Hunting College

v2 Chapter 508: Final Exam (Part 2)

Zheng Qing entered the examination room with a lucky bag in his mouth.

This kind of stuffed stuffed buns wrapped in blood-red skin is the must-eat meal for most Jiuyou College students before entering the examination room. According to the analysis of magic theory, eating these things is not more effective than dabbing Wenquxing incense ash on the forehead.

Because Zhang Jixin took the occult course this year, under his influence, this traditional superstition-based food is greatly less attractive to young public-funded students.

He didn't even eat a plate of six before this exam, he just took one in his mouth for a bit of fun.

Of course, the bigger reason is that he got up late and didn't have time to finish a whole plate.

The examination room for Charms is located in the teaching building, and the classrooms are random. Everyone can find them by themselves according to the door number shown on their student card. Zheng Qing's examination room is located in West 306, which is the classroom he used in his philosophy of magic class last year. In the examination room, all the tables and chairs are spaced apart, with drawers facing forward, exuding an ancient and clumsy anti-cheating temperament from head to toe.

The invigilator consisted of three people as usual, a teaching assistant, a researcher, and a grey-robed janitor. Zheng Qing heard that there are lecturers and professors invigilating the exams in some exam rooms, but he has never encountered them.

Verify that you are upright.

Turn in things that are not related to the exam.

Unseal the test paper.

Less than three minutes before the start of the exam, test papers like miniature white magic carpets floated to the side of each candidate. Zheng Qing tried his best to glance at the test paper from the corner of his eye, trying to catch a glimpse of one or two questions and seize a slight advantage, but even though his eyes were sore and swollen, he couldn't see a single word.

"The exam begins!"

The teaching assistant on the podium opened the book, and the test papers floating in mid-air crashed down in front of the candidates. The atmosphere in the whole examination room suddenly became tense, and the air seemed to stop flowing for a while.

"2009-2010 Academic Year First Semester Final Exam Compulsory Charms for Second-Year University"


"examination time-"

"Please abide by the discipline in the examination room, and be strict about cheating!"

Zheng Qing flipped through the familiar nonsense quickly with his hands and feet, and his eyes fell on the first test question - please list the two guardian magics and write down the exact spells for 5 points; please briefly describe the similarities and differences of the two guardian magics for 3 points; Please list at least one offensive spell that can break the guardian magic you listed, and write the correct spell 3 points.


Zheng Qing took a small breath, and suddenly felt that the final exam of the second grade was more difficult than that of the first grade. Of course, everything is still within an acceptable range.

While reading the topic, the spell that he had used several times during hunting appeared in his mind - 'Jiebinan Mountain, Weishiyanyan', forming a light yellow hill phantom around the wizard, which can block most attacks Sexual magic; "Wind and rain, birds and mice go away", can open a protective barrier to resist large-scale weather magic or drive away birds and beasts, suitable for temporary camps and hidden tracks.

With a confident smile on the face of the young public finance student, he grabbed the anti-cheating quill pen prepared by the school, dipped it in the ink, and began to quickly write the answer.

Throughout the exam, Zheng Qing answered the questions very smoothly. Except for a little hesitation on the last question involving 'Flying Curse' and 'Flying Contact Curse', he had encountered almost all other written test content during hunting.

After the written test, there will be a practical test of Charms the next week—this is also a common practice, because there will always be various unexpected situations in the practical test every year, and it is inevitable that some students will be injured. In order to prevent injuries from affecting the test results, so The school will arrange the written test of each subject in the first week, and the practical test will be arranged after all the written tests.

Throughout the nineteenth week, the students of the entire Jiuyou College were in an extremely tense and busy state. Every time, every classroom, there seemed to be people taking exams, so that Zheng Qing obviously found that the number of exams far exceeded that of the college. The total number of students in .

"That's because many students will apply for subjects that exceed the syllabus." After hearing the confusion of young public-funded students, Xiao Xiao simply explained: "Some people are for early graduation, some are for the second degree, and some are for the second degree. Most people simply like to study and want to learn more about magic... So, when you take an exam for one subject, other people take three or five exams, and it will naturally appear that there are too many people."

Although it is 'expensive' to be a public student, Zheng Qing feels that it is difficult for him to understand the thinking of the last group of people.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he wouldn't embarrass his brain at this critical moment, so he lowered his head and continued to review his Potions lecture notes.

"Speaking of exams, someone saw you arguing with Jiang Yu at noon?" The fat wizard with the best information in the dormitory suddenly removed the fat cat covering his face, his face was full of gossip: "Why are you two arguing? Because Poseidon is still Councilor Su?"


Zheng Qing was stunned, and he was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"Fuck That's just a little too loud for the discussion!" His face flushed slightly, and his voice couldn't help but raise his voice, as if he wanted everyone in the dormitory to hear clearly: "Morning Isn't it the magic biology exam, our answers about the seven-spotted ladybug are different..."

"Why is it different?" Dr. Xiao Da was very interested in the details.

Zheng Qing reluctantly suppressed his short temper, and recalled: "The topic requires an analysis of the meaning of the seven-star ladybug in classical magic theory and its effect in magic rituals... The latter question is similar to that of the seven-star ladybug. Bugs are placed at the nodes of the magic circuit, used to bear the backlash of bad luck and curses, and maintain the operation of the ceremony. This effect is somewhat similar to the role of snake oil in potion science. The meaning of the former representative, I wrote seven-star ladybug seven The three stars represent 'seven bitternesses in life', the seven-star ladybug written by Jiang Yu symbolizes the Virgin Mary in a red robe, and the seven stars symbolize seven kinds of sorrow and happiness... I think that as a student of Jiuyou College, I should not pass the time in the answer. It mostly involves elements related to Atlas, she thinks I am making trouble for no reason... I am making trouble for no reason? You all judge and judge!"

"Isn't this still noisy?" The fat wizard muttered in a low voice, and after being slapped viciously by the young public servant, he decisively shut his mouth and looked at Xiao Xiao.

Dr. Xiao pushed his glasses slowly and looked at Zheng Qing: "You said the seven stars represent the seven sufferings, which seven sufferings?"

"Birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment and hatred, love and separation, nothing to ask for!" Zheng Qing didn't hesitate at all.

"Then where do the seven sufferings you mentioned come from?" The doctor continued to ask.

Just as Zheng Qing was about to answer, he suddenly froze for a moment.

The fat wizard's pretending cough came from next to his ear: "The Buddha said that life has eight hardships... You not only used the elements of Atlas, but you also lost one element... It's really ridiculous."