Hunting College

v2 Chapter 237: Nobility

Maybe it's because the predecessors' shadow is too rich.

Perhaps the social ecology of wizards is highly developed.

Or maybe it's just because of being full and doing nothing.

In the wizarding world, there is such a group of people.

In their view, magic based on the suffering of other lives is shameful and inferior. Such self-interest-based and extremely selfish behavior should be eliminated in the entire society, and kind wizards must stand up against it. This kind of incorrect and evil behavior.

Are demons the enemy of wizards?

Yes, but you can't cramp them and extract blood because they are enemies; even if the demons stew the wizard's baby in soup and use the wizard's brain to make wine, the wizards cannot use the same brutal methods to deal with the demons.

"After all, we are wizards, we are kind and correct wizards."

"You have heard something saying,'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'; but I tell you that someone slaps you on the right cheek, and even your left cheek is stretched over and be beaten by him; someone wants to sue you and take your shirt, even He will also take the coat...Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..."

When he first heard of this group, Zheng Qing had only one adjective in his mind-sick.

Indeed, for young people who have been educated to avenge the gentleman and retaliate with morality for ten years, this theory of advocating'extreme moral correctness' is very unattractive and may even cause some kind of Degree of disgust.

After all, moral superiority cannot be seen or touched, but if someone smokes you a big mouth, if you don't pull it back, you will obviously become a coward in the eyes of everyone and suffer the torment of self-denial.

There is even a special vocabulary in the alliance to describe these ‘extremely morally correct’ wizards-aristocracy.

It means that there is a symptom that is flooded by people who have never experienced despair.

Zheng Qing has no such symptoms.

He knew that this term was still because he mentioned the issue of elf status among his friends not long ago, and some people ridiculed him as having ‘noble person’.

The Law Book Liberation Association is a very famous loose group composed of ‘noble’ witches.

They rushed around and shouted all day long, trying their best to promote the "naked curse", hoping that other wizards would abandon the extremely inhumane tools such as Dharma scripts and replace them with ancient methods such as hand tricks and jieyin.

Although their number is small, they occupy the commanding heights of morality and will always affect many young wizards with uncertain views. There were some students in the first university who refused to use the books in the spell class. Behavior will affect their grade points.

Lao Yao mentioned the name of this association in a fierce and critical tone at this moment, which obviously shows his certain attitude.

Before the students at the stage could think about his intentions carefully, the professor skipped the ‘a little extracurricular content’ just talked about and turned the topic to the remaining questions from the previous few lessons:

"Now, do you guys know why you can't display the'Guardian of Yuanchen'?"

The students in the classroom were stunned and shook their heads.

"Don't understand yet?!" Old Yao's brows were twisted into a knot, and he said unhappy: "What else can't understand?... To cast magic requires chanting spells and at the same time triggering the spells in the book... just now I’ve already can’t cast that spell, what’s the reason?”

Zheng Qing compares the detailed explanation of the case in "Standard Incantation" word by word, not even a single punctuation mark.

Then he confirmed that there was no problem with the spelling, logic, and conclusion of the spell analysis.

He chanted the mantra again:

"Success to the sky, protect your life!"

There is almost no difference from the voice of the little man in the textbook.

But the book of Fa was still quiet, without a trace of light on him.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but raised his head again and looked at the professor standing on the podium in confusion.

"Professor, is it because of the problem with the book?" Li Meng raised his hand and asked worriedly.

"You must discover this by yourself." Old Yao shook his head helplessly, his eyes fell on the wooden box by the table, his pipe was upturned, and his tone was a bit dissatisfied: "I thought there was no need to open the box. It's a child."

The classmates immediately opened their eyes.

Everyone is very curious about the contents of this box.

Fatty Xin felt that there was a copper armor corpse in the box. It was the opponent who practiced the spell in this class. He showed the bright colorful peach talisman in his arms to the people around him. He vowed that it was the peach talisman encountering the evil zombie. which performed.

Zhang Jixin is a little more cautious, because he has never heard the precedent that the professor at the school will bring zombies into the classroom. Because the box was heavy, he guessed that it might contain some kind of expensive alchemy machinery.

But as the lid of the box opened, many people sighed with disappointment.

There are no goblins flying around, no savage zombies, or even the magic house (a kind of space equipment with huge internal space that can be used as a makeshift wizard tower) as most people guess.

This is just an ordinary wooden box, full of books.

To be precise, it is a variety of books.

"In view of your superficial understanding of the Dharma books, I think everyone needs to pay more attention to this magic tool." Professor Yao pinched a small cluster of golden tobacco from his pocket and stuffed it into the pipe, patiently He added: "Getting into contact with different books can effectively improve your ability to communicate with the books."

"This is essential for the coordination between the contract and the spell."

Putting the pipe in his mouth, taking a few heavy puffs, and emitting a few heavy blue smoke, the professor continued: "The curse course does not rely on extraordinary talents. It is more patient, careful, and confident. the result of."

"You will gradually realize these in your future studies... Now, you have to perform a new exercise."

"This is your homework for today."

"Line up on stage to get a book, and then copy a binding spell on it...Is there anyone who hasn't mastered the binding spell?" The professor suddenly raised his head and asked very seriously.

The students shook their heads all together.

"Very good," the professor nodded in satisfaction: "Then find an opponent and copy a binding spell on his book."

Zheng Qing elbows Dr. Xiao Da next to him, but his eyes flow involuntarily to the gypsy witch on the right front of the classroom.

He sighed sadly.

"Finally, open your own book and copy a binding spell as well." The professor knocked on the blackboard with his fingers, and three colors of pastel happily danced on drew a picture. Three-color chart.

"Each of you needs to use these three different books to cast the same spell."

"I hope you will feel the subtle differences seriously...with your patience and carefulness in configuring potions, calculus and divination, to feel the differences."

"Then follow the form on the blackboard, carefully fill in and analyze the difference you feel."

"Before the philosophy class on Wednesday, I hope to receive your analysis report."

Before leaving the classroom, Lao Yao suddenly turned his head and knocked on the door of the classroom, attracting the attention of all beings again:

"Well, I have a suggestion... I suggest that boys find girls, and girls find boys. It is best to match men and women. Generally speaking, everyone will be more sensitive to fluctuations in the law books of the opposite sex, and it will be easier to make analysis reports. "

The boys looked at each other with weird smiles on their faces.

Zheng Qing's eyes lit up and immediately refreshed, and he looked quickly to the front row of the classroom.

It really helped me. He shouted from the bottom of his heart, and his mind flashed dozens of ways to talk to Elena, even extending to the plan of how to send the skirt out.

"It seems that I need to find another practice opponent." Dr. Xiao Da's faint voice sounded nearby.

Zheng Qing blinked, squeezing a hypocritical smile on his face.

Before the eager atmosphere brewing in the classroom exploded, Professor Yao opened the door again and reappeared in front of everyone.

"Sorry," he squinted, with the usual smile on his face: "I almost forgot...there is the opening ceremony in the afternoon, which will be held in the first one is allowed to be late."


"Tangton, you and Jiang Yu come to the office with me," the professor greeted, "I will tell you about the afternoon arrangements..."