Human Shackles

v2 Chapter 21: land god

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Luo Kai's body has a gluttonous stomach, and he is always hungry. Under normal circumstances, he can restrain his desire to eat with his strong willpower.

But now that I saw these fragrant foods, I couldn't help but move my index fingers, and I took the lead in picking up a piece of meat and eating it. This was not ordinary meat, but a kind of spiritual animal meat. In addition to the burnt aroma, there was also a lot of flavor in the mouth. There is a warm stream of heat, which can restore mana consumption to a certain extent.

Others also picked up the wine and meat and feasted on it. Even Noctua lost his cold image and accompanied them to eat large chunks of meat and drink heavily.

With the help of wine and meat, the original estrangement gradually disappeared. Their team will definitely go out together in the field frequently in the future. It is not only a relationship as colleagues, but also a relationship of life and death as comrades. If the relationship is not good, once danger is encountered, it may be gone. Someone you can rely on.

Several people talked about their own situation in detail, including their longevity, which department they worked for, what sect they were from, and whether they had a partner to spend weekends with, etc.

There is another standard for the evaluation of specific cultivation and wisdom by sentient beings in the heaven, and that is longevity. The longer the life span, the more knowledge has been absorbed, the higher the wisdom must be, and the stronger the body's precipitation will be.

Noctua has the longest lifespan, with a lifespan of more than a thousand days, followed by the great monk Maitreya, who is also more than 900 years old.

The others are all over 500 years old. Only Luo Kai has difficulty figuring out how old he is. One year in the heaven is equivalent to one thousand years in the lower world. In this conversion, he may only be a few years old in this life.

But in fact, it can be converted like that. The heaven is just an extremely condensed time and space, which makes time flow faster. After one year in the heaven, a thousand years have not passed in the upper world.

It doesn't mean that Luo Kai should calculate his age according to the time in the upper world. In that case, I am not thousands of years old now, but actually younger than everyone present.

Noctua nodded: "He's not Mr. Coral, right? Come and ask him, what lives under the Wailing Mountain, and why did it cause the catastrophe?"

A few people had to activate their magic power to resist. After a while, no matter whether the target was seen or not, we heard bursts of squeaking sounds in our ears, as if countless murlocs were rushing in that direction.

Pairs of white fish eyes appeared in the white darkness, followed by fish-men with arms and legs. They were spread out in a row, chatting incessantly, saying something that someone could understand. The fish-man language slowly poured out.

Mr. Hualu replied hurriedly: "It's a kind of ghost cultivator. He just came to the outside yesterday. When the ghost cultivator arrived in front of the outside, he immediately surrendered the lonely and resentful ghosts at the foot of the wailing mountain and built a weird Yin Fire furnace. , It seems that he is preparing to refine elixirs or weapons."

"Could it be that you have been discovered and the other party instigated the local murlocs to attack you first?" Zhang Kui sent a message to the others in confusion.

It can also be said that even as humble as a bacterium, in just a few dozen seconds of life, it will go through the eight processes of rebirth, prime age, and old age. It is not only a physical growth process, but also a psychological growth process.

That Coral Man was not the kind of exploratory consciousness that Luo Kai discovered when he landed on the island. As the collective consciousness of that Coral Island, everything that happened under the island was hidden from me.

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