Hyperspace Transmigration

v9 Chapter 7: Terran Tribe

Create saints. Bayi? Chinese?? Web W ㈠ W? W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

If you think about it, the situation in the Primordial Universe is not good. Foreign enemies invaded and wars continued, and Primordial’s own top powerhouses are few. Although each one is outstanding and elite, the number is still too small.

How can only seven saints resist the army of the Supreme Empress?

You know, Li Yue's own main **** space has thousands of five-dimensional saints and hundreds of thousands of big Luo Jinxians.

The rise of the Supreme Empress was much longer than her. Even without Li Yue's good fortune, after so many years, it shouldn't be a problem to collect dozens of nearly a hundred five-dimensional saints under her hand.

Not to mention Daluo, I am afraid that the quantity completely crushes the prehistoric.

The reason why he has not won the predecessor, Li Yue guessed, this is also the help of the rules of the prehistoric universe. The stronger the rules of the universe, the stronger the suppression of life forms, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the strong is not easy, and the advantage is the elite In the same way, the restraint and suppression of outsiders is also terrible.

It's hard to be hacked.

Not everyone is like Li Yue. In Siwei, he had the gate to the other side, ignoring all the world, and was free to shuttle.

"Even if each of the seven saints is an elite, one can play two or three, it's not enough, even Ronaldo!"

"It's no wonder Hongjun wants to create a saint, and it's no wonder that the Supreme Empress is so arrogant, to build a base directly on the opposite side of the prehistoric universe, it is simply Chi Guoguo's provocation!"


Li Yue doesn't know what the facts are. Everything in front is just his guess. It is estimated that this is almost the reason.

Everything in the world is like a torrent, everything converges from all sides, everything is ups and downs in the torrent, everything born in the torrent is inconspicuous compared to the entire multiverse, and the war between Hongjun and the Supreme Lady is also Just the unremarkable waves in the torrent.

Before that, in the unknown cosmic test site that the clone had encountered, the existence of the semi-six-dimensional existence was only an experimental tool to be caught.

It is said that the strongest truth civilization of god-level civilization can also artificially create a half-six-dimensional powerhouse.

He used to think that the half-sixth dimension is to stand on top of the heavens and all realms, but only now has he realized that the path of practice is always full of unknowns. The stronger the stronger, the more ignorant it is. For this reason, omniscience and omnipotence are The pursuit of everyone.

"Let's go, go and see Honghuang!"

This is the first time that Li Yue has come to Honghuangda 6. Although he has seen it in the past, he has not really entered it. What he went to was only a parallel four-dimensional universe, and the two were incomparable.

Regarding the primordial world, any Chinese person has an inexplicable emotion. Whether it is the myths he saw and heard when he was a child, or all the things he saw and heard when he grew up, ancient books, classics, and strange feelings of mountains and seas, all have descriptions about it. .

This is a complex, and Li Yue naturally is no exception.

Although there are not many places called ‘earth’ in the multiverse and there are many parallel worlds, this is not important.

Although Li Yue is already standing at the pinnacle of the heavens, myriad worlds, and the multi-dimensional universe, his life level has already exceeded most of his existence, but his soul, his memory, and his past still exist.


The land is vast, the earth is vast and the resources are abundant, the energy between the sky and the earth is extremely rich, and the gravity, space structure, and material structure are completely different from conventional ones.

This is not surprising. Every universe has its own characteristics, and is an alternate evolution under the regular operation of heaven and earth.

In the entire prehistoric land, there is only a big six, and beyond the big six is ​​the endless ocean.

And in this big six, there are countless races and countless strong people. There are many hills, monsters, spirits, demon heads, sects, races, tribes...

Everything looks so strange, so different.

Li Yue walked on this land, with a faint color of thought passing between his eyes.

A few days have passed since he arrived, and all the way from the mountains and forests, what he saw and heard was completely different from what he imagined.

Along the way, the races encountered were also weird. There were blood shadow creatures with blood all over the body. There were not many such creatures, but when they were dispatched, they would be a group together, neat and orderly.

There are also tall rock giants that look several hundred meters in height, but they are all lone creatures, occupying a hill and dwelling here, within a radius of a hundred miles, there will be no other giants coming out and walking alone. .

There are dwarf spirits with folds and twists like old tree bark, black charcoal life with pitch-black skin like black charcoal, and huge flying ferocious goshawks with golden feathers, extremely mighty...

In a few days, he traveled millions of miles, encountered many tribes and strange races, and saw many strange and magnificent scenery, but he did not encounter humans.

not a single one.

It's not that Li Yue has never thought about catching a creature and asking questions, or reading the memory, but after thinking about it, it's fine. If you encounter it, you won't encounter it. If you don't meet it, you won't meet it. See humans.

In this way, he started his own journey of prehistoric times. He walked in one direction unhurriedly, walked through the mountains one after another, met one life after another, and saw one tribe after another.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

Li Yue also walked out of this mountain forest, no, it should be the mountains.

After crossing these mountains, the terrain in front of you slowly flattened. There are patches of grass and trees everywhere in front. The low shrubs are waist-high, the rhizomes are thick, the branches and leaves are spreading, and the wind blows, the whole plain seems to be set off. The waves are like waves, green waves one after another.

"Is the plain?"

The area of ​​this plain is also huge and boundless, it is estimated to be even wider than the mountains behind it, and there is no end in sight.

In the plains, apart from the grass and gravel, the only thing that can be clearly seen is a wide, long river. The width of that long river, Li Yue estimates, is at least a few miles in length, winding, spreading towards the deeper part of the plain. It also flows from the depths of the plain, and as this big river continues to stretch, I don't know where it derives.

The vegetation on both sides of the river is obviously dense, and occasionally you can see a few trees, each of which is thick and strange, and I don’t know what kind it is.

When Li Yue came here, the sun star on the horizon was about to set, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the entire west, rendering the sky bright red and bright red, and that bright red color hit the plain, reflecting a dimly red world~www. lightnovelpub.net~Walking on the bank of the river, stepping on the hard soil, you can hear the sound of gurgling water. The water in this unknown river is not turbulent, but flows slowly and long towards the distant place.

The breeze on the bank of the river is constant, blowing from the southeast to the northwest. In the breeze, a fishy smell can be clearly smelled, which is sometimes strong and faint.

At this moment, a vast and ancient taste spontaneously emerged. Li Yue walked on this land, and the afterglow of the setting sun dragged a long black shadow, which grew longer and longer.


Three days later, in the early morning, across the river bank, a stream of cooking smoke drifted up in the distance and caught Li Yue's eyes.

"That is……"

With a move of his eyes, he looked directly through the void. In the field of vision, a large tribe was clearly erected dozens of miles in front of him. The entire tribe occupies a full radius of tens of miles, and within the tribe, each and every figure is busy.
