Hyperspace Transmigration

v8 Chapter 14: Level 7 fighter

The black bear's end was naturally skinned and cut. The fur was thick and undamaged. Li Yue washed it and put it aside to dry on the trunk, while the black bear's meat was used for dinner.


However, there is too much meat. The black bear is more than three meters high. He can't finish it alone. He can only take part of it. The rest can only stay here, waiting for other monsters to come and clean up. Up.


   "Bear paws, bear bile, a few catties of bear meat..."


   Crouching on the ground, Li Yue was still busy, dealing with the black bear's body.




   Suddenly, Li Yue felt a hard object on the black bear's belly.


   He took it out with the palm of his hand. After spreading the **** palm, a crystal-clear black jade-like bead caught his eyes.


   "This is... the magic core?"


   Warcraft have magic cores. This thing is a precious magic material and has many uses. The higher the level of magic cores, the more amazing the price. This black bear is a five-level monster, and the magic core is naturally five, which is very valuable.


"good stuff!"


   Li Yue smiled, took the magic core in his arms, and then continued to work on the corpse.


   It took a full hour before he left. There was only a dilapidated bear carcass left in the same place, lying there bloody, making this area full of pungent blood.




   The night slowly fell. In a small canyon in the Warcraft Mountains, Li Yue was sitting on the ground with a pile of firewood burning in front of him. On the fire, he was driving a greasy bear paw. This was his dinner.


This gorge is not very big. It is not so much a gorge as it is a big crack. It is a rift formed after the rock cracks. Therefore, the end of the gorge is a dead end, but there is no wind and rain, and it is very quiet. There is a puddle not far away. , Is a good place to stay.


  Perhaps, this crack can be used as a temporary residence for Li Yue when he has not grown to a better habitat. After all, he will live in the Warcraft Mountains for a long time.


   The night is getting darker, the more Li ate and drank, he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, but couldn't sleep.


   Entering the Warcraft Mountains for the first time, encountering Warcraft, and the mood now makes him not the slightest sleepiness.


   "Then...just practice "River Wind Secret Code"!"


Li Yue whispered. Since he can't sleep, he is not tired. Instead of wasting time, he should spend his time practicing. Since the acquisition of "The Secret Book of River Wind", he has not practiced once, and it is too late to practice. .


   The secret code has long been memorized and kept in my heart.


   I recalled a little bit, all kinds of "The Secret Book of River Wind" flowed in my heart, and naturally Li Yue took a pose, crossed his knees on the ground, closed his eyes and began to practice.


The night was cold and there was a faint breeze blowing by. Li Yue closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, with his hands intertwined, forming a strange shape on his chest, and he began to breathe and breathe rhythmically. stand up.


   His chest undulates rhythmically, presenting a unique rhythm. Between each breath, the handprints on his hands change slightly. This is adjusting and feeling the law that suits him best.


Gradually, without knowing how long he was here, Li Yue felt as if countless ants were crawling around his body slowly, numb and itchy, and this feeling became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a bone-like electric current that irritated the whole body. .


Suddenly, invisible energy poured in from between heaven and earth. Spirit snakes generally submerge into his body. As his breathing rhythm changes, that energy enters the body, turns into a trickle and walks through it, continuously flowing from various parts of the body. Among the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, it circulates in the whole body.


   At this moment, Li Yue is still fully in the cultivation state, and the colorless energy between heaven and earth turns into fighting energy, constantly flowing in his body, tempering and filling his body.


   And his body is like a ditch that has been dry for many years, absorbing the energy frantically and greedily, then converging and transforming, and finally turning into a trace of colorless air current, gathering between the lower abdomen dantian.


Li Yue, who was still in the process of cultivating, had a clear mind, and the fighting energy in his body kept circulating throughout his body. The whole person seemed to be completely soaked in the cool water of the pool. Under the energy of the ground caress and nourishment, the whole body became more The comfort, extremely refreshing and refreshing.


Very comfortable.


   Very happy.


In the night, Li closed his eyes and became more serious. His face was solemn and calm. He kept his body in the best state of cultivation. He continued to greedily run the mysterious air current in his body. Gradually, with time, As he went on, a strange wave fluctuated, slowly circling around his body, forming a circle of sound waves floating around.


Between breathing and breathing, a stream of free energy between the world and the earth is like a sea of ​​rivers, and traces along the pores on the delicate skin crazily drilled into Luofeng's body, and burst into the body in the blink of an eye. Make a pure and flexible flow of heat, warm and nourish the bones, wash the veins, and temper the muscles...




   But Li Yue opened his eyes again, seven days later.


   At this moment, the morning sun was born, and the golden sunlight sparsely penetrated through the layers of trees, hitting between the rock walls one by one, shining on his face.


   And at this time, Li Yue woke up.




   His eyes opened, and the black and white pupils looked extremely clear and pure, as if they had completely washed away all the plumes, clear and bright, with a special charm.


   opened his mouth slightly, exhaled into thunder, and a dull low moan exploded in the air. The sound was like firecrackers stuffed in a jar, low and powerful.


   "Is this the practice of fighting spirit? Sure enough... it's totally different!"


   Li Yue stood up, arms stretched out, his whole bones crackled, he waved his hands happily, and slammed a fist to the side of the rock without warning.




   punched down, the rock wall exploded directly, was smashed out of a basketball-sized pit, and rubble flew around.


   And Li Yue's fist has nothing to do, not even a trace of red marks, and even the faint white light on the fist looks amazing.


   "The fighting spirit... really strong!"


   Compared with the power of pure physical body, the punch with fighting Qi is stronger and more powerful.


   Li Yue slightly sensed, he easily sensed a stream of pale white buckets flowing in the dantian area of ​​his lower abdomen, slowly turning.


   "Fight Qi Huaye~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the symbol of the seventh-level fighter, so...I have become a seventh-level fighter? This..."


   After one practice, he was actually promoted from a fifth-level fighter to a seventh-level fighter. Such a speed made Li more speechless.


   But after thinking about it, he understood one or two things.


"I'm afraid this is because of my first practice. I used to cultivate hard in the flesh, so when I first absorbed the energy of heaven and earth, every cell in my body was madly absorbed and transformed, so... Progress is so great!"


   The first time I practiced, the effect of this is understandable. Although amazing, Li Yue himself is a genius in the practice of warriors. One practice takes seven days. Can I make much progress?


   And the world of Warcraft Mountains has abundant energy, which is also one of the aspects.


   But next time, I am afraid there will be no such amazing effect.




   At this moment, Li Yue's stomach suddenly remembered a crisp sound.




   And, very hungry.


   "This... how many days have passed, this feeling of hunger... is about to starve to death!"


   Touching his shriveled belly, Li Yue took out a piece of bear meat from the package not far away without saying a word, regardless of whether it was raw or cooked, and gulped.


   (To be continued.)