Hyperspace Transmigration

v3 Chapter 96: Break the blockade

Recommend Ergen's new book [One Thought Eternity], read the new works of Great God!

The Legion of the Void World didn't know why it rushed toward the earth in a mighty way, with the goal directed at the solar system.

In the solar system, apart from Li Yue's clone, no one felt it at all.

It is not that they are not strong enough, but that the solar system is covered with a spherical seal, which isolates all the breath, and cannot perceive more things outside. Therefore, everyone on the earth naturally does not have a virtual air force regiment coming here.



Nobody knows.

If the army of the void world is at war with the earth, then the scene must be very amazing.

"Maybe, the entire solar system will be ruined by them!"

The clone Li Yue whispered to himself, if this is the case, after the main body wakes up, I am afraid it will be completely angry.

At such a high price, if the earth is gone, then plan a shit.

If the body is angry, the void world will probably suffer. He can think of the consequences of anger after the body returns, what dimensionality reduction blows, what vacuum decay, dimensionality shrinking, crystal wall cutting, etc. must be thrown into the void world all at once.

It might even destroy the origin of the universe.

"Ontology can indeed do such a thing!"

Shaking his head in his heart, the clone said to himself: "Alsace, it's up to you now, everything will be better, but now, I need to experience a little bit..."



"Have a nightmare again!"

In the early hours of the night, Arthas woke up suddenly from the bed.

"Why, why every time I fall asleep, I see many people, no, many things call me?"

"And, I actually feel very kind?"

It was too abnormal, and because of this abnormality, Arthas thought it was a nightmare.

After all, the behavior of sleeping is just a daily habit for him, whether he sleeps or not is the same, but he is used to it.

However, the strength has reached the current state, sleeping nightmare? It's like a joke!

"But it was born."

Arthas leaned against the bed, looking out the window through the glass.

It is quiet at night, and peace around is rare. In this quiet night, as long as the moon hangs high in the sky, it shines a misty glow.

"Since I killed Optimus Prime last time, I have had nightmares!"

"Moreover, my strength has increased a lot, which is very abnormal!"

He looked deeply at the moon outside the window, and a round of moon white was reflected in his pupils, and the light of the moon white spread faintly, rippling along his pupils like water waves.

"What's in my body?"

"That voice, what is it?"

"Is everything... he... did it? Or is it just accidental?"

do not know.

Even for that person, all Alsace knew were just a few words, just some processed story fragments that he heard-.

"Forget it!"

"Just forbearance!"

"I promised Anna to go shopping with her tomorrow morning!"

As soon as he thought of Anna, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Alsace's mouth, and his eyes softened instantly.

After this time of getting along, the relationship between him and Anna has also heated up.

For Alsace, the emotional novice, or for anyone, the feeling of first love is always good.

And people who fall into love are always incapable of extricating themselves, and sane people are no exception.

Arthas is indeed powerful. Logically speaking, it is difficult to feel that way when he reaches his level. But the reality is quite the opposite. He is in love and still falls in love at first sight.

No one is willing to investigate the reason.

Perhaps anything that is wrong will subconsciously rely on Li Yue.


Individual life will always subconsciously push many things to other life, to seek comfort, to find a reason to continue to do so.

Everyone is like this, even today's Li Yue cannot escape this huge limitation.

In the boundless depths of the void, Li Yue’s body is like a dove egg, curled up there, and the energy flow on the surface of the body is staggered to form a closed eggshell structure. Inside the eggshell, lies him sleeping. .

Forcibly interrupting the fusion between the two groups of origins cost him a lot, not to mention that he rudely tore off a large piece of origin and swallowed it in his stomach.

So sleeping here is not only to restore one's own consumption, but also to instinctively digest the source that was swallowed by him, a little bit of transformation, a little bit of transformation.

The time required for this process is not specific, maybe he is still asleep after ten thousand years, maybe he will wake up immediately in the next moment.

Time doesn't have much meaning in this area. Whether you can wake up from a deep sleep, the key is to see Li Yue himself and how the situation is. No one knows better than him.

Time passed quickly like running water, and in a blink of an eye, more than half a year passed.

In the starry sky, after such a long time of high travel, the tens of thousands of troops of the Void Air Force finally rushed out of the solar system!

"Report General~lightnovelpub.net~We have reached the target galaxy!"

"The target galaxy is code-named b1275tx. After detection, an anomalous blockade is found, there are traces of advanced civilization, and traces of advanced life..."

At the forefront, the scout spacecraft sent a wave of reports, sending all the data it found.

After a while.

In the Void Air Force regiment, a black armor collar groaned and looked deeply at the galaxy ahead, his pupils flickering.

"A blockade?"

"It's exactly as the Prophet expected!"

Nodded thoughtfully, the leading general groaned, and said directly: "No need to test, take out the phase-contrast penetrating cannon directly, then aim it forward and blast a door!"


Although the void world advocates individual practice, it does not mean that their science and technology are not up to date. On the contrary, they also have advanced technology, but most of those technologies serve to strengthen themselves. Many science and technology in the universe are in the void. From the perspective of the world, it is simply weak.


"It's ready!"

In the starry sky, a huge ferocious columnar assembled metal body appeared, one shot facing the solar system, and the other end continuously twisting, collecting various energy.

"Three, two, one!"

"Phase cannon, shoot!"


A high-frequency harsh whisper came, and a condensed warped ball was visible to the naked eye. It flew across the starry sky and went straight to the high-entropy blockade outside the solar system.

Then in just one second, a huge spherical cavity, or tunnel, appeared in the entire starry sky.

The starry sky is completely penetrated!

(To be continued.)

Recommend Ergen's new book: One thought of eternal time and space travel, the latest chapter, time and space travel, no pop-up window