so he had already left, but he couldn’t bear it. Live and return.

Luo Kai looked at the huge crack in front of him, and there was a cold aura that seemed to be evil, and there was no way to complain about fear, despair, and desolation.

He ignored the confronting two sides, stepped on the void, and walked over step by step.

"It's you!"

Taoist Fanlong immediately recognized him, angrily pulled out his long sword, and stabbed Luo directly.

Luo Kai turned to look at him, his eyes twinkling.

Taoist Fanlong only felt a blackness in front of his eyes, his consciousness seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, his chest was tight, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell head-on.

Several people in the arena were stunned for a moment, and looked at Taoist Fan Long on the ground. His face kept a look of fear, as if he had seen something terrible before he passed out.

Several people stepped back together, looking at Luo Kai in horror, what kind of doorway is this, a human saint is scared half to death at a glance!

Luo Kai walked into the crack of the spaceship. The moment he stepped into the shadow, he immediately felt his body sink. The gravity here was dozens of times that of the outside world. An ominous premonition rose in his heart. He stopped and looked back. Go, the expressions of the Syndicate and the others were frozen at the moment he came in, and the intense battle between Thirteen and the Sea Clan Saint was like slow motion.

Did you change, or did the world change?

What is the time?

Life is full of grass and trees and autumn, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Different species, different stars, and even different age groups have different time flow rates.

The earth is different from space, different from the moon, and the time flow of other stars is even more different.

Ants are different from animals, plants, and humans.

Children are different from teenagers, different from middle-aged people, and different from old age.

This is not a supervisor's feeling, but a real existence.

Mayflies see life and death overnight, and some cells and microorganisms only have a lifespan of tens of seconds, which is naturally extremely short for humans, but if you become a mayfly, you will find that their "short" life is just like that of humans. As long as it is, it is also a process from vigorous to twilight and decay.

So time is the fairest force. For life, there is only one reason that affects the flow of time, and that is the mind. For the external environment, the factors that affect the flow of time are much more complicated.
