Hyperspace Transmigration

v3 Chapter 69: Technology sharing


The entire Huaxia was completely exploded.

Looking towards the sky from below, you can see a huge virtual projection. In the projection, a black tall metal man is suspended in the air. Behind him is an endless mechanical army.

These mechanical forces stood neatly there, all in silver and metallic color, with red flashes shining in the pair of mechanical eye pupils, looking cold and permeating.

After saying this sentence, the projection was completely exploded.


"Damn, this guy, u, k, u, k, so many lives, how can this beast get his hands on it, I can't help it, I'm going to kill him alive!"

In the training field of the male soldier company, Galen was trembling with anger, his entire face flushed red, and his eyes stared at the projection in the sky, so he couldn't wait to eat the people inside.

This month was torment and collapse for him. He wanted to help, but the order was forbidden to pass. It's not that the head is cold-blooded, but the enemy is too many, too strong, and it's just dead for nothing.

"Gai, calm down!"

Xin Zhao, who has never been to the side, is very calm. The old hippie smile disappears completely, as if he has changed.

"Not to mention how far it is from Europe, even if you fly over, then? Go to die?"

"Can you beat him? Don't talk about that Optimus Prime, even his subordinates, you can't kill you if you kill them, and they will kill you!"

"Could it be that we can only watch it, one month, only one month, those people, those countries are gone..." Galen's eyes were red, and his eyes were slightly moist, and he resisted tears. .

"Master Xin, do you know how I spend these days? Every night, as long as I lie down, there will be a pile of people in my head. They stretch out their hands at me and shouted, covered in blood, 'Help me, help me', there are many children, one by one only so old, all dead, all dead..."

"When they are suffering, what about me? I can only exercise hard here, I am afraid I will think of them when I rest..."

Tears finally couldn't help streaming down, and Galen cried like a child.

"Brother Ge, I know, we all know how you feel."

Xin Zhao stretched out his hand and hugged Galen in his arms, gently comforted, and was silent for a while before continuing to speak, "We are no longer children. Whether it was then or now, even if we go, we just add a corpse, no, even a corpse. Will never stay!"

"The principal, the wandering mentor, General Du Kao, classmates, comrades-in-arms, and even Lena who is wandering outside all know this!"

"Because it is not strong enough!"

"Because we are too weak!"

"Because we can't resist!"

"Go, just die. Stay, there is still hope!"

"Brother Ge, we are no longer ourselves before, and our lives are not ours the moment we enter the Xiongbing Company, but the country, the lives of the people. We are responsible for this country and for everyone!"

"Now is just the first step for the lord **** Li Yue, and the next step is us."

"For those lovely people, Ge Ge, train hard, become stronger, stronger, and stronger again. If you are strong enough to the limit, you can kill the beautiful **** in space, none of this will exist!"

"Rather than die in the past, it is better to find a way to become stronger. I don't understand the principle, but I know that it is not just you alone, all of us, and even all the human beings who have survived are very sad, but So what can it be? Can sadness change the current situation? No!"

"Brother Ge, you are the most hopeful of all of us to kill Li Yue, the lord god, so you can't be so headstrong, because we need you, and all human beings who survive need you!"


"That's it!"

In the starry sky, Li Yue sighed. In this great purge, mankind finally did not burst out a gleam of hope. He didn't find any hope that could be surpassed in it, it was like being crushed by a torrent, smoothing everything out mightily.

"Well, these countries are not the focus of attention. Since no shining points are found, if they are destroyed, they will be destroyed!"

"As long as my plan can be successful step by step, when the universe rises to the fifth dimension, Kieran may be able to reverse time and revive them, ha ha!"

It doesn't matter, Li Yue doesn't care about death and passing away.

From the perspective of three-dimensional life, death is gone forever.

But in the eyes of four-dimensional life, death is not the end, it still exists in the past.

What about five-dimensional life? Death can be resurrected.

Of course, the resurrection also has a price, depending on whether the rules of the universe are restricted.

"Now that the human side is resolved, the rest is to see if angels and demons can truly join hands with humans!"

"If you still can't let go of the prejudice, then the next blow will completely destroy it!"

Without external threats, you will never understand this truth.

Standing still, Yelang arrogant, and always just a frog at the bottom of the well, Li Yue is that threat to the angels and demons, an irresistible threat.


"This is the second time I have met! Yan, Morgana, have you thought about it?"

In a secret meeting room, Kieran and others, and Heyan wanted Morgana to meet again.

"Hmph, in this situation, I can't think about it without teaming up, but I've said it in advance. If you make me feel uncomfortable during the process of teaming up, then I will launch it here, and you can play it yourself!" Mogan Na looked at several people coldly, and then warned.

Especially on the side of the angels, the bitterness is deep.

"Hmph, the devil is the representative of treachery, we angels will not do such a thing! Similarly, if Morgana dare to do any small tricks, I will also choose to quit!"

Yan said in a cold voice, she was also very disdainful of Morgana's accusations.

You know what to look for without looking at anyone's reputation.

"Well, don't make any noise!"

"Don't be angry!"

Kieran shook his head, "If we can't let go of our prejudices and truly join hands, then facing Li Yue's attack, we definitely cannot resist!"

"Moreover, he must be able to hear the conversation between us now. There is no need to doubt this. Although this is a secret private space with good defenses, it is estimated that he can't hide it from him, and there is no need to hide it!"

"It doesn't make sense. His purpose is to let us join hands. The stronger we are, the closer to his purpose for him!"

"Oh? Principal Kieran, did you guess his purpose?"

"Roughly the same!"

Kieran shook his head, "In fact, no one knows what he thinks. What I am talking about is just my own guess. After all, ~lightnovelpub.net~ Compared with your ignorance of him, I I know his past anyway!"

"I won't say more about the specifics now, let's consider the next cooperation!"


Morgana snorted coldly. Although she was unhappy, it was nothing out of respect. She would have cursed her if she changed to another person.

"If you cooperate, then start with technology sharing!"

Yan said, "Our angel civilization is willing to share our light energy science and technology! How about you, devil?"

"Cut, light energy technology, do you think I don't know? I thought it was a good thing, it turned out to be just a medium technology of angel civilization. Oh, what about your weapon manufacturing technology, what about secondary biological locking technology, what about physical modification technology? ?" Morgana said with disdain.

"The cooperation naturally comes step by step. If you want our technologies, what can you provide?" Yandao.

"We demon are willing to provide dark energy application technology, void construction technology and...gene regeneration technology!"

"Gene regeneration?" Yan was slightly surprised. This is the core point of the demons. It is because of this technology that the demons cannot be killed. If they are killed, they can be regenerated through genetic infection.

"Since the demons are so generous, and we can't be stingy, then our angel civilization will provide a complete technology tree, from the basic to the core! Of course, some secrets are not open for the time being."

"Hmph, so are our demons!" Morgana said.

Kieran nodded. In fact, he knew what the two thought, but it didn't matter, they used each other. Now the gap between each other is still there. It takes time to take time. Although I feel helpless, there is no way.

"Our Super Theological Seminary offers only the same thing!"

"A backup set of big clock data!"
