I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 328

She didn't wear pajamas, but was dressed in travel attire, and beside her was the heavy suitcase that she had brought to Japan from the UK...

The mood of leaving and going there is always similar, but the difference is also very big. When the suitcase came to Japan, friend Rita helped to organize it. This time, she organized it by herself. The mood of leaving her family was a bit scared and frightened. I was blamed by my family, and when I parted here, I was also afraid... afraid to leave Sherlock Holmes, Nanami, and the feeling of loneliness after everyone...

When opening the door, she raised her head and saw this beautiful scene, which seemed to be seeing her off.

"Really white, what are you doing..."

Suddenly, behind her, the doubtful voice of Qingshan Qihai came.

She turned around and faced the awakened Aoyama Qikai, and said, "Nichikai."

"...Wait a minute, are you going to go out, where do you want to?" After seeing her luggage and clothes, Qingshan Qihai understood something, her expression changed, and asked in surprise.


"Where do you want to go?!"

"Go home, England."


Qingshan Qihai was suddenly stunned there.

"I'm going back... if I'm home, I'll leave it to Qihai for the time being."

Shiina's white golden bangs swayed slightly in the night breeze. She looked at Nanami and said calmly.

In front of Qikai Aoyama, behind Shiina Masai, a group of blond or brown-haired men and women appeared, resembling servants, but behind Masai, a middle-aged Japanese man and a housekeeper appeared. Ordinary old European white figures...

"I will work hard... so, goodbye, Nanami... Holmes."

The phone rang.

Li Yan received a call from Qihai. After hearing a series of things from Qihai, he was taken aback.

Why is there such a situation……

At night, Shiina’s father from Europe personally picked up Shiina Mashiro, and when Nanami called to ask Chihiro Chihiro, he learned about Shiina Mashiro’s withdrawal procedures. In the first two weeks, he had already been processed. All right.

This sudden incident made Li Yan a little overwhelmed. He suddenly thought of Shiina Shiba who had gone to school in the morning during a banquet in Shibuya, and the meaningful "Goodbye" in the setting sun. Zhenbai seemed very white. Earlier, I understood that this period of time would be brought back to the UK.

"Why... why didn't Shiina tell me and Aoyama about such important things?!" When Li Yan put down the phone at the time, he thought to himself with confusion and anxiety on his face.

Holding deep doubts, he hurried to Tokyo after briefly explaining to Kasumigaoka Shiba, Yingliri and others.

The author’s gathering had just passed the day. In the dark night, Li Yan had already boarded the express train and hurried back to Tokyo.

For Li Yan, his parents took his daughter away. It was a matter of course for Li Yan. He used to have no father and no mother. He didn’t know how much he wanted to be loved by his parents. However, he didn’t want Shiina’s parents to deprive Shiina’s parents of Manga Shiina. Home dream.

At the beginning, Li Yan also knew that Shiina Zhenbai secretly ran out to study in Japan. Originally, Li Yan thought that Shiina's parents had agreed to her stay in Japan, but in the end, it was not the same thing...

Although it was an express tram, the speed was still very slow, and Li Yan couldn't help feeling anxious.

After more than an hour, he finally saw the bustling lights of Tokyo. Now, just a short distance away, he rushed to the international airport.

Looking at the dimly lit metropolis, Li Yan suddenly remembered an important detail, dialed the cell phone, and after the connection, he asked: "Hey, Ms. Kagurazaka, this is Li Yan, please, please. Please check, there are several flights from Tokyo to London from 10 to 12 today... No, Shiina is on the plane, not that I am going to the UK. I will stop them before her parents send her on the plane. ."

[Tick! Tick! 】

Amidst the constant sound of the track, Li Yan stood at the door of the tram, looking anxiously there through the doors and windows.

[I found it, there was only one flight to London at that time, which was the last one...Wait a minute. 】

Kagurazaka Ayame searched the Internet for flight information at Tokyo International Airport and told Li Yan, but after looking at it, he noticed something was wrong.

[Um... Lee, that flight took off at 11:35 in the evening, just a few minutes ago, the plane was already taking off...]

The tick, the tick of the tram, seemed to resound in Li Yan's heart.


He was stunned, standing on the last ordinary express train, raised his head, looked out through the window of the car.

In the bright sky of Tokyo and the tram running in the dark woods of the suburbs, like two worlds, the Boeing airliner taking off from the airport, with red warning lights, gradually soars into the night sky. , So conspicuous in front of Li Yan's eyes...


At 12:20 in the evening, Li Yan returned to the apartment building.

In the dark corridor, I met Nanami in pajamas.

"..." Li Yan and Qingshan Qihai looked at each other, but they were silent.

Aoyama Nanami tried very hard to persuade and explain to Shiina’s father before, but no matter how much persuasion and explanation, this father denied it. It seems that Shiina is a world-class genius, manga, or learning to live. All have become a cumbersome existence, dispensable.

"Even, Zhenbai’s father said that Zhenbai’s precious purity will be contaminated by the market culture that we teach... Life knowledge is not the main thing for Zhenbai. Her true value is to paint well-known paintings that celebrate all generations...I don’t I know, in the face of such a rebuttal, how should I rebut it is better..."

In the silent night, Qingshan Qihai looked at the night view outside the corridor and said in a low voice.

"..." After listening to Li Yan, he was a little surprised, but he was the same...for a while, he couldn't refute Shiina's father's reason.

When Shiina Mashiro came here, it was really like a pure white cherry blossom, sacred and inviolable, and did not understand the fireworks in the world. Perhaps such an artist could actually paint rare famous paintings in the world.

"...What else did Shiina say?" Li Yan asked.

"...Uh, um...Yes, there are still some things that I will work hard, and I also said...that one hasn't been completed yet." Qing Shan Qihai thought about it for a while, suddenly remembered these words, and said to Li Yan.

——[That one... hasn't been completed yet. 】

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and a scene flashed through his mind.

He hurriedly took Qi Hai back to Room 505. After turning on the light, Li Yan directly pushed open the door of the warehouse. Suddenly, a smell of paint rushed over his face.

For an instant, in Li Yan's memory, he recalled the scene where Shiina Zhenbai was painting while watching him, and his sitting **** hurts... It was obviously as if it happened yesterday, but it was so nostalgic.

After turning on the bright light, I saw the oil painting covered with white cloth on the other side of the warehouse, but it was not taken away.

Just as Li Yan thought, this is a clue, a clue left to them in vain.

In the easel, the full sketch diary of Zhen Bai was left. It seemed that Zhen Bai was still working on the diary. After Li Yan found it, he picked it up and opened it again.

Everything is the same, except that Zhenbai updated a page recently.

In the latest page of the picture, Holmes, who has always been wearing detective costumes, took off his detective coat and seemed to be leaving the office, leaving Watson Shiina in white, quietly and lonely looking at Holmes’ back... …


Like a memory and an emotion, Li Yan instantly felt the white hesitation and anxiety. It turned out that he gave up writing, which hurt her so much.