Hyperspace Transmigration

v4 Chapter 93: 'help me'

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A long time has passed since the inner circumference of the True Dragon Mountain Range with the eruption of the volcano, and the surrounding area is also full of practitioners of different cultivation levels.

These people, each with the strongest and weakest cultivation level, have the immortal realm, that is, the four-dimensional immortal level.

But in Li Yue's view, it's all rubbish.

It didn't make any sense at all except to disturb himself. He didn't even bother to do it. He just wanted to go to the volcano to find out later, and didn't want to be disturbed by the garbage.

"Fuck me all!"

Standing next to the volcano, Li Yue gave a cold shout to his back, his voice directly turned into a terrifying sound wave, and he slammed toward the guys watching the excitement in the distance.

Also followed by his coercion.

The terrible coercion seemed to override everything, and the surrounding space was directly distorted. With the roar of the sound waves, the bodies of the group of practitioners were blown over and flew upside down for hundreds of meters to stabilize their figure.

"This coercion is too terrifying. Just a coercion makes me feel like I am in hell. Is it... a divine existence?"

"There is a holy man on the volcano?! How is this possible?"



The crowd was in a panic, and while their thoughts were moving, some people began to flee madly, and then more people also fled, without any other thoughts at all.

In front of the divine existence, they are nothing more than ants. Where can they dare to have other thoughts?

A ray of light flashed across the sky and flew quickly toward the sky, without wanting to stay for a moment. Soon, after Li Yue’s voice, only a few people were still there, but their faces Also hesitated.

The remaining few people all have extraordinary backgrounds and have bad intentions.

Although the voice and aura before were very amazing and the share was sacred, the sacred is so easy to encounter, and they are confident of their strength and have a life-saving backhand in their hands, so their minds naturally moved.

Is there sacredness under the volcano?

Is it foreign, or is it always there?

Is it serious injury?

Otherwise, why not kill them, just drive them away?

If you are seriously injured, then...

"Treasures, there must be amazing treasures. The sacred items are all there. The treasures below must be amazing. Although the sacred items are not profane, but a sacred item that may be seriously injured and unable to handle it is not necessarily!"

Interests are moving.

Greedy people often find reasonable excuses for their various behaviors, with expectations and ambitions in their hearts, and then their IQ plummets, and they do things that do not live or die.

Like these whimsical guys.

They come from small families, small places, or occasional adventures, so they don't have much knowledge. Although there are many sacred legends, they can be discarded compared to benefits.

They are still paying attention, what is the amazing treasure, and then soaring into the sky!

Ran and egg.

Li Yue felt cold when he saw how many people were left here.

"act recklessly!"

These guys are so careful that he can see through it. At this time, he is still thinking about trying his luck to see if he can catch the autumn wind, or even be a fisherman. It's stupid!


No nonsense, Li Yue raised his hand in that direction. Suddenly, a huge palm condensed out, locking the bodies of several greedy people, and then slapped them fiercely.

"No, senior, holy senior..."



Several people looked horrified, looked at the earth-shaking big hands in the sky, and hurriedly used various methods, even precious life-saving items.

As a few rays of light bombarded the big hand, the surface of the huge palm waved slightly, and there was no other reaction, and it continued to cover them.

No, no, no.

Several people roared in their hearts and regretted it, but it was too late.

With a few screams and wailing sounds, these unconscious people were beaten to powder with one palm, and they couldn't die anymore.

After doing this, Li Yuecai turned around indifferently, looked at the black area in front of him, and stepped in.


There was a lot of movement to obliterate those people. From a distance, one could see the big hands appearing in the sky, as well as the screams.

For this reason, the adventurers who had fled before were able to escape faster, and they wanted to increase their flight speed by a hundred times.

Not only these escaping guys, but some adventurers who had originally planned to come also saw this scene, and suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter? Why are these humans fleeing back?"

Among them, a woman in a white palace dress looked at the adventurer facing the opposite direction of the volcano. With a flash of her body, she appeared in front of a middle-aged man with a good cultivation level.

With a wave of her hand, the woman directly grabbed the madly escaping middle-aged person in her hand, carrying his clothes, flashing again, and appeared in a forest.


Suspended the middle-aged man who was still in a daze on the ground, the woman stared at him and asked faintly: "Let's go, why are you all going back? Didn't you plan to visit the volcano?"

The middle-aged didn't seem to hear it, but stared at the woman in a daze, with a face that couldn't believe it, "You, you, you are the nine-tailed demon king!"

"En?" The woman frowned, waved her hand, and slapped the middle-aged man directly.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me!"

"Yes Yes!"

The middle-aged hurriedly lowered his head and did not dare to act rashly. He has recognized that this woman is the only demon king at the core of the True Dragon Mountain Range in the legend. It is said that she has broken through to the realm of Venerable Daluo, which is completely beyond his ability to resist. of.

After a pause, he quickly explained the reason to the woman. After speaking, he continued to lower his head and did not dare to make a sound.

"You said there is sacredness there? Impossible!"

Upon hearing that there is a sacredness under the volcano, the woman shook her head directly, "You adventurers, don't understand the meaning of sacredness at all!"

Only the sacred is higher than the sky, this is not a joke.

Although the True Dragon Mountain Range is one of the best in Yuehaizhou, it is only a small place compared to the entire Chunyang Great World.

Some people at the Da Luo level will not come here, let alone the sacred existence, and simply look down on it.

"Really, Lord Demon King, there is really sacredness. Did you see the big hand that covered the sky before? It is the hand of the sacred existence!" The middle-aged hurriedly said, for fear that one of them would be killed by the Demon King accidentally.

"Really? Holy!"

The woman raised her head, looking at the erupting volcano in the distance, her eyes long.

"What is the reason, there is still a sacred? Is it a treasure or something else? No, this matter must be notified to the ethnic group and the ancestors!"

Thinking, the woman didn't hesitate, her body flashed, and she disappeared into the space.

In the same place, the middle-aged person stood up for a moment, looking at the disappearing woman, and cursed secretly, "Demon King? Bah, bastard, when my cultivation base becomes stronger, sooner or later... "

But before he finished speaking, the whole person suddenly swelled up, and then burst into a sensation like a balloon, turning into pieces of bones and flesh and blood.


On Li Yue's side, after one step out, he stepped into the black area.

As soon as he entered it, he felt different.

There are no rocks and soil here. Although it is under the volcano, the surrounding area is very empty and empty. You can't see anything except the darkness. Moreover, the soul can't perceive the surroundings. It swept over, confused, what Can't see it.

"Weird place!"

Li Yue whispered, looking in one direction, he stepped forward, unhurriedly.

From the outside, this dark area is only a small part under the volcano, but only after entering it, I found that the space here is extremely huge.

In the darkness, he didn't know how long he walked, and finally he saw a ray of light.

Without hesitation, Li Yue's body moved directly in front of the light source.

In the eyes, it is a distorted light and shadow, just a light and shadow, a faint white light emitting in the darkness.

The light and shadow are suspended here, very distorted, twisting and wriggling endlessly, so that Li Yue can't see what the light and shadow are showing, and can't distinguish what the light and shadow are.

After thinking slightly, Li Yue stretched out his hand and touched the light and shadow.

However, it failed.

He didn't touch anything with the palm of his hand, and passed it directly.


Li Yue smiled, but he smiled very coldly. In his current realm, he could even fiddle with the timeline and capture quantum state particles, but he penetrated through the light and shadow without feeling anything.

This is incredible, but it did happen.

"It seems that the origin of this dark space is probably related to this magical light and shadow?"

"Just, what should I do?"

How to do it? How to do? Li Yue hasn't thought of a way yet.

Because he couldn't perceive and touch, he could only watch the light and shadow with the naked eye, and he couldn't even see what was manifested in the light and shadow. Naturally, he had no clue~lightnovelpub.net~ and could only observe slowly.

Time just passed a little bit like this.

Li Yue stayed in this dark space for a long time, a full ten years, and within ten years, he had been to all places in this space, but there was nothing.

Apart from this light and shadow, there is no discovery.

"Is it? Just give up like this? It has been ten years, but I still haven't thought of a way. The methods are all useless after a lot of lessons, and simulation deduction can't produce a result!"

Standing in front of this light and shadow, Li Yue felt helpless in his heart.

In this world, there are very few things he can't do, and it's extremely rare. At his stage, there are very few things that can stop him in the entire multiverse, but now, he has encountered it in this universe.

"This light and shadow must not be something of this universe, even more advanced!"

But just as his mind was turning, the entire dark space suddenly rumbling and shaking.

"what happened?"

Li Yue raised his head and scanned the surroundings, but saw that the surrounding field of vision was shaking slightly, as if it would collapse in the next second.


This thought struck through his mind, and before Li Yue could act, the light and shadow in front of him that had been distorted for ten years finally changed.

A weak and old voice penetrated through the light and shadow and reached his ears.

"Help me, help me, I know you, please help me, help me..."


ps: Today's Singles Day is a silent crit for many lone wolves.

Today is also Choosing Hand Festival. The author has already booked instant noodles for this month with the canteen downstairs, qaq......

(To be continued.) (Time-traveling..4646731)--(Time-traveling)