I am a Big Villain

Chapter 262: Metamorphosis Factory 13

Family? Many people have already remembered the famous family that was famous twenty-three years ago. Only some of the old people still remember about the family.

Isn’t it true that the people who have left the family have died twenty-three years ago? The man who suddenly emerged claimed to be the son of Zhao Zhaonan. Is this credible?

Most importantly, the other party confessed that it was too imperial. I have never heard of the people who dare to sue the emperor. Isn’t this a death?

Among all the onlookers, there may be a few emperors who are the most embarrassed.

In the palace, Yu is a taboo word, especially the name of Zhao Zhaonan. Every time Cheng Qing emperor hears it, he will be furious. In the few years since his family’s accident, the palace has died because of this incident. Over time, no one dared to mention the name and the family behind him.

Therefore, in the early years of Zong Zhengqing, there was hardly any shadow about the Yi family, including when studying in the palace, the teachers only described the family as ambitious, the anti-thief of the enemy treason, and then took it.

Now, after a lapse of more than 20 years, suddenly there is a man who came out to say that he was the eldest son of Zhao Zhaonan who was supposed to be dying in the tragedy. It is also too absurd to ring the drums and tell the story of today’s emperor.

However, the teachings of Taifu are still effective. At least this time, Zong Zhengqing Qi did not immediately rushed up and questioned each other.

"You know, it’s a price to pay for the sound of the drums and the drums." The general manager of the goalkeeper said to the man who claimed to be a beggar outside the palace.

When such a thing happened, they also had a headache. The other party slammed the emperor under the broad public. So many people listened. If there is any bad influence, will they take the people under them?

The gongs and drums are the rules left by the ancestors. So many people look in their eyes. They can’t ignore the rituals and take away the man who swindled the ruling.

Thinking about it, I still want to scare the other side with "Knife Mountain" and "Fire Sea". As long as the other party is afraid, I regret it. When they want to make excuses again, it is better to pass on the rumors to deal with this matter.

"I know."

The attitude of men can obviously not match their ideas.

"Since the ringing of the gongs and drums has been sounded, I am naturally ready to roll the "Knife Mountain" and take the "Fire Sea"."

The man’s expression is very determined. He looks at the direction of the imperial city. “I have been humiliated for so many years, just to collect the emperors. Now the Taishang Emperor has destroyed my shackles and slandered my loyalty and sin. Years, I have already stolen it. If I can return my family to be fair, even if I want my life, then what?"

The man has apparently forsaken his life and death, a person who has been swaying and revenge, and what can't be lost.

"General of the town, I still remember him. When he retired the Northwest Yi people, he rode his high horse and went to Beijing to accept the reward. At that time, he was more powerful."

"I also remember that when the old generals went early, the imperial generals of the imperial court did not pick up. If the small generals at that time were born, the northwest one, I still don't know how long it will be chaotic. That time he played the Yi people. It was a big injury, and it was not until now more than twenty years later that it was restored. It is said that the northwest is in chaos. If the general is still there, there may be no such thing as the Yi people."

"You said so much, what is the use of his ability, the robes that were copied from the home and the letterheads of the treason of the enemy are still unsuccessful. He is a wolf ambition and a big trouble to live."

"Hey, if the generals have real wolf ambitions, they can still wait for any messy **** to kill his wife and children. They can also go to the palace to go to the banquet alone. It’s not stupid, he is stupid, foolishly loyal to the emperor, if he really has a heart It should have been prepared when the emperor called him to go to Beijing, and he was so sudden that he could die. I see, everything is not worth four words.

Zong Zhengqing Qi listened to the whispers of the people around him, and his fists were tight.

Perhaps because of the distrust of the father of Cheng Qingdi, he felt that after the words on the side of the high-powered earthquake, he consciously slammed the words of the onlookers who had hidden in the crowd. Perhaps it was true. .

Unloading and killing is really like what his father can do. The same, careful, is also his characteristics.

Although the son does not speak to the father, he can become a person of the Qing emperor, whether from his perspective as an emperor or his ordinary father, he is unqualified.

Especially today, after listening to the people’s comments on him and Xiao Yu’s comments, Zong Zhengqing was even more disappointed with this father.

Now suddenly there is such a thing, just to make his disappointment bigger.

The guards of the gatekeeper acted very quickly. When the people discussed it, they put the dust in the warehouse for decades, and the nailboards that had not been used were taken out and placed in front of the city gate.

Although the dust has been sealed for a long time, after a simple wipe, those nails are still sharply scary in the sun, faintly chilling, dense and numb, watching is shocking, it is conceivable that when people lie on this nail When the plate is over, the nails are stuck in the flesh, what kind of pain will it be.

The man took off his thick blouse and wore a thin coat. He did not hesitate to lie down, only to hear a bang, blood oozing from behind his back, and slowly flowing down the groove of the nailboard.

If you are more courageous, you have already squinted your eyes and squinted your ears.

"Hey--" The man clenched his teeth, only snoring, his hands on the nails, a turn, revealing a blood hole behind him, nailing the front body to the nail.

For a moment, the whole person was soaked with blood, and even the daring guardian of the city could not bear to watch it again.

The man did not stop, such a penalty, stop is the most terrible, only do not stop, endure the pain of rolling over the three-foot nail plate, there is hope of success.

And because the nails are densely covered, these injuries seem scary. In fact, when you are lying on the top, the thorns are not so deep, you don't have to worry about the abdominal injury, but the pain is really unbearable. Many people just because Can not stand such pain, maintain a posture for a long time, and because of the pain of the body, several points of force can not help to increase the gravity, resulting in those pins more and more deep.

The onlookers listened to the screaming voice and the squeaking noise of the man, until the difficult voice ended, dare to open his eyes.

By this time, the man has become a blood man, and the original white coat can no longer see any color other than red. It is conceivable that his body is so riddled with holes.

Rolling the "Knife Mountain" and "Fire Sea", after realizing that the other's perseverance was enough to support him to climb the Knife Mountain, the guards of the goalkeeper began to prepare for the charcoal fire.

They chopped the red charcoal and paved it into a small path.

At this moment, the man had become too pale because of excessive bleeding, but he still stubbornly took off his shoes and walked barefoot on the "volcano."

The sound of "taste" charcoal fire roast meat, accompanied by an increasingly thick burnt smell, the man's lower lip has been bitten and bleeding, but he is still strong, no shouting.

Such a son, not to be the son of the famous general of the town, Zhaonan, did not live up to the fame of his ancestors.

From the suspicion at the beginning, to the admiration of the present, the emotional changes of the onlookers are between these musks.

"Your Majesty, it’s time to go back to the palace."

I watched the guards come forward and supported the man who stepped on the "volcano", which could not help but fall down weakly. He whispered in the ear of Zong Zhengqing.

"Back, back to the palace."

Zong Zhengqing Qi apparently has not recovered from the shock of the scene, and he heard a sly voice before he recovered a little bit of wisdom.

The other side passed the test of "Knife Mountain" and "Fire Sea". Soon after, all the officials will enter the palace. This emperor should naturally appear.

When someone opened the ground and was accused of being too emperor, Zong Zhengqing Qi suddenly did not know what he should do.

If it is really the fault of the Emperor, is it true that in the face of all the people of the big business, do you admit that the Emperor Taishang used to be such a shameless and despicable villain? This is to throw the face of the Zongzheng royal family on the ground and trample on it. Since ancient times, When there was an emperor who was still on the throne and was thrown to the gallows for trial.

Once Cheng Qingdi’s charge is established, the Zongzheng royal family will become a joke, and the history book will record this sensational anecdote.

But if you don't give the family a fair, Zong Zhengqing believes that his previous insistence, his desire to be a wise emperor seems to have become a joke.

How to choose?

He couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, who was indifferent in his eyes. Can the other party give him a correct direction? 2k novel reading network