Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 735: Forbidden by time and space

The latest website: Looking at the vast starry sky from a distance, it is naturally beautiful and bright, but when you actually enter space, it is not a wonderful experience.

There is no sound here, and even the light is vaguely absent. The light is light because it needs to be irradiated on the object and refracted to form the light that people see, and there is no refraction in space. Things, naturally there will be no light.

There is no so-called direction here, and no so-called up and down. The only coordinate that can be measured is the dim sun in the distance. The sun is blazing and dazzling when viewed on the earth, but it is very dim and deserted when viewed from space.

This small shuttle named Liu Ying is the most common space fighter model of the protoss family, and it can be used for planetary combat missions, which means that it can only carry out missions within the galaxy and cannot be far away from the planets. Once it is far away from the galaxy, the energy It is not enough to support, and will wander in the starry sky forever.

Luo Kai stopped in space nearly 10 million kilometers away from the earth, which is far enough away from the earth, even the evil **** can't sense his existence.

He left the cockpit, crossed his knees in the vacuum of nothingness, and the endless star energy gathered. Without the filter of the earth's atmosphere, the star energy was purer and more violent. After pouring into the body, it was like a rebellious wild horse rampaging around , if the physique is a little weak, the blood may burst to death in an instant.

Luo Kai didn't dare to be careless at all, he sank his consciousness into his body wholeheartedly, guided and combed it, and slowly transitioned it to the golden core in his lower abdomen. At the same time, he also took out a few ether particles, Digest and absorb it, turn it into the most quintessential source of power, and pour it into the golden core.

Jindan is actually a large cell with self-healing ability. If the nutrition is sufficient, the recovery speed will naturally increase. If the nutrition is deficient, the recovery speed will be slower.

Even if Luo Kai doesn't do anything, it will be repaired spontaneously for a hundred years and a thousand years. It has absorbed a lot of ether particles some time ago, and it has almost recovered, leaving only a few tiny cracks. This time it is going to be completely repaired intact.

After achieving the Golden Core, his strength has improved to a higher level, but it is a pity that the enemies he has encountered all the time are too powerful, not to mention the evil gods and demon gods, but the first-generation machine tigers dispatched by the Xuanyuan clan in front of him have made him defenseless. force.

Therefore, after the Golden Core is repaired, he must find a way to advance to the Void Transformation as soon as possible, and only then can he have the qualification to talk to Thunder God Yaoling.

According to the rules of the universe in the usual sense, even with the help of a large number of ether particles, it will take at least a hundred years and a thousand years to advance to the void.

But it may be different if you use some methods that are not limited by the rules of the world, that is, some taboo methods, such as going to another parallel world to practice...

The flow of time in the two different worlds is different, or in other words, the time in the two parallel worlds is calculated separately. He stayed in another world for several days before, but in this world it was like a dream in Nanke, that is, Take a nap.

If you can transfer your body and consciousness to another world, complete the Void Transformation Stage, and then find a way to return to this world, it may still be like a dream in this world. Thousands of years have passed in the dream. But not linked to real time.

If this method is feasible, then the shuttle between different parallel worlds is indeed a taboo among taboos.

If two different parallel worlds are compared to two servers, this method is equivalent to entering another server from one server.

After another server obtains powerful power and authority, and then returns to the original server, the authority and power will also be brought along, which will naturally disturb the operating procedures of this server, and the consequences will be immeasurable.

Under the infusion of a large amount of star energy and ether particles, the golden core repaired very quickly, and it took only a few earth rotations for the golden core to be completely repaired.

The golden core is equivalent to an engine in the living body. Once the fault is repaired and it starts to run, the surging sense of power will immediately fill the whole body. However, Luo Kai still sits cross-legged, carefully feeling the difference between the space environment and the earth and star environment.

There is no five-element energy in space, but the magnetic field fluctuations of various stars are very clear, and star energy is actually the energy emitted by these magnetic fields.

Being on the earth is equivalent to being protected by the earth's magnetic field, so it is difficult to directly face the fluctuation of the magnetic field of other stars, but now in space, it is very clear.

In Earth's low-Earth orbit, a space observatory of the Protoss is tracking an anomaly on the planet's surface.

On the projection screen of the observatory, there is a dragon-shaped creature covered with light golden scales, with a long and slender body, four thick and thick claws, two ferocious horns on the forehead, and a mane like a horse's mane on the lower jaw. , and a pair of majestic and indifferent golden eyes.

As if aware that someone was looking at it, those golden eyes stared straight at it. Even though many layers of media were separated, the protoss who observed it couldn't help trembling and frightened. 33

The golden dragon exudes powerful magnetic field fluctuations, announcing its arrival to the world. The faint roar from its throat triggers a series of terrible weather changes. rise.

In recent years, Protoss has obtained nearly a thousand copies of the appearance and genetic characteristics of dragon-shaped creatures, but they are far from comparable to this golden dragon. It seems that it should only appear in ancient mythological totems, not in Reality.

According to the species rank division of the protoss family, this is an X-level creature, and X represents unknown, which means that the protoss cannot analyze the strength according to the normal biological magnetic field fluctuations.

Fortunately, this magical and ancient species is not aimed at the protoss. In the screen image, the golden dragon is chasing a weird creature covered with tentacles. The protoss intelligent brain quickly analyzed the identity of the tentacled creature. General Alvasa, commander of the group's expeditionary force.

Alwasa is at least a top-level existence of Void Transformation, but he has no power to fight back against the golden dragon. He can only escape for his life. He first escapes into the ocean, but the ocean is also the world of the golden dragon. Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater Do it for your own Alvasa was not only unable to take advantage of the favorable location, but was almost trapped by the infinitely compressed sea water.

Fortunately, the original genes of the former rulers came from octopuses, and octopuses are very good at controlling water power. He forcibly rushed out of the sea and hid in the sky.

The golden dragon roared again and again, then rushed out of the ocean, and the endless sea water turned into clouds and mist to set off its take-off.

The dragon is the first among the species of scales, and it is the best at changing. The big one can ride the clouds and the fog, and the small one can hide its shape. Whether it is the ocean, the sky, or the underground, Alvasa cannot compare with it in the use of various media environments, and No creature in the entire planet dared to help.

Fortunately, Alvasa had strong vitality and was able to bear the attack of the golden dragon, but this was not the solution. In the end, he was forced to fly to outer space.

In the realm, due to various chances and coincidences, the first machine tiger of the Xuanyuan clan finally fell into his hands, and troubles followed. The Xuanyuan clan sent out a powerful chaser again, that is, the golden dragon behind him.

Some people died, but not completely dead...