Hyperspace Transmigration

v3 Chapter 22: Devil comes

In an instant, a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Yue's life was peaceful, and no one would bother him. He went out every morning for a while to see the different styles of the world, and then returned and continued to look at that kind of information.

One month has allowed him to browse most of the information in his mind. The remaining part is more complicated and requires special decryption methods, so Li Yue put it aside and waited to read the rest of the information first. After that, it is processed.

Not in a hurry.

In the room, he closed his eyes, but infinite civilization and knowledge flowed in his mind. Among them, because he has a lot of knowledge, he just glanced at it and skipped it.

Of course, the mainstream technology and genetic knowledge of this universe gave Li Yue a lot of insights.

He did this once before, creating a group of man-made gods, but the effect was insignificant, far inferior to the genetic evolution of the world that has reached its peak. In this world, genes can not only be manufactured artificially, they can create unique genetic warriors that adapt to the universe or even violate the rules of the universe. They can even survive genes, load genetic codes, lock genes and abilities in the body, and form a self-limiting protection. And stability measures.

This is a kind of military-industrialism, and it is very successful.

"Physical strength is the mainstream, and technological strength coexists!"

Li Yue gave a vague definition of the characteristics of this universe, and then continued to browse a lot of knowledge.


Dark Nebula, Death Academy.

"Are you ready? Carl, this time I need the power of a big clock to send me there, I want to build a kingdom of the devil there, freedom and strength are the real justice, I want to make Kyle that **** Understand, Morgana is correct!"

The degenerate goddess with black hair and black clothes stood beside Karl and asked.

"Don't worry, you can defeat your sister. The big clock is also ready. You can open the dark energy wormhole at any time. Under the blessing of the big clock, no one will find your coming, you and your troops still have Battleships will enter the earth silently!"

"In this way, you have enough time to prepare! Of course, if you need anything, please contact me, and I will help naturally if I can help!"

"Thanks! Then let's go!"

"follow me."

Carl nodded, and then flew into the depths of the academy.

Soon, the two of them came to a huge secret room. In the secret room, an ancient mottled bronze bell was suspended high in the air, and an endless halo circulated on the surface of the bronze bell. It was a civilization, one by one. The manifestation of this knowledge.

"Principal Kieran's big clock! I haven't seen it for many years, and now I see it again, and I will still be impressed by its power! This is the power of endless time and space!" Morgana muttered to herself, looking at it. The old bronze bell has a fiery color in his eyes.

But she just can't play with this thing. The **** of death Karl can take away the big clock and use it, and it has taken a long time. She Morgana doesn't have that thought, just envy.

"Goddess Morgana, you can go!"

"it is good!"


Earth, in a village five hundred miles away in Juxia City.

At this moment, a gap suddenly cracked in the sky outside the village, and a black fireball suddenly fell into the gap, directly hitting the village with the roar.

The flame dissipated, and it was only then that the figure inside could be seen clearly, it was Morgana.

She spread her wings and hugged the sky with her arms, laughing: "Is this the earth? Very good. I like this planet very much. It will become my next demon kingdom for Morgana!"

In the laughter, a cloud of black ink exploded from all around her body, and that energy shot directly into the sky.

Many villagers have seen this scene, their faces are horrified, they have never seen such a monster, and some people even called 110 immediately.


Morgana folded her arms and looked at these mortals with calm eyes.

"It happens to use you to deposit the genes of my demon army and transform them into my subordinates!"

As she said, she raised her palm, and a pitch-black energy ball suddenly appeared in the void.


With a quick throw, the energy ball completely exploded in the village, spreading across the entire village.

In the black energy, endless tiny invisible demonic genes spread and attached to the body surface of all villagers.

Then, those genes began to infect, began to invade, began to transform...

There was a sound of pain and roar, and the genes, cells, muscles, and bones in these villagers' bodies began to be genetically modified by the devil.

This is a means of demonic civilization. As long as the warrior's genes are used to forcefully transform the warrior, the warrior can be copied. Both the memory and the fighting instinct will exist, but the physical quality will be slightly worse.

However, physical fitness can be exercised. It only requires a large amount of resources to provide these demon warriors to their original level soon.

This is a different kind of "immortality", it is Morgana's "immortal legion," an army of demons that can never be killed or killed.

Of course, this is only a part. There are many more things sent by Karthus, such as demon warships, such as demon elites. These will be Morgana's assistants and are her important arms for conquering the planet.

"My soldiers, wake up."

All the villagers have been transformed into a sheep-headed demon with bat wings and black scale armor.

This is the lowest level demon warrior, demon soldier, well, can be used as cannon fodder.

"Carl, do my elite troops have demon warships?" Morgana said into the headset~lightnovelpub.net~ She and Carl have already established a super-dimensional connection, which also facilitates the communication between the two .

"It's being transmitted... well, it's delivered!"

As Karthus's voice fell, a huge castle-shaped battleship appeared in the sky. It is not in this space itself, but exists in the crevices of space, and what we see on the earth is only a projection.


Morgana laughed, and then with a wave of her hand, he flew into the sky with the newly transformed Demon Warrior Gate.

Penetrating the invisible space barrier, she stood directly on the square of the castle. At this moment, there were already many demonic elites waiting for her to come.

"Welcome to the Queen!"

"Okay, get me up now, and work!"

"Yes, Lord Queen!"


In the rental room, Li Yue was still looking at the information. He didn't feel the slightest error or the fluctuation.

Morgana's arrival had long been shielded by the big clock, and no trace was revealed.

I'm afraid there is nothing left except the ruins left by the village!


ps: I was sprayed by no brain again. I just want to say that I can click the cross if I don't want to see it. Why bother to go to the starting point and apply for a number to spray? Speaking of the water that I wrote, I’ve been introduced too much, I’m scolded for slow updates and rubbish, but have you ever thought that you may have watched "Super Seminary" and you know the plot direction, but what about others, who have not seen it?

The book is not written for you alone, I must be responsible for everyone, not for you alone.

The book review was deleted, and I just want to say don’t spit out, which is very uncomfortable and affects my mood. That's it, work is busy, code time is not much, I hope you will understand if the update is slow.