Hunting College

v2 Chapter 519: Lakeside Murloc on the Edge


A hoarse and harsh voice interrupted the conversation between the two wizards.

A crow emerged from the shadow of Professor Montelia's robe, flapped its wings, bounced around, got on the coffee table, and poked its head to peck at the orange and honey-colored wine in the glass.

The wandering wizard nodded at the crow friendly.

Then he looked at Professor Montelia again, and continued the previous conversation: "Mercy? There is no mercy in the black prison... It is more likely that you were thrown into the black prison after being declared corrupt by Dan Hag, and then after a long time gradually turned into a pile of dry bones... I mean after the new black prison is established."

After the war, the old black prison was rejuvenated, and it was no longer suitable to serve as an alliance prison. The First University and the Grand Wizard Conference are selecting a suitable death world to transform a new black prison.

Professor Montelia crossed his hands and put them on his knees, and replied softly: "The depravity that has been pronounced is not the real depravity. Even if I am in a black prison, my spirit is still free and pure."

"Many fallen wizards said the same thing before they were imprisoned in the black prison."

The wandering wizard put his hand on the wine glass, his eyes chased the crows on the coffee table, and restrained his thoughts: "Of course, we won't let this kind of thing happen—no matter how 'benevolent' it is—you won't be stupid enough to touch it. The red line of the school, I will not have the heart to abandon this bar that has been soaked in half my life...It is like my child, who would abandon their child to wander around?"

This is the third time he has emphasized 'principles' or similar concepts.

There was a moment of silence in the box.

After Professor Monteria's silence against the bar owner's insistence—or verbosity—for a moment, it was finally the realists who raised their hands to the idealists.

"Alright alright."

The wandering wizard raised his wine glass and raised his hand to the crow who was chattering on the table: "I just want to say that rather than being declared by a healer that I have dragon plague syphilis, I would rather be pinned down by a legendary wizard with her little finger." Die... It's easier to die that way, you know what I mean."


The crow laughed hoarsely.

The jeer woke up the silent professor, who seemed to have just realized what the wandering wizard had said.

"If there is anything that puts you at risk of contracting dragon plague syphilis, I will warn you in advance," said the professor, "but let me also remind you that we have long since lost the possibility of simple, easy death gone."

"If you don't tell the truth, we are still friends."

"The concept of a friend is too extravagant." The professor lowered his eyelids, stretched out two skinny fingers, stroked a feather blown up on the back of the crow's neck, and replied in a low voice: "For people like us, even if It is a fragile relationship, and it requires special courage and strength to maintain... We are enemies on all sides, and every ally is extraordinarily precious."




The crow flapped its wings clumsily, took advantage of the long coffee table, approached the run, and took off. After disturbing a group of fireflies in the narrow box, it croaked and laughed, rushed out of the box door, passed through the corridor, bypassed the hall pillars, and flew to in the hall.

Then it didn't fly off the bar.

Instead, after hovering under the ceiling for several weeks, the wings fluttered and rushed towards the ceiling. The light of the hanging candles swayed slightly, like the stars in the night, embedded in the dark background like the real night sky .

The crow licked a candle along the way, and then flew all the way into the stars.

Like a meteor across the night sky.

The picture is upside down.

Meteors fall from the night sky.

The crow spread its wings to reveal its figure from the night and the starry sky, flapped its wings, and landed silently in the canopy of a lush pine tree by the Linzhong Lake. Hidden behind the dense pine needles, it poked its head and looked towards the lake.

In the blink of an eyelid, Bling Bling shone with the light of wisdom.

When the winter vacation is approaching, Linzhong Lake has calmed down a lot. There are only a few people on the bustling lakeside paths and squares at this time of day. Even those timid kappa dare to stay away from the shore and climb across the empty small square in front of the library. , Go to the flower bed to dig the hibernating bugs to eat.

The crow resisted the urge to peck the small bowl on the Kappa's forehead, and his eyes fell on a black figure by the lake.

At first glance, the figure looked like a rock.

But after careful identification, one can recognize that it is a wizard in a black robe, but he is squatting by the lake and motionless, giving people the illusion that he is a stone.

The crow quietly stared at a slowly crawling yellow-skinned frog beside the wizard, as if it had also turned into a stone.

The wait didn't last long.

Soon, a tall figure came from the night, seeming to be in a hurry, and in an instant, he came behind the black-robed wizard, and politely took off his hood, revealing his long silver-white hair.


Crow's eyelids blinked recognized the identity of the visitor.

"Good evening, Elder Garcia."

The great wizard from the North District greeted briskly: "...I thought I would go into the water, but I didn't expect you to be waiting for me on the shore. I'm really flattered."

The black-robed wizard turned his head, revealing a flat murloc face, with a few fish scales on his cheeks shining with a mysterious luster in the dim light.

It took off the monocle from its chest and hung it on its round eyes.

Through the lens, the whites of its eyes appear much larger.

"Good evening, Ms. Kerma..." The murloc professor rubbed the fish scales on his face uneasily, without concealing the surprise in his tone: "What an unexpected visit... The priest in the clan mentioned that there are guests, I Thought it was some old friend from Beta Town... I prefer you to call me 'Professor Garcia' over 'Elder'... Would you like some dried salted frog legs? The meat is firm, Delicious, very good teething snack. Even for wizards."

It raised the wooden plate in its hand, and there were strips of dark purple dried meat neatly stacked on the plate.

"Is that okay? Thank you for your hospitality."

The witch took the salted frog leg with a smile on her face, tore off a small bite with relish, and chewed: "... I have heard that the frog leg jerky of the murloc tribe is very delicious, and it really lives up to its reputation... I know you like 'Professor' This title, but tonight, I want to chat with 'Elder Garcia'... is that okay?"

The old murloc sighed deeply, and glanced at the peaceful Linzhong Lake.

"The murlocs are praying, so, indeed, I have a little time." It threw a piece of jerky into its mouth, chewed it, and asked slowly, "What do you want to talk about?"

There was a touch of alienation in his choice of words.