Human Shackles

v1 Chapter 882: suicide

The uncle has made a huge concession, and Luo Kai currently has no confidence in defeating him, and may even kill him.

When the small universe was first formed, it was actually difficult to hold a particularly huge force. When Taibo activated the Trinity, he had already reached the limit of what the small universe could hold. With a little more force, Luo Kai would definitely explode.

The universe is naturally divided into sizes, strengths and weaknesses. If it is the outer universe, then no matter how powerful it is, it will be like a mud cow entering the sea. However, the body's small universe is much more fragile and needs a long process of growth and expansion. Maybe one day in the future, it will really It will become a living world of its own, and only then will it be able to accommodate and be infinite.

Moreover, he does not have complete control over this small universe body. There is a shining spirit in his body. Once the shining spirit competes with him for dominance, he may never be able to compete with Taibo.

He could feel that after Taibo finished what he just said, Yao Ling's consciousness immediately began to stir.

Luo Kai sighed secretly. Reality often requires compromise. Just when he was about to agree, the center of the star core beneath him suddenly erupted with a loud noise, followed by a huge strong gravitational force. The seriously injured Xingling Naga nearby sank rapidly.

A vortex appeared in the center of the originally empty star core. The boundless energy of creation was absorbed and compressed one after another. The three of them were also attracted by this rotating vortex and were quickly sucked into the vortex.

"The singularity has formed." Taibo's face darkened.

The universe originated from an infinitely dense and infinitely small singularity. Now the infinite accumulation of high pressure and high temperature in the star core has reached a certain limit and will become a "singularity", and all three of them may be Singularity is absorbed, compressed and crushed.

With the strength of the three-person body, they can swim freely even in dense stars such as black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, etc., but they cannot resist the collapse of singularities, which is a cosmic phenomenon that causes even quantum collapse.

Generally speaking, a singularity will only form when the universe is destroyed. The universe will shift from expansion to contraction, and finally return to one point.

According to the concept of mathematical dimensions, the expansion of the universe is a process of expansion of points, lines and planes. When it turns from expansion to contraction, everything will return to the point in the point, line and plane, that is, zero dimension, an empty nothingness, without time and space. The dead dimension of space.

Taibo thinks that his body is so powerful that he has ignored all physical and energy impacts in the universe, but he cannot resist this dimensionality reduction attack. Once he is sucked into the singularity, he will collapse to zero dimensions and become eternal nothingness.

Now he could no longer care about the fight. Taibo gathered his energy and escaped into the direction of the fourth dimension. His figure strangely returned to the moment before the collapse started. He held the Blue-Blooded Cold-Heart Divine Sword and fiercely pointed towards the star. Shell dome stabbed away.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of the sword again and punched the sword away.

The only one who could resist him was Luo Kai. The uncle's face darkened and he said, "What are you going to do?"

Luo Kai did not answer, and the two fell into a fierce battle again.

The battle situation was different this time. The gravitational pull from the singularity became stronger and stronger. The two of them seemed to be in a whirlpool in the sea. They had to find a way to escape the attraction of the whirlpool, and at the same time they had to deal with the opponent's powerful combat skills.

In the fourth dimension, the two people's figures were blurry, seemingly absent. Taibo's circular combat skills were better at confinement and movement, and were more defensive, while Luo Kai's variable combat skills focused more on offense.

Taibo wanted to get rid of Luo Kai and attack the dome, but Luo Kai always stood in front of him.

After the big clamor was destroyed, Luo Kai summoned a long sword as black as ink from the sea of ​​consciousness. It was the Twilight Resentment. The Twilight Resentment was also an evil weapon of resentment, but it did not belong to Hongmeng. The divine weapon has no attribute power, but it is no problem to resist it for a while.

What surprised Luo Kai was that Twilight Resentment was extremely resistant to the power laws of the cold system. Taibo could not rely on the "freezing" attribute of the magic weapon to attack him through weapons.

This time there was a life-and-death crisis, and neither side was hiding their trump cards. Taibo once again showed off his three-headed, six-armed body, three magic weapons, and all three laws of power.