I am a Big Villain

Chapter 243: Ala does not tear home after 4

Russell grew up in the countryside. Although she was a girl, she was favored by her parents and her brother. However, she was used to doing housework. In particular, her parents contracted a mountain forest in the village. Be a good job.

Even if she is now in college, she does not forget to go to the orchard to give her parents a handle when she goes home on vacation. Therefore, she has a lot of strength.

She is a sophomore year, and her studies are not particularly busy. Because of the contracting of an orchard, the economic conditions are not bad, but Russell is still thinking about reducing the burden on her parents. She has been studying since she first came to college. In addition to taking a lot of part-time, Miss etiquette, leaflets, tutors, she has done all this kind of work.

The magical work of walking a dog, she really heard it for the first time.

In particular, the salary given by the employer is not low. Eighty dollars an hour, dog walking once or twice a day, no less than one and a half hours each time, that is, if she can help the owner to walk the dog sooner or later, one day Can earn two hundred and forty dollars, one month is more than seven thousand dollars, and the tuition for one year is earned.

As for the big size of the dog that the person who hired her said, Russell didn't think too much, just a dog, and the size is big and can go where it is.

It is also the dog Jingui in the city. It also needs to recruit people to sneak. Like the little dog that they raise in the countryside, they are all squatting on the country road. When they come to the meal, they go home and eat only the leftover meals at home. It’s as expensive as those breed dogs. If you don’t eat it, don’t eat it. It’s more troublesome to raise a dog than to raise an ancestor.

These thoughts are also a matter of moments. Anyway, it is people’s money to raise dog flowers. How do people like to spoil them? For Russell, they can make money. This is a big deal.


"Hello Miss Zhu, I am introduced by Mr. Lin."

Russell’s temperament was lively, but when he came to Zhuo’s family and saw the appearance of Zhuo’s family, he was not restrained.

The house that Zhuoxi now lives in is a large flat floor with a total area of ​​about 400 squares. Considering the special circumstances of Zhuoxi, the house has been designed by a special designer.

The room is large, the same is also very empty, in addition to the necessary furniture, there are no extra ornaments, the same, each piece of furniture is custom-made, including the corner wall, are rounded arc, but also because of fear of Zhuoxi Carefully hit the design.

It can be clearly a very empty room, but it doesn't make people think that the design is too monotonous. On the contrary, it only gives people a feeling of openness and atmosphere.

You must know that the house in the maritime market is a lot of money, especially the property that Zhuoxi lived in. The price per square meter has been fired to more than 100,000. Russell Guang’s eyes are visible to the naked eye. Almost seven or eighty flat, catching up with the ordinary family's family of three just need a room.

Russell’s heart was stunned, and the employer’s pride was felt more intuitively. My heart was even more embarrassed. I don’t know if people would hire her.

"Hello Miss Luo."

When Zhuo Xi heard Russell talking about Mr. Lin, she knew that she was Lin Shu who had come to help her slip the God. Before that, Lin Shu had already called her.

"Miss Zhuo is too polite, you call me Russell, or vegetarian."

Russell waved his hand again, but soon realized that her employer was a blind man, could not see her movements, and put her hand down a little.

"Well, I will call you Russell later, and you don't want a Miss Zhuo. I will call my name in the future."

Just getting in touch, Zhuo Xi natural is not directly called Susu so intimate, or directly called the name is good, wait until later cooked, and then change the title is the same.

After a long while, the most important thing is still to do, that is, let Russell try to slip the God once to see if she can do the job.

When I was recruiting, the first gender to consider was women. Who put Zhuoxi’s physical condition there, looking for a strange man to come, who can rest assured.

Generally, women's strength is small, and it is not always possible to make Alaska, which may go crazy at any time, so the physical requirements are also the key issues for them when recruiting.

Russell is one meter tall and two hundred and twenty-two. He has a weight of one hundred and two. He has a farmer experience. He suddenly stands out from a group of girls who are applying for a job. But the scorpion is a horse. I have to slip through it to know that Russell himself knows that today is for her. The first test, only through this test, she can successfully take this easy and high-paying job.

Because Russell is still unfamiliar, Wang Hao certainly can't rest assured that Zhuoxi and Russell will go to Ala, so she prepared a bag of things, there is water that Ala is going to drink, there are some small snacks, and there is prevention. God’s dog’s bag, which was stoold outside, was all ready, and the one that was supposed to be in his own room was brought out.

"This is God in my family. You have to get along well in the future."

Zhuo Xi touched his head and said to Russell.

One-year-old Alaska, with a shoulder height of 70 centimeters and a long limb, is even shorter than Russell when standing, and its round body shape breaks through the limits of Russell's mind.

It turns out that the dog can really grow so big. Originally, her family’s life was better because of the family’s life. The Chinese garden dogs who were fed with fat and strong body were in front of Alaska, and they were just the little cabbage raised by the maiden.

This has to eat a lot of good things to raise so fat, no wonder you have to pay a lot of money to find someone to slip it, so this body type, slipping up is also an individual strength.

Russell was a bit guilty in her heart, but she thought that she would give her a good salary return and cheer for herself. She must be able to.

Wang Hao handed God's rope to Russell's hand, and then he took the hand of Zhuoxi himself. The three men walked toward the park where they often went for a walk.

Alaska's appearance is very handsome, and now the figure is fat, and the Alaskan Malamute is similar to the wolf dog's suffocation. It looks awkward, not scary, and turns back on the road. At the table, from time to time someone will shoot him with a camera.

I have been in this body for a while, and I have gradually become accustomed to this kind of lifestyle, and I am not too concerned about the voices that whisper and exclaim.

Take your own path and let people say it.

After a while, Russell’s worries were a little less. She thought that the breeds of Alaska were the same as the Huskies. They were all thrown away. When they went outside, they should be crazy. It’s not easy for a dog to squat, but I didn’t expect God to say the same thing as its owner. It’s especially well-behaved, and slowly stalking in front of it, there’s no sign of trouble.

"Xixi, I can see this little girl. It seems that my heart is very right. The most important thing is that God does not reject her. Do you think that God is not quite awkward today?"

Wang Hao silently observed Russell, while whispering in the ear of Zhuoxi.

She said that Zhuo Xi himself felt it.

In the past, when I slammed God, it always liked to throw a saucer. I had to work hard with Wang Hao to get it back from another road. Today is different. In a few minutes, I haven't seen any demon in God.

But think about it, it seems that in the recent period, God has indeed smashed a lot more than before. At least the furniture of the home has not been allowed to make a new factory for a long time.

Zhuo Xi attributed this to Ala, which is like a child. Before the age of one year, God was a mischievous childhood. Now that God has grown up, it is not easy to understand her sister.

Thinking so, Zhuoxi couldn't help but be moved. Her God is the most beautiful and cute dog in the world.


I haven't been happy for a long time, and suddenly there was a sharp female voice coming from afar.

"Catch the thief, someone grabbed my bag, but the face is loaded with my son's life-saving money." The woman's voice sounded like it was about to collapse, but she could imagine her urgency.

"Wang, what happened?"

Zhuo Xi can't see, only guessing the current situation through the scream of a woman.

"There are two small red squats in the street to grab the bag, and it is lawless. It looks like twenty or thirty years old. It is strong and strong, and it is not good."

Wang Hao said with a grudge: "The woman is also unlucky, and she has encountered such a thing."

Having said that, Wang Hao was very careful to take Zhuoxi to the side and retreat. The two thieves rushed to escape and rushed to them. Usually they dare to take the dagger in the hands of the street. Such a weapon, although she sympathizes with the woman who was robbed, but she and Zhuoxi are an old one, how can it not be like fighting with the gangsters, but it is more reliable to wait for the police to report.

Zhuoxi is not the kind of person who can do it. Wang Hao said it. The two men who are robbing the bag are the physique of her, and it is almost the same for her.

But not only Zhuoxi and Wang Hao think so, there are many people walking in the park now. After hearing the screams of women, they all spontaneously gave a rush to the robbers, for fear of spreading to themselves, including the same Young and strong men, all choose Mingzhe to protect themselves.

"Catch him, ask you, stop him."

The woman who ran behind the two robbers who had been robbing the bag was pleading for money. The money in the bag was all her hope. If the money was gone, she simply died.


"God, what are you doing?"

When no one reacted, he broke free from the ruthless Russell, and then rushed straight toward the two robbers who happened to run past them.

Russell was hesitant to stop people, and he knew that there would be such a reaction.

The dog was handed over to her by the employer. If something went wrong, she was not responsible but responsible.

"God, come back soon."

Wang Hao saw that God had not been mischievous and was not mischievous at the time. He chose to be guilty of old problems at this time. He was also anxious and straightforward. It was a pity that he was running into a gust of wind, and there was a meaning to come back.

"Wang, what happened to God?"

Zhuo Xi nervously tightened Wang Hao’s hand, and what happened to God.

"You don't worry about Xixi, the children of Alana are naughty again. You can rest assured that Russell will help you to return Ala." How good is Wang Hao and Zhuoxi said that God is chasing the two ransacks. If Zhuoxi knows, then it must not be mad.

However, she does not speak, does not mean that the road people do not talk about it.

"That Alaska is chasing and smashing it. It’s really big enough. I want to come to the owner to feed well. I don’t know if it’s really playing, whether it’s a dog win or a person wins.”

"You are less there after the guns, and the dogs still know how to chase after you. You have a big man just hiding behind me. I tell you, let's blow."

"Hey, you..."

Zhuo Xi couldn't hear the conversation after the little couple. She only knew that her God was chasing after the fierce robbers.


Zhuo Xi panic, squatting with a blind cane and rushing in the direction of the rush.

Where did Wang Hao feel relieved, and quickly followed up.

As for Russell, she had caught up with her for the first time she had broken away from her run.

It’s a small probability that the road encounters robbery. Now there is a thing that Alaska is chasing and robbing the streets. Those in the park who would have wanted to avoid this trouble can’t help but curiosity. I don’t know. Can the dog really catch the robbers back, but also wonder where the two sides win, although I feel quite risky, but still can not control their legs, followed by Russell and others ran over.

Some people took out their mobile phones and thought it was definitely a big news.

"Brother, there is a dog chasing us to run."

One of the robbers who ran away from the front squinted and determined that the woman who was being robbed by them was still behind. If I knew that I turned my head, I saw a huge Alaska facing them in a few tens of meters. Keep up with it.

The limbs are thick and strong, the fur is bright, and the wind that is brought up when running fast makes the Alaska look extremely handsome and fierce. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. When you look at it, you almost lose your leg.

Such a big dog is bitten by a bite, and not even the belt meat has to be pulled down.

"Nothing, let's not bring a knife, give the animal a knife, and see if it can't chase it."

The man who was shouted at the brother didn’t care much. The dog didn’t just like to chase people to run. Now the dogs raised in the big city also have some dog-like appearance. It’s the temper, there is a dog’s style, and it’s a little scary. When you are scared, you are immediately stunned.

Said, it seems that I want the younger brother to see his ability, the man simply stopped and took out the spring knife in his hand, intending to give him a demonstration.

When he turned around, he and his distance were close at hand, and the man could clearly see the open mouth and the sharp teeth in the upper and lower rows, glaring in the sun.

"The trough!"

The man's hand holding the spring knife shook, and the **** he thought he was chasing him was the dog breed that often appeared in the city like Teddy. Where did you know that it was such a giant Alaska, I knew that he would The road ran straight.

"Brother, you are going up."

The younger brother did not know, only felt that the big brother was mighty. With such a big brother, his future was bright.

Against the younger brother's mighty eyes, the man swallowed and waved the spring knife, and he could only go up.

"God is coming back."

Wang Hao, who came with Zhuoxi, saw the scene of robbing and slashing the knife. The heart jumped to the eyes of the blind man. If the knife hits God, it is a dog’s life.

I think that I have been so badly fed to such a big God that I will be poisoned. I always want to take it to cut the eggs on weekdays. Wang Hao can't wait to run faster, rushing over and pulling it back.

The onlookers also couldn't bear to look at the pictures that followed. What about Alaska's big size? After all, there are knives in the hands of robbing. In the eyes of others, the gap between the two and the dog is still very different.

But very quickly, I proved my ability with practical actions.

When the robbery knife was about to stab it, a twisted leap, the two hind paws smashed to the other side of the robber, and jumped higher, he opened his mouth and directly bit the man The knife's hand, in his screams, the dagger fell to the ground.

The robber who was kicked open and squatted at the big brother was bitten. He immediately made a slap, and took out his own spring knife. When he attacked his big brother, he wanted to give it from behind.

Can it be so easy to deal with it? When he was not close, he let go of the man’s mouth, and turned back and pulled off a piece of meat on the little brother’s leg.

"Ah, ah--"

That is a piece of meat that was pulled down by the living. The younger brother glared at his thigh, watching the spurting blood, and the screams that could not be stopped.

The two arrogant robbed ones, one injured his hand, one injured his leg, and the murder weapon is now on the ground. The passers-by who had not looked forward to it, finally got the courage, and they got close to you and gave him a foot. He gave him a slap, learned the two robbing, and then tied them up with two belts robbing the waist, waiting for the police to arrive.

As the great hero of this victory, the dog leash that fell on the ground and walked to Russell, who was in a daze.

"Hey." What to do, let me sneak.

"Oh." Russell always felt that he was helpless from the eyes of a dog. He took the dog rope up and took it to the Zhuoxi, which was running towards them.


I also know that I have just done a more impulsive thing, so now I am particularly embarrassed, holding a furry head and rubbing the legs of Zhuo Xixi, seems to be begging for mercy.

"God, you can scare me."

Zhuoxi also couldn't take care of the image. After feeling the closeness of the cockroach, the legs fell softly on the ground, and then hung the whole body in his arms, and looked up and down to see if it had anything. The injured place.

I am a dog, I am a dog.

The cockroaches that have been touched to the sensitive parts comfort themselves in the heart.

This time, it was finally a shock, but it was a good walk, but it was a good thing, but the two robbers were too miserable. At this time they must stay. Come down, wait for the police to handle this matter before they can leave.

"Thank you, thank you."

Holding the backpack that was lost and recovered, the woman thanked Zhuo Xi again and again, who made her the master of the shackles.

"You can rest assured that I will help you testify when the police come. It is obviously the two problems of robbery. How can you not lose money?"

Although it is a brave act, but this also needs to grasp a degree, do not know how the two robbers are injured, if the injury is serious, Zhuoxi as a dog owner, I am afraid will bear trouble.

There is also Alaska, who helped her to subdue two robbers. As a city to support large dogs, it is a contradictory focus. Now this Alaska has bitten people, and no matter what the starting point is, I am afraid there will be criticism.

The woman’s worry is that Zhuoxi understands it, but she doesn’t worry much. As long as it can solve the problem with money, it’s not a problem. As long as God is good, she doesn’t care.


#阿拉斯加: Who said that I am stupid, that is just that you never know my hidden strength#


On the same afternoon, many videos of the brave robbers filmed by passers-by at the time were uploaded to the Internet, and there was no small heat.

In the video screen, the first thing that appears is the running figure, and there is no robbery.

[This ball is flexible and flexible]

[Good Alaska, want to **** a bite]

At this time, the message at the bottom is still relatively normal, and a smoke is a boast.

When pets are this, people are ugly when they are fat, and the more fat the animals, the more cute they are. Anyway, this is a big size, so don’t mention more netizens.

However, the focus of the video is still behind.

[Where, as an Alaska ball, how can it be so sensitive, it is impossible]

[Mom, I was actually handsome by a dog. It is safe to have such a dog protection. I want to marry it, agree with me.]

[Don't tell me, my mother asked me why I was watching the video, I was conquered by this Alaska]

[Husky: There is a traitor among us]

In the intrinsic impression of most people, Alaska's unreliable level is the same as that of Husky, but this Alaska is clearly breaking their perception.

Especially at the end of the video, I saw that it actually knew the scene of the dog leash to find the shovel, and everyone gave this Alaska a slap.

Say that after the founding of the country, it is not allowed to become fine, and there is another traitor in the animal world.

The person turned over and found a video that was recently uploaded by a small online famous painter. The video was taken outside the pet hospital. The same person slid himself to the shovel with a dog leash. The scene in front of the **** made all the shovel officers who also raised Alaska unfair.

How can there be such a smart Alaska in the world, they do not believe, this must be a Labrador plastic surgery, yes, that's it. 2k novel reading network