Hyperspace Transmigration

v8 Chapter 50: Living branches

It was completely different from what Li Yue had imagined before, this was not a small demiplane, but a complete plane world.


   Sky, earth, vegetation, river, sun and moon, stars...


   Everything in the material plane is not lacking here. Looking at it, the area of ​​this plane is millions of square miles, which is comparable to more than half of China.


   Moreover, it is indeed an intact plane world, not a demiplane that is broken in imagination and used for spiritual understanding.


   "This face... must not have formed naturally!"


   Li Yue is very determined.


   This kind of man-made traces are too heavy and too heavy, although there are not too many to see with the evolution of nature, but... have you ever seen mountains appear straight and straight? Have you ever seen rivers and lakes just take an S shape? There are also square deserts, neatly symmetrical stars in the sky...


   is too obvious.


It is impossible for the old man to do this because there are no new traces in the mountains and lakes, indicating that this plane has existed for a long, long time. The old man probably only discovered by chance, so he built a castle here, thinking To occupy.


   It's just that he was unlucky, and Li Yue met him and killed him.


   "The existence of this plane must be an advanced patient with forced cancer!"


   Li Yue spit out in his heart, this kind of symmetry and figure exquisiteness is really...


  Don't mention this.


   was able to create a subordinate plane world in the highest plane of hell, and allowed this plane to exist. This kind of strength, without the main **** level, Li Yue himself did not believe it.


   "Maybe, this place used to be the residence of a certain main god, and this old man discovered this, so after I appeared, the reaction will be so great!"


   Of course, he is not too clear about the specific reasons. Although this plane is not large, he has not had time to carefully explore it. What is inside is still unknown.


"Let's see!"


   Thinking, Li Yue flew in one direction, because that direction was the strongest call in the induction.


   It didn't take long, after a dozen breaths, he flew to the destination.


"this is……"




   A huge spring eye is gurgling, and clear spring water gushes out from the spring eye, and a strong breath of life that cannot be removed fills all directions.


   Looking around the spring, the lush vegetation almost covered the entire sky.


   "The spring of life?"


   In this plane world, there is actually a spring. Although I don’t know whether this spring with rich life breath is artificially created or formed naturally, it is undoubtedly what I feel.




   "Why do I sense this thing?"


   Logically speaking, death, destruction, and destiny can be accepted. After all, he has practiced these three rules, but it is the rules of life, a spring of water.


   He is very poor and white about the rules of life, and he still comprehends it, but why is it that the thing in the sense is this thing with a breath of life?


   "Is it because I lack one of the four rules, so the rule of life is the strongest? It can be sensed in a space, nearly a thousand miles away?"


   Li Yue couldn't figure it out.


   From thousands of miles away, he flew to the lake of death, the Crescent Moon Castle, and killed the old man easily because of the inevitable induction.


   Originally, he thought it was something or treasure that destroyed rules. After all, the old man and himself practiced rules of destruction, which was very reasonable.


   But now, remoteness is the rule of life.


so awkward!


   "I don't have a life **** clone, this spring of life seems to be useless to me?"


The rule of his life to become a **** is not a matter of one day or two, and I don’t know how long it will take. Even if there is something in the spring water, or the spring water itself is a good thing, it seems to be a good thing in his current situation. Not much help!


   However, even though I said that, I came here naturally, so let's see what the **** is this gushing spring!


   Thinking, Li Yue's body fell from the sky and stood beside the spring.


   The gurgling spring water spouts, and the rich and insoluble life essence is almost pervasive, and you can feel the majestic vitality with a casual breath.


   "How exactly did this thing... form? Naturally? It was made by a certain god? Or..."


   As he said, his spiritual consciousness leaned towards the bottom of the spring, and found that the spring water came from several hundred meters underground, but he couldn't find anything deeper.


   There is nothing.


   Li Yue frowned, after a little thought, he raised his palm and probed it lightly, holding it.


   Aside, the spring water was frozen in mid-air, and the gurgling spring eyes were pressed by the black destructive power, and compressed to the end abruptly.




  As the spring hole was exposed, a little green light appeared in Li Yue's eyes at a depth of several hundred meters under the hollow spring hole.


   "There is something!"


   As soon as Li Yue lifted his palm, the green light below it followed up and flew out directly from the spring eye.


   The light flickered, and it fell on the palm of his hand. At this moment, I quietly looked at it and realized that the green light was actually a half black branch.




   is still half.


   However, even half of it is extraordinary.


   Under Li Yue's mental consciousness scan, he found nothing. If he was not holding his palm, he suspected that his eyes had a problem.


   This situation is the same as the old trick Li Yue used before, hiding his breath. But Li Yue was deliberate, and this branch was born like this.


   "It seems that the level of the gods that this half of the branch has essentially surpassed should be left by a certain main god!"


   Li Yue didn't know whether this was a wonder from the heavens and the earth, or a treasure conceived by the main **** with the power of the main god.


   "I don't know what's the use of this thing!"


   Holding this half of the black branch, apart from feeling the strong vitality emerging around him, no other benefits were discovered.


   After thinking about it, Li Yue is going to include it in the space ring, but...it's useless.


   Space ring, I can't take it in.


   "No, the space ring cannot be collected except living things. Even the supreme artifact can be collected in it, but this branch cannot be collected..."


   It is to live!


   This idea flashed across Li Yue's mind.


   In an instant, his scalp numb slightly, this strange branch really makes him unable to feel any clues, and now he is alive, alive, alive...


  Since he couldn't get it into the space ring, he just picked it up and held it directly in his arms.


   But in this way, his whole person is like a moving spring of life, and the rich vitality surrounding him can just brighten the eyes of a blind dog.


"No wonder, the old man didn't take this thing away, but continued to stay here. At first I thought that the old man didn't find this thing, but now it seems that the old man already knew it, and at the same time knew that this branch was alive. Yes, I can’t take in the space ring. If I bring it, it’s too obvious. It’s just telling others that I have treasures in my body..."


   No wonder, the old man has suffered.


"He may know more. However, although this thing is weird, the more weird it is, it proves that this is a good treasure. Although the old man died of a destructive **** clone, it is obvious that there are other **** clones. He I will never give up, and I will find a chance to come back!"


   "In that case~lightnovelpub.net~ I'll wait for him here, no matter what tricks he plays, they are all useless in the face of absolute strength!"


   Li Yue also wanted to know more information, so he chose to stay here and wait.


   Besides, it is difficult to go out with this branch, after all, it is too conspicuous.


   And that old man was killed, he must not be reconciled, he wants to make a comeback, Li Yue also wants to catch him and get more information.


   As for whether the old man will blew himself up and expose this, he doesn't doubt.


   "This thing is obviously a treasure of the rules of life, but the old man came from a **** clone of destruction, which shows that he has at least one **** clone, the life system, and maybe there is another law system!"


   That old man must be longing for this thing.


   "Since the avatar of the God of Life is not there, it also means that the old man found it not long ago. Otherwise, he would have let the avatar of the God of Life come over!"


   But Li Yue had thought that this ancient Crescent Castle was the old man’s site. It seems that this old man, like himself, is also occupying the magpie’s nest.


   This ancient Crescent Castle has obviously existed for a long time. Although I don’t know how many owners have gone through, it is probably not there anymore...


   "Then, stay here first and wait quietly!"


   Holding the half of the branch, Li Yue looked at this plane world and went on to explore other places.