I am a Big Villain

Chapter 276: Mary Su's men 11

In these years, Yan did not stop the investigation of Zhong Yuduo and Fu Xinlan. Of course, the focus of the investigation was on Zhong Rongduo, including what happened when the other party went abroad. He basically knows 7788.

As for the fragrant affair of her abroad, she naturally did not escape her eyes.

However, all the men who have had a relationship with Zhong Xiaoduo have sent people to look at them. They want to know the follow-up of those people who are separated from Zhong Yuduo. But without exception, all of them are all dead to Zhong Rong, even because of the departure of the other party. I don’t want to live, I want to save the feelings between Zhong Yu and Duo many times.

This phenomenon is very interesting, so I think of the original man of the previous life and Yao Zhan and other excellent men who are obsessed with Zhong Xiaoduo.

Seriously, many of those men are more sensible than sensible, especially the original, and the five daughters are dependent on each other, and they will fall apart because of the emergence of a strange woman. This is basically a matter of common sense. Very ridiculous thing.

Those excellent men, when they met Zhong Rong, seemed to have been lowered, lost their senses, lost all their emotions, and became a shackle for her to die for her.

Therefore, I have thought about whether it is because of the adventures of the world's Zhong Yu Duo, such as learning Miao Jiang Shu, or other fascinating means.

But the other does not know whether it is a coincidence or not, so that you have other opinions.

There are many men around Zhong Xiaoduo, and a large part of them are dew lovers. In these men, the focus is on tracking 15 of them.

It doesn't matter if it's not bad. When I check it, I really found out some problems.

The first one is the classmate of Zhong Rong's high school. If you really want to say it, it should be considered her first man.

The boy’s original grades were not bad. At least he was able to securely guarantee the top 100 in the first grade. The top ten in the class, you must know that Fu Xinlan, the daughter of Zhong Yuduo, still abandoned a lot of thoughts. At the beginning, she fished a man in the system. They didn't want to, and asked the other party to help her daughter with a bad grade into a good school.

Therefore, the high school in which Zhong Xiaoduo is located, the comprehensive level is well-known throughout the city. The boy’s performance can at least ensure that he is admitted to a good undergraduate college, plus the bonus of the Beijing resident account, and luck is better. Test one of the top undergraduate colleges.

Since the time with Zhong Yu Duo, the other party's performance is like an avalanche. When Zhong Rongdu dropped out of school, his performance could not be read, and he fell to the grade countdown.

The family also delayed his study when he fell in love, and helped him transfer to school at the height of the college entrance examination. However, it did not help. In the end, he only got a special undergraduate course.

The last boy chose to repeat, and he remembered that his grades seemed to have improved in the near future. He barely reached the score of the two books, and he did not know if he would choose to repeat again this time.

There is also an interesting coincidence that after the boyfriend was contacted, the change in Zhong Xiaodu became more obvious, the person was also cheerful, and the appearance began to pick out. While interacting with this boyfriend, she and other high school Male students also maintain this embarrassing relationship, but there is no further relationship as before.

The second relationship with Zhong Yuduo was that she met after she left the country. The same international students who went out from China were very coincident. The other party was still in the same art school as she was admitted to.

The man is six years older than her. She is a postgraduate studying abroad at the school. The other is very talented in the field of painting. It is also a rising star in the future of many Chinese people.

The other person's family conditions are general, he can go abroad, relying on his rare talent in painting, but after he interacted with Zhong Yuduo, this talent on his body began to disappear, and the paintings he created became more and more rigid. The more modular, the less the most important and dynamic of that painting.

In the half year, because of the dissatisfaction of more and more teachers, this young man who should have had a bright future was dismissed by the school euphemistically. The exchange project was terminated, and he returned to the country with regret.

Now that he has graduated, teaching children to draw in a private painting institution, the glory of the past seems to be only a flash in the blink of an eye.

The departure of this man did not have much impact on the life of Zhong Xiaoduo, because when he was in contact with this man, Zhong Yuduo had many objects.

Soon after, after the man, Zhong Yuduo had a third fixed partner. This time, the other party was a foreigner. Like the predecessor of Zhong Yuduo, the other party was also a famous painter. Although he was still studying at school, the paintings were already It has been earned by many galleries, and the price of a pair of oil paintings has reached one to two thousand dollars. It is one of the young painters who are famous and famous.

Similarly, after interacting with Zhong Yuduo, the other party became more and more difficult in the creation of paintings. The paintings handed over were more and more mediocre. Everyone only used this as his inspiration, but did not think about other reasons.

Not only these three, but men who have had a relationship with Zhong Yuduo seem to accept this transition from glory to desolate. After leaving Zhong Yuduo, they slowly began to pick up.

I don't know what Zhong Rongdu did. These emotional experiences are all secret. The men, even after she left them, still love her, and she will not attribute her failure to her.

One or two can be said to be coincidence, but so many examples are in front of you. I feel that there must be other secrets that Zhong Xiaoduo has not seen through.

It’s not just a simple trick or a fascinating way. I think, maybe there is something in Zhong Rong’s body that can absorb other people’s luck. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why those men are interacting with her, the gas games. Gradually decaying.

But until now, this is just a guess.

晏褚 Go back to the lively ballroom and say goodbye to the owner who organized the banquet.

The banquet of this size today is not in line with his current status, just because he heard that Zhong Yuduo will participate, so he took the invitation letter from the host.

There are too many mysteries on the other side. If you don’t see it, you are always worried.

"Boss, are you okay?"

The driver looked worried and looked worried. He had a strong wind this evening. He wondered if the boss was frozen.


He sat in the back seat and waved his hand, then closed his eyes and began to recuperate.

Just when he was playing with Zhong Rong, he suddenly felt that consciousness had been out of control for a moment. Fortunately, his willpower was strong and he was not disturbed by that strange force.

I understand that the power comes from Zhong Rong Duo, and I am a person with a slightly weaker willpower. I am afraid that under that power, I will directly regard Zhong Rong as the goddess I dreamed of. I am afraid that for the rest of my life, those men It is also because of this reason.

Fortunately, her strength is not very strong at this time. As long as the mind is slightly firmer, it will not be controlled for too long, but it will be difficult to say it after a while. After all, I can’t say it, her stock. Where does the power of the evil door come from, and it depends on what grows.

Imagine, I am afraid that I want to completely deprive her of the weird ability. I have to start from the source of her ability to improve. Without this ability, Zhong Yu Duo is just an ordinary and ambitious woman.

Close your eyes and decide to think about it.


"Dad, I will not go home for dinner tomorrow night."

晏 敲 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸

"Don't go home to eat? Poor me, this old father, has worked hard to raise five prostitutes, and another one has to be turned away." Look at the shy daughter, jokingly said.

To the daughter's eyes, I wonder, tomorrow and my daughter have an appointment, it should be the solution.

In the last world, after a lot of accidents, the Jieyingzong disappeared. He was a rather dull person when he was next to Zhong Xiaoduo. Even if he left, others would only quit automatically, and did not think too much. Now it seems that The other party is probably the first one to wake up so many people.

The author has something to say: There is still a chapter about six thousand words of updates, I decided to say the number of words directly in the future, I will not say a few chapters, so that everyone will not confuse 2k novel reading network