Hyperspace Transmigration

v3 Chapter 79: Variety

Sorry, the chapter name is wrong, chapter 78 is 77, chapter 79 is 78, sorry!



Li Yue's body was cut in half as the sound of a knife piercing into the flesh!

But this is false.

It's just a ghost.

And that voice was just an illusion in disguise. In that instant, Li Yue disappeared in the same place, leaving behind a real afterimage. His real body appeared behind Kazk, then pointed like a knife, and slashed at Kazk's wrapped body with a palm.

Sparks burst.

This palm knife slashed on Kazk's body without cutting a half mark, as if it had been slashed on a solid armor, without leaving a trace of white marks.

Kazk turned his head, looked at Li Yue mockingly, and then drew purple energy from his hideous palm directly at him.

Bang bang bang!

In the starry sky, the two played against each other, bursting into bursts.

Under the pouring of the aftermath of energy, the void is constantly shaking, allowing the sound to spread out in a vacuum. But apart from the sound, there was almost nothing left. The speed of the two fighting against each other was so fast that even a trace of ghost shadow could not be seen.


Li Yue quickly opened his body to Khazkla, standing in the starry sky with a cold face, staring at Khazk who was like a lunatic indifferently.

"The close combat is amazing, the combat experience is extremely rich, the tricks are simple and direct, and the tricks are straight to the point!"

"I don't know how many battles it takes to honed this fighting style. Although I can quickly analyze and then make the most reasonable response, it is undoubtedly passive and slightly worse!"

"Unfortunately, the gravitational force around here is too strong, which has affected my ability to use."

Melee is not what Li Yue is good at, but sometimes his ability is limited. Melee is the best choice!

This is the case now. His gravitational control is greatly restricted in this place. It is not perfect in the distorted and chaotic time and space. If you want to mobilize, you need to go through a lot of calculations. This is too troublesome and the enemy is not. Will give him time, so it's not as good as a close fight!

No more words.

With a touch of Li Yue's palm, a small piece of space collapsed and decomposed, and the dimension reduction became a two-dimensional plane, forming an invisible two-dimensional knife.

With a movement in his heart, the invisible blade directly slashed away at the distant Kazik.

Danger? !

Although I don't know why, but the tempered instinct still caused Khazkeben to twist his body abruptly.

Then only a flash of light was seen, and its arm was cut off.

"How is it possible? If I just passed by and reacted slowly, wouldn't it be cut in half?"

Although it won't die if it's split in half, it's like a plaything during this period of time. He can knead as he wants to be kneaded. Such a scene feels terrifying when he thinks about it.

"What the **** is it? A silent, invisible and invisible attack? Humph, although it is difficult, I will too!"

The wound squirmed, and a new arm suddenly grew out.

Kazk stared at Li Yue coldly, then his body disappeared into the starry sky and became invisible again.


The battle between the two will not be mentioned for the time being. Don't look at the time when they fight is short, but the time is relative.

The battle between Li Yue and Khazik only lasted less than a minute, but that was the edge of the new world, a place where gravity was extremely distorted. Because of the strong gravitational force, the time flow here will appear very slow.

One minute here, outside, but more than twenty years have passed.

More than twenty years!

This is too long.

Those ordinary people who have been on Earth for a long time have almost forgotten all the disasters that have happened. If it were not for China, the new mechanical empire and mechanical civilization would stand there. I am afraid that no one would remember everything.

Juxia City, in a huge basin three hundred miles away.

This is a new base jointly established by humans and angels and demons. The base is huge and covers an area of ​​several kilometers. The entire building looks like a sci-fi style, like an inverted eggshell.

Here, you can see countless angels and countless demons walking back and forth here every day. Similarly, every year, soldiers from Super Seminary are sent here to receive training. There are also new births of angels and demons. Soldiers come here for special training.

At the very center of this new base stands a huge transparent glass ball.

This is the center of gravity of the entire base, a small universe of time curvature.

Most of China's resources are consumed here to provide for the normal operation of this small universe, so that it can maintain an open state, maintaining the flow of time for one year inside and one day outside.

Except for the defense of some powerful fighters and soldiers, basically most of the people in the base live in that small universe, making rapid progress and development.

This brings not only population and more resource consumption to the small universe, but also a great improvement.

In the research of countless soldiers and scientists, after a long time of improvement, this man-made small universe has been continuously improved. Now, its interior is like a new world.

Mountains, rivers, sea, stars...

Even new races and new civilizations were born in the small universe.

Through the evolution of time, they have slowly developed their own social mentality and formed their own style of work. Although they are still very backward, they have a stable and happy life.

The driving forces behind all this are the three civilizations of angels, demons, and humans in the small universe. Just inadvertently pushing the hands, they developed a magnificent brilliance.

In the depths of the small universe, among the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers stands a huge group of buildings.

This building complex occupies a large area, but the style is different, and the whole looks can easily distinguish three different styles.

Simple, luxurious, and natural.

Here is the new internal base. Here, all the elites of the human, angel, and devil tribes have gathered, as well as a large number of scientific research results.

In these twenty years of external development and thousands of years of internal development, mankind has thoroughly studied all the cutting-edge information provided by angels and demons, and even discovered more technologies under mutual continuous research.

Then, these technologies are used to make terrible weapons.

In a huge ancient Greek building, Yan, Morgana, Dukao and others are communicating.

"Twenty years, and thousands of years have passed here. The blow we originally thought would be coming has not appeared. In the starry sky, there is no figure of the main **** Li Yue! At present, the space-blocking instrument has been Destroyed by us, now there is only the last defensive circle left. Break it and we will be able to pass through unimpededly!"

Du Kao and a few people gathered around a round table and spoke.

"Huh, that guy won’t be scared anymore. What about the second "Great Flood" that was said to be okay? People disappeared, and even if he appeared, it would be too late. Now the entire solar system is our weapon and The battleship, even if it is his subordinate, the Optimus Prime of mechanical civilization, is not the only thing we can beat now that we can only hide in South America?"

Morgana also spoke, but her words were still arrogant.

"You also know that those are just his men? We can't take one of his men, let alone him!"

Yan shook his head and sighed in his heart.

"If he hadn't been huddled on the earth, he would have been wiped out!"

"So what? If he does appear, you are really sure you can beat him? Don't look at our development here for thousands of years, but most of the time is spent on the combination of different civilizations and different knowledge! Really! The new technology and new weapons that have been researched may not be useful to that guy!" Yan shook his head, her heart is very calm, she is not Morgana, not so arrogant.

Of course, Morgana looked carefree, but in fact she was as careful as a hair, otherwise she would not become the leader of the demons, and led the demonic civilization to become one of the peaks of the universe.

"By the way, where's Principal Kieran?"

"The principal has not been here for a long time. Now, apart from our scientific researchers and soldiers, there are only the developing local civilizations from the outside world!" Dukaao said.

"Indigenous civilization? Huh, a group of indigenous people!" Morgana said with disdain.

"Who didn't evolve from aboriginals? Even if it is your angels and demons, who have increased their time by tens of millions of years, aren't they also an aboriginal?"

"Well, let's talk about our next development now!"

"Ducao, do you have anything to say?" Yan said.


Dukao nodded, this is the purpose of their exchange this time.

"On the Super Theological Seminary side, our soldiers have gone through thousands of years of training and tempering. They have reached a peak in their strengths. They are all gods. Except for the members of the new generation, basically Galena All of them have reached their strongest status."

"Among them, Galen is undoubtedly the strongest. Last time we raided the mechanical empire, you saw Galen's strength. The once powerful Optimus Prime is no longer his one-in-one enemy."

"If Optimus Prime hadn't been strong enough, he might be smashed by Galen abruptly!"

"The mechanical empire has ruled the earth for more than ten years, but now it is curled up in South America. In addition to our rapid development, it is mainly due to Galen's overwhelming power!"

"As for the others, all are not weak. They are all gods, equivalent to gods, and have a long life span. It's not about waiting!"


Their discussion is cumbersome, because it involves the future development direction of the three ethnic groups, so it is destined not to be solved by two meetings.

Outside that small universe, in the earth.

The former goddess of dawn, Lena, is still hidden in Juxia City, living the life of an ordinary person.

On the top of the Himalayas, Zhixin stands on the top of the mountain, his body has turned into an immortal ice sculpture...

In the base camp of the mechanical empire in South America, Optimus Prime is working hard to exercise self-confidence, hoping to evolve to be stronger...

On the site of the Super Theological Academy in Juxia City, the gray-haired Principal Kiran was staring at the stars in a daze...

In the solar system ~lightnovelpub.net~, a starry sky suddenly exploded in the orbit of the earth and the moon.

Out of thin air, a petite and cute baby, all naked and naked, appeared.


Afterwards, a cry of tears echoed the starry sky silently.

"what is that?"

Kiran's eyes on the earth flashed, and the next moment, the whole person disappeared in place.


ps: Because there is no manuscript, the author can only write slowly. I haven't been to work for two days, and I'm a bit busy. So I will write as much as I can, and I hope everyone will forgive me.

My friend’s book will be on the shelves tomorrow. I’ll make an advertisement to help recommend it. The title of the book is "Two-dimensional Shuttle". Brothers who like this style can check it out, thank you!

(To be continued.)