Hyperspace Transmigration

v1 Chapter 58: Deflection of the moon

   "What did he say? He wants to destroy the earth?"

   "Hahaha, is this guy crazy?"

   "Why is he?"


   Several members of the Security Council looked at Li Yue's voice on the screen mockingly, their eyes full of disdain.

   Even Nick Fury, who was far away in SHIELD, felt amused when he saw this scene.

   Although I know that Li Yue is ‘crazy’, it’s no longer a madman who can say this.

   But Nick Fury was also thinking in his heart, why did Li Yue say such a thing?

   destroy the earth?

   What do you rely on?



   And Li Yue!

   After finishing that sentence, he closed his eyes again, as if waiting, preparing, and brewing.

   Those who saw this scene through the satellite could not help but laughed mockingly again.

  Although Li Yue has a lot of methods, they have no way to take Li Yue at the moment, but it does not prevent these politicians from slandering and mocking in their hearts.

   "Staring at him all the time, in addition, ask the staff below to discuss a solution to him as soon as possible. Next time, try to win him smoothly!"


   Time, just like this slowly passed.

   I don’t know how long it took, Li Yue finally opened his eyes!

   "Time, just right!"

   At this moment, if someone observes carefully, one can find that there is a horizontal straight line between Li Yue, the earth, the moon, and the three.

   "Feel the fear!"

   Li Yue prepared for so long, finally stretched out his palm.

   His palms are slender and white, but at this moment they are like Shigetake.

   lifted slowly, and then yanked.



   This sound comes from the sea, the sea ebbs and flows, and the water rustles.

   At this moment, the voice seemed a little louder.

   But no one noticed such a change.



   Unlike those politicians, Nick Fury obviously values ​​Li Yue more seriously. He even stared at Li Yue on the screen.

   There are also several people around him, one is the female agent Hill, the other is the ‘honest man’ Coleson!

   "Director, he moved!"

"What is he doing?"

   The three people looked at Li Yue on the screen and watched him open his hands, not knowing what he was doing.

   At this, Nick Fury frowned, recalling what Li Yue had said before, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

   "Notify all departments to check to see if there are any changes in the environment or other aspects around us!"

"it is good!"

   Hill nodded!

   After a moment, Hill put down the phone in his hand and shook his head at Nick Fury.

   "There is no change, everything is normal!"

   "Really?" Hearing this, his brow furrowed even tighter.


   In the space, Li Yue spread his hands, his silver eyes were pure.

  If you look closely, you will find that there are faint veins rising between his neck. It is obvious that he is exerting force.

   What force do you use?

   is gravity naturally!

doing what?

   deflect the moon!

   And the method is very simple!

   is to implement the plan through the principle of leverage.

   The principle of leverage is very simple. It can be expressed in formulas and it can be understood at a glance!


   In the formula, F1 represents power, L1 represents power arm, F2 represents resistance, and L2 represents resistance arm.

   It can be seen from the formula that, in order to balance the lever, the power arm is several times the resistance arm, and the power is a fraction of the resistance.

   Simply put, as long as the power arm is long enough, you can move everything.

   Therefore, Archimedes left the classic words.

   Give me a fulcrum, I can lift the earth!

What now?

   Li Yue uses his own gravity as his power, the earth's gravity as the fulcrum, and the resistance is the moon's gravity!

   Yes, he wants to use the principle of leverage to move the moon!

   Pull the moon over!

   is getting closer and closer to the earth.

   Of course, when this plan was actually implemented, Li Yue realized that although the principle is simple, the process is very complicated.

  Because there is also an interaction force between the moon and the earth.

   It is difficult to bring the moon closer to the earth.

   But, it's not impossible.

   It’s just a little effort, a little longer.


   After the moon approaches the earth, can it destroy the earth?

   Of course not!

   However, it can destroy all living things on the earth.

   What do you rely on?

   Tidal force!

  The moon, it is the only satellite of the earth, which has a tidal-causing force on the earth.

   The lunar tidal force can not only induce earthquakes, affect human health and biological activities, but also affect the weather and climate of the earth.

   When the moon is close to the earth, the sea will have high tide, some places are easy to rain, and the magma in the earth's core will melt violently...

   It has too many effects on the earth, even such a force will affect the human body’s ‘biological tide’, and the diseases of the human body are also related to it.


   Li Yue’s goal is to shorten the distance between the moon and the earth a little bit, so that the earth’s rivers, lakes and oceans will not only cause large-scale waves and tsunamis, but even the deflection of the earth itself will change.

  Earthquakes, tsunamis, high winds, thickening of the atmosphere, radiation changes...

Too much.

   There are too many disasters.

  Any disaster can easily destroy all living things on the earth. Of course, it takes time.




  In SHIELD, Nick Fury suddenly said.

   "It may be that we thought wrong before. He didn't directly carry out some kind of attack, but was slowly influencing and slowly making some changes!"

  At this moment, the sky was pitch black and everyone around was gone, leaving only Nick Fury alone.

   He thought of this, and immediately made the call.

   Soon, he put the phone down, his face was gloomy and scary!

   "Rising tide!"

   "Heavy rain!"

   "An earthquake started in some places!"


   This little bit of change, if it’s normal, Quandang should look at ordinary news, because everything is happening all over the world, it’s normal.

   But Nick Fury doesn't think so now.

   Because an agent lurking in Vancouver said a word, it made him chill.

   "Director, the moon here seems to be a bit bigger than yesterday. Haha!"

   The moon is getting bigger?

how come?

   is not the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is very big and round, besides, are you sure it is not dazzled?

   But Nick Fury combined all the previous information and came to a conclusion that made him creepy.

   Li Yue, deflecting the moon.

  He is pulling the moon toward the earth!

   If the guess is true, then as the moon gets closer and closer to the earth, everything on the earth will be destroyed.

   Those terrible natural disasters will teach mankind who is the master of the earth!

   "Hill, immediately notify the entire Ministry of Defense and the President!"

   He grabbed the phone and called, yelled, and then left in a hurry.



   In the Pentagon!

   A large number of politicians and officers gathered on a round table.

   At the top, the president is sitting.

   "Things are clear! Presumably everyone knows, maybe in dozens of days, everything on the earth will be razed to the ground!"

   "Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, high winds, and even sunlight will be weakened by the thickening atmosphere!"

   "At that time, the temperature will drop to a kind of freezing point, and there will be all kinds of disasters everywhere, no one can go out, or in other words, no creatures can survive!"

   The president's face was extremely serious, but he was not depressed.

   "We haven't notified the whole country about this matter yet, but as time progresses slowly, natural disasters will continue to erupt, and we will not be able to stop them at that time!"

   "Everyone, what should I do with this matter?"

   Everyone looked at each other, until this moment, they couldn't believe that mankind was going to be destroyed.

   There is no sign, it is too abrupt.

   abruptly makes them unacceptable.

   "I heard, this time because of a super person?"

   "I wonder if we can negotiate with him!"

   "In the final analysis, this matter is the junk pots of the Security Council. I think these worms should be tried!" A general with a gorgeous armband on his shoulders said in a deep voice. He has always looked down upon those members of the Council.

   I don’t have anything to sling, but there are a lot of intestines.

   No, this time I directly stabbed Da Louzi.


   "General Raul, I don't need to teach you how to do things in the Security Council!"

   Several old men in the Security Council are indignant, but for this super powerful figure, they can't do anything together.

   When people want to ridicule, they ridicule, what dare you?


   The president's face sank, "This is not the time to talk about this."

   "Wait for this matter to pass, this matter is under discussion!"

   "Chief Nick, you discovered this. Now, I don't know what you can do?"

   Nick Fury shook his head silently when he heard the words.

   "First of all, I don't know much about him."

   "But it can be seen that he is an unscrupulous person, this, I must have seen everyone!"

   "Second, we don't have any way to communicate with him now, because the satellite can't get close to him, and his body is repelled and isolated by powerful forces, so he can't get close!"

"Thirdly, our time is running out~lightnovelpub.net~ According to the latest assessment of the Academy of Sciences, the distance between the moon and the earth is shortening every hour. If this continues, don’t take a month. As the moon’s tidal force continues to increase, we will all die!"

"Fourth, conventional weapons have no effect on the target. I guess his ability is the control of gravity, and it can even create artificial wormholes, so unless a large-yield nuclear weapon is sent to bomb it at close range and kill him through powerful nuclear radiation. ."

   "Otherwise, there is no chance at all! Even if it is nuclear radiation, I don't know if it can succeed!"

  Nick Fury's face was gloomy, he really has no choice.

   "Could it be that we can only wait to die?"

   "I don't know, maybe we should release the news and cooperate with those mutants and super-powers!"

   "Only in this way, will there be a chance?"


   Everyone is speechless, cooperating with those people?

   This undoubtedly poke their pain.

   But when they looked at the man with silver eyes on the screen, they involuntarily agreed with this opinion.


   The president nodded. At this time, nothing matters anymore.

   "Notify them as soon as possible. Of course, other countries will discover this too, so let them know!"

   As he said, his voice was a little hoarse, as if he was much older.

   Nick Fury heard the words: "Mr. President, then I will leave first."

He nodded to the crowd, then stood up solemnly, ready to leave~lightnovelpub.net~Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at~lightnovelpub.net ~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.