Hunting College

v2 Chapter 614: Bogey, break ground (Part 1)

Chapter 2392 Avoid, break ground (Part 1)

February 14th is the first day of the new year.

It's also Valentine's Day.

to get married, to move, to move;

Avoid, opening a business, breaking ground, planting.

The New Year’s Eve vigil lasted until dawn. Throughout the noon, Phuket Island was almost shrouded in deep sleep to make up for the energy consumed last night.

But Zheng Qing felt that he was more tired when he was asleep than when he was awake.

Last night, Su Shijun caught and secretly sent flowers in a bag. After falling asleep in the morning, he began to wave a small **** in his dream, loosen the soil, water, and fertilize the small garden of the Qingqiu mansion, and then replant it under Su Shijun's supervision. The flower seedlings picked by him did not stop for almost a moment.

Even so, Councilor Su standing on the edge of the garden was still dissatisfied. He waved a fluffy foxtail whip, crackling the air, with a threatening expression.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing felt that the last whip was very real, as if it didn't happen in a dream.

He opened his eyes in a daze, just in time to see a cyan fox tail come into view, it was constantly enlarged, and then it was heavily glued to his face.


Poof, poof!

The young public fee student spat out the fox fur that had been stuffed into his mouth, sat up in panic, and only then found out that the tail belonged to Poseidon. At this moment, the little fox was wearing a beautiful black robe and a jade pendant around his neck, jumping up and down on his bed excitedly, looking full of energy.

It's nice to be young.

The wizard grunted, heaving a sigh of relief.

Pat, he lay back on the pillow again and closed his eyes—before he opened his eyes, he was working hard in his dream, because he accidentally planted an oleander plant crookedly, and was severely whipped by Su Shijun A whip—thankfully, thankfully, it was just a nightmare.


Seeing that Zheng Qing seemed to want to go back to sleep, the little fox suddenly became unhappy, waving its big tail and bouncing on his chest with more vigor, while chirping and urging him to change into new clothes and go out for a walk.

However, Zheng Qing has passed the age of being excited about wearing new clothes and going on vacation.

"Don't make trouble."

The wizard closed his eyes, feebly pushed aside the hairball on his chest, touched the pocket watch next to his pillow, and glanced at the time with a ray of light from the corner of his eye. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, but he felt as if he had just closed his eyes , or rather, he felt that he was even more tired now than before going to bed.


The little fox persevered, and jumped to his chest again, urging him up.

"Don't go, don't go, what street do you go shopping in the first year of junior high school... huh, huh..." The wizard felt that his eyelids were going to stick together again. He had to hurry up and sleep for a while before he started working in his dream: "...You slept soundly last night when you were watching the New Year's Eve, but I didn't even bat an eyelid... Huh, hoh...cough cough!"

A violent cough interrupted his drowsiness.

A ball of cold viscous liquid violently poured into Zheng Qing's throat, making him cough repeatedly, and then the cold feeling spread rapidly from the stomach to the limbs, and in the blink of an eye, he felt as if he was being crushed. The feeling of being thrown into a hole in the ice.


The wizard gasped, and bounced off the bed like a zombie out of the coffin.

"woke up?"

Su Shijun stood at the head of his bed, with his hands behind his back, looked at the boy with ignorant eyes, and blew a small breath on his face: "When you wake up, get up quickly... You should go to pay New Year's greetings to the elders!"

The fragrant wind hits the face, but it can't blow a ripple in the boy's heart.

"What did you eat just now?" Zheng Qing wiped his mouth in panic, the tip of his tongue was numb from the ice, and he couldn't taste a bit. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at the witch's hand, but he didn't see the whip in his dream. .

Fortunately, fortunately, this word flashed through the boy's mind again.

"A potion of energy, with some peppermint essential oil added, I think it will be very useful for you." Su Shijun picked up Poseidon that was bouncing around on the bed, turned and walked out: "There is your new one on the bedside." Clothes, get up quickly... After breakfast, I have to pay New Year greetings to the elders."

Zheng Qing turned to look at the bedside.

His new clothes are a long black robe. It is made of thick material and feels as smooth as satin. From time to time, delicate runes flash across the corner of the robe. It is not surprising that there should be a lot of protective magic on this robe. It must not be cheap. .

The robe is matched with a pair of ruby ​​cufflinks and a Kunlun jade brooch.

It wasn't until breakfast that Zheng Qing realized that his new robes were the same color and shape as Su Shijun and Bo Saidong's, including the brooch, which was exactly the same style on the chests of the three.

"Are there any other elders in your Qingqiu mansion on Phuket Island?" The boy forced himself to ignore the small details about the clothes, and instead asked Su Shijun the "New Year's greetings" that he had mentioned twice in the morning.

The implication is that if he wanted to leave the island, he would not go there.

"Qingqiu? Of course not." The witch's answer was beyond his expectations, but it was reasonable: "I am a member of the council under the moon, and throughout the council under the moon, among all the wizards on Buji Island, my status is is the highest!"

"Then the 'elder' you mentioned earlier..." Zheng Qing said with a trace of hesitation.

"Oh, of course it's your elder." The witch leaned forward and helped him brush off a blue fox fur on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Isn't your husband on the island? I remember you've been looking for him recently. He...just in time, today is the first day of the new year, maybe your wish will come true. "

Zheng Qing is not as confident as she is.

Because if my husband wanted to see him, when he went to Sanyou Bookstore a few days ago, what he saw would not be a room full of dust.

Facts have proved that Zheng Qing was right not to have too high expectations.

There is still no one in Sanyou Bookstore and there is no cat.

"...Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks, finds. To him who knocks, it will be opened..."

A group of wizards from the North District are carrying out a festive parade on the street. The chaotic slogans are mixed with the content of the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It is vaguely still the "Give me a frog" movement, but Zheng Qing heard it at this time. , but quite troublesome.

"I knocked on the door for a long time, but I didn't see him open the door." The wizard muttered, carefully glanced at Su Shijun next to him, but was surprised to find that the witch was looking at the peddlers behind the parade with great interest.

"Since it's inconvenient today, let's come back another day." She took the wizard's arm and couldn't help saying, dragging him towards the group of hawkers: "Today is the first day of the new year, don't always think about going back to wrap your clothes." Futan, it's time to relax...I saw Yunpian Cake, buy it for me!"

"Don' careful." The boy avoided the noisy crowd with some anxiety.

"Don't worry, as long as you put on the hat properly, no one will recognize who we are." The witch flicked his sleeves with a hint of complacency in her tone: "This robe is more than just pretty!"

(end of this chapter)