Hyperspace Transmigration

v2 Chapter 59: Before leaving

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In the starry sky, the huge black vortex hole has begun to slowly dissipate.

The phantom of the system is also disappearing a little bit, and a little bit dissipated.

After all, now that I have learned what I want, it's time to get out.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the more dangerous the situation will become. Fortunately, nothing bad is happening now, this is undoubtedly a lucky thing.

With a loud rumbling sound, the huge phantom finally disappeared into the space layer by layer, and gradually disappeared like falling rocks in the water. And the spatial anomaly caused before, finally recovered at this moment.

The starry sky is still the broken and vast starry sky.

"System, things have reached this point, it doesn't make any sense for me to stay, now we should retreat!"


The system responded, and just like that, Li Yue's body began to blur a little, dissipating like a mirror flower.


The feeling this time is different from any time in the past.

In the past, when the system took Li Yue on and off, Li Yue basically felt that his eyes were dark, and then he appeared in another place during the scene change.

At that time, he was just an unrepresented three-dimensional mortal, and he didn't have a deep understanding of dimensions, so naturally he was not clear in many places.

But now his strength has become stronger, and the process of the system traveling through the universe and transferring the world is clearly visible, and it is no longer possible to get into a new world without understanding anything like the past.


The body seemed to penetrate the water surface layer by layer, and Li Yue clearly saw that he was slowly retreating into the depths of the space layer by layer. The retreat speed seemed unpleasant, but in fact it was between his fingers. .

A faint chaotic light appeared around his body, and then quickly retreated toward an unknown place under the control of the system.

at last……

As if through a thin layer of mist, the surrounding scene suddenly became clear.

Only then did Li Yue realize that what appeared before him was a crystal-clear and boundless outline, which stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, huge and boundless, and just by looking at it, he could perceive the taste of the vastness of timelessness.

"This is the wall of the universe? No, it's different from the surface of the small universe I pulled over before?"

"Host, this is indeed the crystal wall of the universe. What you pulled before was the four-dimensional small universe, but now what you see is the crystal wall of the entire primordial universe. The structure of the five-dimensional universe is different from the structure of the four-dimensional universe!"

The system responded!

"So, now we are standing outside the prehistoric universe?"

"Yes. This is the chaos, and we need to penetrate this chaos so that we can appear in the interlayer of dimensions!" the system explained.

Small universe, wild surface, chaos, interlayer of dimensions.

The relationship between these is like a person passing through the "center of the earth" to the "ground", but if you want to leave the earth, you need to pass through the high-altitude "atmosphere" in order to appear in the "space". Among.

The primordial universe is like the earth, the crystal wall is equivalent to the ground, and this chaos is to protect its atmosphere.

"The dimensionality gap? Can't you go directly? Did I pull a small universe from the dimensionality gap not long ago?" Li Yue said.

"Host, the dimensional gap is a gap in the entire multiverse. A regular order is formed from the highest latitude to the lowest dimension, so naturally there are high and low points!"

"If you want to leave the wild, you must first go back to the high-dimensional cracks, then lock the universe you are in from the high-dimensional cracks, and then go through the universe! Of course, this is the most common method, I use the ordinary method this time, On the one hand, the reason is to let you see clearly how to traverse the universe. In fact, there is a simpler method in the system that can be completed in an instant, but this method is not suitable for you!" said the system.


Li Yue nodded, expressing his understanding. What the system is doing now is like teaching by example, teaching him how to travel to different universes.

But why does it do this?

After all, as long as there is a system, which universe you want to travel to is nothing more than breathing. Why do you want to teach yourself, and you can’t wait? Or is it another method that I don't want to use now or dare not use it?


As time passed, Li Yue's body moved towards the depths of this emptiness little by little, away from the prehistoric crystal wall.

Similarly, as he got farther and farther, his vision became wider and wider, and he saw more and more things.

"That is?"

Li Yue whispered, staring in a direction at infinity.

There, a battle is taking place.

But because the distance was too far, Li Yue couldn't see clearly at all, and could only see two black patches, as well as dots of luminosity.


Li Yue called.


At the next moment, a faint light was cast in his eyes, and then the picture was suddenly enlarged, focused, and became extremely clear~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, Li Yue discovered that the dark spots in the distance were what?

It was a row of technological warships, fighting fierce battles with groups of monks carrying various magic weapons.

Various energy cannons and sword energy spells collided, and in many cases, a monk faced dozens of battleships and carried out crazy fights. Either smash all the battleships, or be bombarded with the special energy of those battleships while tired.

This kind of battle Chi Guoguo is bloody, there is no morality, there is no reason, there is no pity between the two sides.

The enemy wants to invade the wilderness and find information about conceptual weapons, while the monks want to defend the wilderness, defend their homeland and territory.


As Li Yue's body slowly moved away, he saw more and more things.

Beyond this crystal wall, and even farther away, many great abilities of the primordial world appeared one by one, fighting against the civilizations and strong men of other worlds.

Even Li Yue saw a swordsman in Tsing Yi, a sword went down, the sword light shot up, and directly killed dozens of eighteen-winged angels. Yes, those who were slaughtered like chickens were all eighteen-winged angels, just as powerful as the guys that the King of Dragon was fighting against.

But in the hands of this swordsman in Tsing Yi, it was like an ant, kneading at will.

"Is that... a saint?"

A saint who uses a sword, a master of swordsmanship

All Li Yuele could think of was the Master Tongtian, the existence of the four saints who dared to attack each other alone.

"Host, don't watch it!"

"Look further, they will notice your eyes! We must leave quickly."

At this moment, the system suddenly gave a warning, then speeded up silently, and quickly flew out of the chaos.

(To be continued.) (Time-traveling..4646731)--(Time-traveling)