Hyperspace Transmigration

v6 Chapter 35: 500 years later...

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Li Yue fell into enlightenment. Under this special state, his understanding of the Mystery of Heaven and Earth would show an explosive growth.

This is a rare state of cultivation for ordinary people, but it is not an important point for Li Yue. Because it is a clone, there are many spiritual knowledge, spiritual insights, and mysteries of various rules in his mind, so it is just unnecessary for him to understand the Tao.

The only benefit of the state of enlightenment for him is probably only the understanding of his own practice and his own path.

Having been in this world covering the sky for a long time, facing all kinds of broken rules of this world, world suppression, targeting, and even subtle conscious influence, this step by step made Li Yue's exploration of this world more and more difficult.

Before that, he almost collapsed, completely Taoist, disappeared and melted between the world.

If it weren’t for the body to discover this, and directly shot through the infinite universe, and erased the shadow that was hidden and affected in the depths of his consciousness, Li Yue would not know that he would have been unknowingly before he died. This universe has been calculated.

At this moment, in the depths of the Xiaohuang Mountain, Li Yue once again fell into a deep level of cultivation.

In this state, his cultivation speed is very fast, and he once again returned to the moment when he plundered the feathered god's ‘immortal tire’ in a trance. The realm of his cultivation was soaring at a rocket speed.

This is not surprising, it would be strange if it does not improve.

After all, the body opens the door of dimensions through infinite time and space, and is infused with a pure source of power. Although it is only a source of power, the energy contained in it can be said to be vast, at least for the current realm of the clone. Can hardly be expected.

The universe that covers the sky is too far away from the universe of the Lord God.

The immortal standing at the top of the sky-covering universe is only at the level of Da Luo in the main **** universe, and a practitioner at the level of Da Luo, in the eyes of the ontology, is simply dust and ants.

If it is not too far away, on the one hand, the body must maintain the six-dimensional fragments of comprehension, and on the other hand, it will consume too much energy, and it will not only transfer a source of energy.

It's just enough.

This pure source energy can at least increase Li Yue's cultivation by a step, or even more.

Moreover, Li Yue himself is still in a state of enlightenment. In this state, he can ensure that he can perfectly absorb and transform these energies, can perfectly understand his own way, learn about the rules suitable for this universe, and condense his own best Strong Tao fruit.


In the depths of the Xiaohuang Mountain, Li Yue closed his eyes and practiced.

His whole body was wrapped around the river formed by the chaotic airflow, gurgling flowing between his whole body, and there was airflow in the nose and wings every time he breathed, and the rhyme of the jade's face flashed with lustrous luster.

The blood in the body is gushing, rushing, flowing through the flesh, muscles, bones, and internal organs. Every time it circulates, there is a shimmering divine luster. The chaotic runes are born and die, imprinted on the flesh and blood. The chaotic lines between the bones also seemed to become clearer and more unpretentious.

Not only that, in this kind of practice, his whole person seems to be glowing, his eyebrows twinkling, and the sea of ​​bitterness is filled with bitterness. Behind it is a terrifying shadow of the demon god, which is suspended behind his back, his mouth opens and closes. There is no sound, but it seems to be expounding the great road of heaven and earth, telling the truth of self.

In this way, Li Yue fell into a deep level of cultivation, and every time he breathed over, he became stronger and transformed.

The cultivation is even more visible to the naked eye.

And this kind of improvement seems to have no limit, has been going on, has been getting stronger.


The annual rings of time rumblingly crushed the earth, crushed all the worlds, and the things that were taken away, and those that were not taken away, passed by like this.

In an instant, five hundred years passed.

Five hundred years later, the original location of the small barren mountain remains unchanged, and the barren is still barren, but the surrounding vegetation seems to be a little more luxuriant. Apart from the vegetation, the potholes are like yesterday.

This situation cannot be changed in a mere five hundred years, because it is not only the change of the terrain, but the damage after the dragon vein is extracted. The entire earth vein is damaged, even if it is time, it cannot be a short time. Erase this damage.

It takes a long time.

As for this humble little barren mountain, Li Yue, who had been cultivating for five hundred years, finally opened his eyes.


In a trance, the entire ground trembled, and the ground shook for a few tens of miles.

Underground, Li Yue slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, complex and mysterious textures manifested in his eyes, and then gradually disappeared.

"How long?"

Li Yue whispered, and with a slight sense, he read the message between heaven and earth, "Has it been five hundred years? Time flies so fast!"

Five hundred years is just a journey for powerful practitioners, but for many ordinary people it is a heritage of generations.

Time, for many people, is the biggest obstacle in this universe, and it is also the biggest grind for the cultivators in this world.

Throughout the ages, how many strongmen have died due to the exhaustion of their lives, and how many Tianjiao have died in the pursuit of longevity, too many.

Five hundred years have passed, but to Li Yue, he was astonished as yesterday. During this long period of time, his changes were even greater and surprising.

Whether it is physique, Taoism, cultivation level, realm, etc., Li Yue has reached an incredible level, which can be said to be a real transformation.

And in this transformation, the path in his heart has been completely formed and completely firm.

In the depths of the soul, a chaotic air mass appeared, which was condensed but not scattered, like a heart, which beats with every breath, and spit out endless complex lines between every breath.

This is Tao fruit.

Part of the immortal body created by Li Yue is the way of self that he structured.

It is very special and very mysterious. It cannot be said what a mystery it is. It seems that all the principles and principles are gathered here. It is the essence of one's practice and contains great good fortune.

This kind of change is just one of them. His body has changed even more, like a **** like a devil, with boundless energy and blood completely restrained. He entangled there like a real dragon lying on the water, and if he does not move, he will break the earth.

There have been too many changes in five hundred years, but the biggest and most intuitive change is the cultivation level.

His cultivation base has reached an unprecedented level, the Eighth Heaven of Sendai, the realm of quasi-emperor.


The Emperor Zhun, only one step away, can reach the extreme of the Nine Heavens in Sendai, sublime to the extreme, and prove that Dao becomes an emperor.

Being able to reach this step in such a short period of time is not only the result of his five hundred years of comprehension and penance, but also the power of the origin of the universe transmitted from the body.

That is the original energy transmitted by the half-six-dimensional body, which is beyond the universe and I don't know how much, it is almost like naked empowerment, and the effect is amazing.

Maybe the body itself did not expect that it is just a small source of energy that has such a big effect. I originally thought that it would be good to be raised to the realm of the Great Sage at most. After all, the suppression of this world is too strong, but I did not expect Li Yue to be at five. A hundred years later, he reached the realm of quasi-emperor.

The complexity and causes of this are difficult to tell for a while.


Deep underground, Li Yue stood up and was restrained, his bones croaking.

Standing in the ground, he raised his head and looked towards the ground, but he groaned in a low voice, "The cultivation base can no longer be suppressed, and we must find a stable place to overcome the disaster."

When the cultivation base reaches the quasi emperor, it is natural to survive thunder disaster.

And his Thunder Tribulation has always been terrifying, if you don't find a quiet place to meet the Thunder Tribulation here, I am afraid that the entire Big Dipper will be destroyed by the Thunder Tribulation.

Don't doubt, although the Big Dipper is very special, Li Yue's thunder calamity must be extremely terrifying. The calamities targeted by the entire world when he crosses the calamity are extremely unscientific, beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The last time it was besieged by Baidi, this time I don't know what it will be like.


The mud from the bottom of the Xiaohuang Mountain exploded suddenly, and a chaotic divine light flashed away, flying directly towards the sky.


I don't know how long it took to fly~lightnovelpub.net~ After flying out of the Big Dipper for a full month, Li Yuecai came to a barren starry sky and stayed there.

"This is it!"

There was no sign of life in the starry sky here, it was deserted, and there was nothing else except the dark and cold starry sky.

For him, this is indeed a good place to cross the catastrophe, first it is quiet, not afraid of being disturbed, and secondly, it will not cause much influence.

In the starry sky, Li Yue slowly let go of his breath.

Suddenly, the coercion belonging to the quasi-emperor permeated the entire starry sky. Under this coercion, the entire starry sky seemed to be suppressed and trembled, and the endless space was solidified and suppressed.


Above his head, thunder robbery followed, and the naked eye could see a large black shadow shrouded in the starry sky, forming an endless sea of ​​thunder.

That Thunder Sea formed quickly, and it was about to condense in just a few breaths, becoming extremely terrifying.

"what is that?"

Li Yue raised his head, his eyes pierced through the entire thunder sea, peeking into the depths of the thunder sea.

There is a golden phantom floating in it, which looks like a golden bead projection on the surface. It is slender and round, but when it looks closely, it is a faint golden big eye, staring at Li Yue's direction. , Cold and ruthless.

"bring it on!"

Li Yue smiled lowly. He knew that the thunder tribulation this time would be extremely difficult, but what about?

When he moved his body, he rushed directly into the thunder sea.

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