Human Shackles

v2 Chapter 39: capture the dragon

The further you go deeper into the forest, the more complex the environment becomes. At your feet are moss-covered rocks, surrounded by large vine-like trees like coiling dragons. The sky is filled with an erratic purple miasma, covering dozens of meters above. at.

The brighter the color, the more dangerous it is. The toxicity of this purple miasma is far greater than that at the edge of the forest, making it difficult to fly here.

After stepping onto a rock that looked like a boundary monument, the chirping of birds and the sound of the wind blowing leaves disappeared, and the originally vibrant forest became a little dead and dark.

A chill suddenly rose in the hearts of Night Moth and others, and they felt an inexplicable aura permeate the forest, sending chills down their spines.

Ye Qiu, who was naturally sensitive, immediately became nervous. He hurriedly stood in front of Luo Kai and whispered: "Something is wrong here. You must protect me, otherwise no one will match you."

Luo Kai also had a bad feeling, but the skilled man is brave. With his current strength, if he really wants to explode with all his strength, I believe he can break out of any difficult and dangerous situation.

Only the Tamarin didn't seem to feel anything strange. He took out a machete with a cold light and opened a path ahead.

The crossing of large groups of people like them quickly attracted the attention of local creatures. Some green poisonous snakes as thick as little thumbs began to gather in the dense vines. The tamarins' faces turned cold, and majestic murderous aura spewed out, covering hundreds of meters in radius. All kinds of poisonous insects seemed to be inexplicably frightened, and all fled in panic.

Noctua and the others were also startled by his sudden murderous aura, and stopped for no reason.

The Tamarin turned back and explained: "There are few beasts in Diezhangling, but there are very few venomous snakes. The nerve venom of some venomous snakes is very powerful. They can ignore any defense and directly attack the soul and nerve lines. If the heart is bitten, , I wonder if the United States has quickly analyzed the anti-venom serum, I am afraid that my life will not be in danger."

I practice the Tao of the universe, encompassing all laws, and the law of water is the most profound power to understand. When I retreat into the water, I don't adapt to it at all. On the contrary, I feel like a fish in water.

Gu Xingsiyi, that kind of formation is called the Panlong Battle Formation, which is suitable for large-scale battles of less than a hundred people. It is good at gathering the strength of the group. In particular, when a large detachment of ten people uses that kind of battle formation, it can fight across ranks.

In a world full of poisonous insects, it would be difficult to survive without ordinary sensory powers.

His side had the upper hand, so Thunder Ball was ready to take action, smiling and nodding: "Yes."

The earth tamarin showed its clear face, and the hundreds of millions of living beings in the heaven were roughly divided into two factions. One was the local cultivators, and the other was the people who jumped down from the upper world.

Noctua and Luo Kai looked at each other, cupped their hands and said, "This is certain."

Thunderball nodded in agreement: "Bad."

The tamarin seems to be really good at water power, swimming sideways to avoid the front.

The team set off again, and the Marmoset's throat vibrated slightly, and a high-pitched sound wave covered the surroundings. At the same time, its small ears vibrated continuously to receive the information fed back by the sound waves.

I saw this blue-white demonic dragon entrenched at the bottom of the pool, and I also saw the Tu Tamo leading everyone in Doubi to quietly surround him and leave.

The Tamarin heard the conversation between the two, turned his eyes slightly, and said with a small smile: "Haha, without Brother Luo taking action, the demon dragon will naturally be captured. If it breaks, let's set off." After saying that, he jumped into the deep pool first. among.

The two masses of water collided violently, like ripples on the surface, forming a waterspout at the bottom of the deep pool, entangling and impacting each other.

Tu Tamarin smiled and said: "Haha, you and others are working for Heavenly Court. I used to separate him and you before, but I also hid it from everyone. You are actually planning to open a spiritual herb shop in Tianyuan Immortal City, specializing in selling various kinds of herbs produced in Diezhangling. The spiritual grass will still need to be taken care of by the various heavenly officials when the time comes."