Hunting College

v1 Chapter 65: The war between sucrose and maltose

  From taking a special plane, confronting the banshee, to visiting the college, and tug of war with the murlocs.

   The experience of just one day dazzled him and dazzled him.

   Nicholas looked at the freshmen very considerately: "If you have no other opinion, let's take a path and return to the front yard."

   "Why go back to the front yard?" The short girl squatted on the ground, grunting weakly, "Didn't you just say that the dormitory is in this backyard?"

   "Because your visit is not completely over." Nicholas explained: "And, I believe it has been a long time since you filled your belly."

   Zheng Qing's belly grumbled very cooperatively.

   The other newcomers burst into laughter.

   This embarrassed Zheng Qing.

   Nicholas smiled and added:

"I still need to tell you one more time. Please remember, don't go to the professors' Dongtaoyuan without invitation, don't go to the girls' Yunfangyuan without permission, don't go to those plantations without protection. The most important thing is don't go. Outside the walls of the academy!"

   "Although there are many warning and protection spells attached to the wall, they are more incompatible with the outside. Every year, desperate young guys rush out of the college."

   "They always think the outside world is wonderful."

   "Actually, it's like the other campuses of the First University. There is a forest of silence around the university. If I were you, I would never walk into that place alone before graduation."

   "If you want to find a lively place, you can go to Beta Town."

   While talking, Nicholas led everyone to the root of a pavilion wall.

   There is a shadow on the wall, which is obviously different from the surrounding color. It seems to be a door before, but it was smeared with cement and sealed again.

   Nicholas picked up a rag from the grass beside the pavilion and rubbed it against the stain on the wall.

   The wall burst into laughter.

   The shadow folds up and separates a narrow doorway.

   Nicholas turned around, saw the shocked eyes of the freshmen, smiled triumphantly:

   "This shortcut can only be opened by senior students. For first-year students, they can only take the ferry near Zhonghu Lake to Beta Town."

   "Of course, the college does not encourage freshmen to take the ferry. If you need stationery and other learning materials, you can apply to the college. The college will prepare these expenses for you at a very low price."

   "Now, let's go to experience the busiest place in the entire first university-Beta Town Pedestrian Street!"

   Passed through the small narrow gate, and in front of him was a long narrow street, and the crowd of people rushed toward him.

   Zheng Qing's breathing is choking.

   From the secluded university to the noisy street, the huge contrast caught all freshmen by surprise.

   This narrow street is only more than ten meters wide, but it stretches with twists and turns. I don't know how long it is.

   The streets are crowded with people, and the colors of the robes are different. Students and even teachers from the four colleges wandered among them.

  There are many shops of various colors, snacks, snacks, various experimental ingredients, etc., which make people linger.

  Weird and strange tones fill the ears, making people feel trance.

   A sweet smell rushed into Zheng Qing's nose.

  He followed his taste, and it was a small shop selling sweets not far away.

   Zheng Qing trot a few steps and came to the store.

   In the clean glass window of the shop, two groups of sugar people of different colors are facing each other nervously.

   The sugar man on the left is brown-yellow, wearing a thin fish skin armor, a rock sugar scimitar on his waist, a long bow on his back, holding a zhangba spear, sitting on a stocky Mongolian horse, aggressively.

   The sugar man on the right is emerald green, dressed in bright light armor, with almond bucklers on his arms, holding a magic crossbow, carrying a long spear with bamboo sticks, and straddling a tall Arabian horse.

   On the top of the window, a fat hamster lifted a heavy hazelnut and smashed it down heavily.


   A green sugar man with a horse riding a tall horse was crushed by this hazelnut.

   "Sugar man's conspiracy!" A green sugar man shouted hoarsely: "Sugar man's conspiracy! They dispatched a stone thrower! Some knights were injured! Some knights were injured!!!"

   The cavalry of the Green Sugar Man began to gather in an orderly manner.

   "Counterattack! Counterattack! Counterattack!!" They raised the bamboo sticks and spears in their hands and shouted.

   The brown sugar people on the opposite side soon discovered the actions of these green sugar people.

   "The Malt Man broke the agreement!" A brown sugar man yelled: "Their samurai has been mounted! Their spears have been raised! They want war!!"

   The brown knights yelled and huddled together.

   "War! War! Let the war come more violently!" The brown cavalry shouted in a mess.

   Two groups of sugar people of different colors turned their heads together and backed away.

   then reorganized the lineup at the end of the booths on both sides.

   On the top of the booth, the fat hamster happily ran down the beam and lay on the edge of the booth, looking forward to the upcoming battle.

   "For the purity and glory of cane sugar!" The brown sugar man wielded his zhangba spear, looking frantically.

   "All glory to maltose!" The green sugar man on the opposite side raised his spear and prayed solemnly.



   A few meters of booth quickly disappeared into the sound of horseshoes. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   The sucrose man and the maltose cavalry collided fiercely.

   The toothpicks were broken, the almonds were shattered, and the small eyes dotted by black sesame seeds scattered all over the floor.

  The broken legs and feet of the Tangerine were scattered and scattered outside the booth.

   The fat hamster squinted his eyes, pulled out a brilliant smile from the corner of his mouth, and swept these sweet crumbs into his cheek pouch.

   "Our time is very limited." Nicholas interrupted Zheng Qing's interest and pulled him back to the pedestrian street: "If you don't plan to buy a sugar man, don't waste time watching those fancy sitcoms."

   "But those sugar people have been broken!" Zheng Qing felt a pity: "I blame the hamster! There are mice in the candy store, why no one cares? The fat ball should be thrown out!"

   "You need to adapt to college life as soon as possible." Nicholas shook his head: "You also said that it is a hamster-as a friend of the shop owner, it has the right to stay in the window."

   "Besides, the sugar man was just broken."

   Nicholas pointed to the corner of the window and asked Zheng Qing to look carefully.

On both sides of the    window booth, a bright large barrel was placed on each side.

   The steam is gurgling in the bucket.

   A little white light floated from the broken sugar man, and fell back into the two steaming vats.

In a few seconds, the new-born sugar man, braving the heat and dripping with syrup, crawled out of the vat, and again picked up the spear made of bamboo sticks and the shield made of almonds from the dishes, howling, and rushing up. battlefield.

   "Only by being bitten by a wizard and eaten in the stomach, those sweet guys can really shut up." Nicholas said with emotion.

   "It's so exciting!" Zheng Qingyi left the candy store unfinishedly, looking back in three steps, wondering in his heart, when to buy two cavalry by himself, and become addicted to generals.