Hyperspace Transmigration

v3 Chapter 47: Blockade the solar system

An hour later, Li Yue appeared in the depths of the starry sky.

He raised his head indifferently, his pupils instantly became pure white, his right hand was gently lifted, and the depth of his pupils swept through the endless flow of information.

Forces, equations, formulas, coordinates, models...


With a cold drink, suddenly, a huge gravitational force centered on his body, shooting out in a straight line, penetrating through the layers of the starry sky, and directly transmitted to the outside of the solar system, the gravitational force derived and gradually weakened. Then it was adjusted and turned into a hazy force field.

At this moment, all the strong on earth felt a faint fluctuation.

"what is that?"

"It seems like something swept across!"

"It feels like everyone around is shaking, I don't know if it is my illusion!"


In the military base in Juxia City, many people also felt this slight shock, but they didn't think it was an illusion, but something that might be unexpected!

"Has it been detected?"

In the command room, Du Kao asked Gana.

According to the latest dark energy analysis, this is a gravitational wave force field with a large range, so it is temporarily impossible to locate the source! "

Jana replied in a low voice, and at the same time he was busy tapping the keyboard with both hands.

"Gravitational wave field?" ad_250_left();

Dukao groaned, and immediately continued: "Can you analyze what this gravitational wave field will bring?"

"Disaster? Or what phenomenon?"

"There is too little data to speculate. It's just that such a force field will slightly affect the earth's own gravitation, but the effect is weak, and it will not bring much change!"

"Really? Anyway, to find the source of the force field as soon as possible, I need more data!"

"Understand! It's in deduction!"


On the starry sky, Li Yue's complexion remained unchanged, but his chest was undulating, and it was obvious that such a terrifying force field enveloped him also felt a little strenuous.

"Simulate a high-entropy blockade, and start a high-entropy blockade of the solar system, increase the entropy outside the solar system, and form a high-entropy circle of chaos and collapse!"

"Start the quantum architecture!"

"Quantum simulation is completed, quantum entanglement arrangement, multi-dimensional compression, forming a multi-chain structure..."

"The basic structure is completed, and the Planck crouching begins..."

"The curling up is complete, double-wrapped, covering the solar system again, forming a relative isolation zone..."

"The double isolation is complete, the high-entropy encircling circle is complete, now, start!"

After the deduction was completed in his mind and the force field was structured, Li Yue raised his hand and lightly a little, and immediately formed a huge warped space in the starry sky. The warped space wrapped the entire solar system and formed a closed space. Sphere.

This kind of change is visible to the naked eye, the curved irregular space-time, the streamer in the chaotic collapse of particle energy levels, and the starry sky that has gone completely dead, all show the difference.

Everything went smoothly without any hindrance, and the high-entropy encircling circle was formally formed.

From then on, all living or non-living creatures in the entire solar system can no longer leave here, but the outside world can reverse it. But after coming into the solar system, don't think about leaving again.

Li Yue used a multi-dimensional quantum architecture to form a chaotic to collapsed and silent isolation zone, turning this area into a cage.

Simply put, he blocked the solar system by means.

"First step, finish, start the second step!"

The first step is the high-entropy encirclement, which is a means for banned objects to escape from the solar system.

The next step is to block the surrounding space, freeze the space of the entire solar system, and completely cut off their use of space jumping to leave here.

"Component Gravity Oscillating Star!"

"Using gravity to oscillate space-time, change the law of curvature of space-time, and cut off the ability to jump and shuttle in space!"

Thinking about it, Li Yue raised his hand indifferently and continued to get busy.


"Who is he??"

After a long time of locking, Du Kao and others finally locked onto Li Yue, who was standing in the distant starry sky, in the military base.

Unfortunately, they don't know him anymore.

All those memories, documents, data, etc. are erased, erased in the past time.

"Jana, do you have any information about people in the starry sky?"


Jana shook her head.

"So, did he cause the phenomenon of space distortion before?" Dukaao was taken aback for a moment, and then changed the subject and continued to ask.

"Yes, after analysis, the goal is to use some means on the surrounding planets, or the entire solar system. It is not clear what it is, because there are too few data to analyze the goal of the goal!"

"Damn, another guy popped up. The angel and the devil haven't settled yet, why is there another troublesome character!"

Dukao screamed secretly. The most important thing was that they didn't have any information and data about the target, they couldn't analyze the specific combat power and methods, and they didn't know how to respond.

Blindly attacking is just one of the most stupid methods.

"Principal Kieran happened to be absent these days, and such a mysterious guy has appeared again. Is this a coincidence? Or..."

Dukao meditated. Similarly, in the distance, in other parts of the earth, the two great civilizations of angels and demons also discovered this. They also discovered Li Yue and the strange galaxy changes.

Inside the angel battleship, Yanduan sat on the throne, quietly listening to the report.

After listening, she nodded faintly, and then said: "Don't bother, no matter who it is, it has nothing to do with us. Our goal is Morgana and the **** of death Carl, the others don't matter."

"Of course, the premise is that he did not provoke us, otherwise, he will kill us directly!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Inside the demon battleship, Morgana also thought.

She has a strange sense of familiarity with the figure passing on the screen of the battleship, but there is no information about this guy in her memory~lightnovelpub.net~ This is very special and wonderful.

"And, what is that guy doing?"

"My Lady Queen!" Aside, a demon elite interrupted her contemplation.

"What's the matter?" Morgana said with an unhappy expression.

"Guangbrain showed that those angels are coming back again!"

"I'm paralyzed, after Angel Yan inherited my sister's throne, he just got on the bar with us, right? Come, send me out and beat him hard!"



In the starry sky, particles in Li Yue's palm came from all directions.

Gradually, those particles became bigger and bigger, and gradually formed a huge sphere.

Similarly, the sphere keeps getting bigger, and it keeps expanding every moment.

Li Yue stopped his movements until the sphere became as large as tens of thousands of meters in diameter.

"Almost... ready to start!"


ps: It's starting to prevent theft, there is no way, I hope everyone is considerate. Subscriptions are getting lower and lower, and they are all forced to do nothing. Moreover, this is also responsible for the genuine readers. The last time I was horrified by the complaints of v-group readers, yes, piracy is always piracy. I scrupulously feel about pirated readers but ignore those who really support me. I hope you forgive me, after the anti-theft, I will update more, at least four or five chapters every day. thank you all.