I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 351

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Xuena in amazement.

Why, he can always influence others, this is a good thing, or a bad thing.

Under the dim street lamp, he also looked at the back of Yukoshita Yukino's departure, just like the scene of Sayuri Sawamura's departure, the feeling of loneliness always linger.

This busy life, persistent life, keeping all the hard life, not happy, but let the younger generations trust, such a real thing...

Chapter 201

It's raining again.

Li Yan raised his head and looked at the dark clouded sky and the patter of rain, suddenly wondering why he thought of the concept of "again" in his heart.

He was carrying the suitcase, and the bag that once contained Mr. Kitty disappeared. After a week after Mr. Kitty left Natsume, he was worried about the safety of Natsume. After the unprepared Chiba fireworks display, he led the monsters. Flew back to Hitoyoshi's side.

When bidding farewell to the monsters, he had always disliked this group of readers who urged the update, but he didn't know why, at the moment of parting, his heart was longing for the feeling of nostalgia for them to stay for a while.

When watching them really leave, the feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously.

This is him, writing novels, in a hurry, and after being excited, he fell into a bit of confusion, tired of such a life, and nostalgic for such a day.

Finally, in mid-July, the two-week Chiba tutoring trip finally came to an end. When I arrived in Shinjuku, Tokyo on the Shinkansen in the early morning, I encountered bad weather less than one kilometer away from the apartment.

"Hey, hey! That manga is so funny!"

"Really, where and where?"

Just as Li Yan was looking at the rain and hiding under the eaves of a bookstore, suddenly there was a noise from a child behind him.

Yes, this bookstore is also a two-story house bookstore that specializes in light novels, figures, DVDs, and comics. There are countless bookstores like this in Shinjuku, and the business is basically pretty good.

Li Yan's soaked clothes felt a bit chilly in the air-conditioning wind. The young passers-by who were hiding from the rain with him mostly went to the store to read books. Finally, he also looked back at this dazzling collection of anime books. , A little bit, and then take a good look at here, to see what changes have been made to the bookstores that have not been visited for a long time.

In the two-story shop, in the comic bookshelf are popular comics such as JOJO, One Piece, and Naruto. However, in one of the bookshelves, you can also see Shiina Mashiro (Aoyama Mio)’s "Devil Detective Agency · Volume Four". , Also printed with the "widely acclaimed" standard, and Hideri Kashiwagi's landing work "Soul Eater III", the three popular male protagonists on the cover appear to be quite passionate.

"It's amazing, Shiina, and Yingliri..." Li Yan thought through these works.

However, just as he was reading the sample book, he inadvertently saw a sales area closely related to him in the empty bookshelf.

Light novel sales area, and also a special sales area with light novel posters of various colors, and what caught his eye all at once was the distinctive character posters of the "Super Academy" series, right in front of him. central.

"This summer, it seems that the daily stories between my younger sister and childhood sweethearts have become more popular, such as the representative work of sister control like "An Unbelievable Event Happened After I Break into My Sister's Dormitory" and "My Sister and Me" With such an ambiguous and obscure light novel book "The Shura Field Between My Childhood and Bamboo Horse", Kadokawa and Dengeki have also published a lot of dark horse works. The recent light novel market has indeed been a **** storm."

Li Yan took Ying Lili's comics, looked at the light novel sales area, and thought to himself.

The rows of light novel books of all kinds seem to prove the saturation and fierce competition of the Japanese light novel market. The uneven books seem to reflect to a certain extent that even if they are arranged on the same bookshelf, they are waiting for different sales fate. .

Fortunately, Li Yan recalled that when he was always okay, he would sit by and watch the quiet and beautiful high school girl figure in Wenku's novel...

When she couldn't adapt to the path of business hypocrisy of her sister, and could not achieve the completely bright path of Shizuka Hiratsuka's lofty career, it seemed that she saw the one that is both the job and the clear. Recovering the pepper from Zhong Meiluo ǜ缁峥峥抔Move the gray lie畹ne 銮嵝∷The bottom line is to calculate the scale ah   alliance  诿 loo   surname industry stirs 谌 㐵 醭 certain surname Cable 2 /

Maybe it's just a hobby, or maybe, he will really embark on a path related to writers, but Li Yan is really not sure whether his influence is really accurate...

Especially in front of him, in such a fierce competition scene of the library, some books almost half an hour past, full of piles of unsold dilemma, made him feel a little frightened and helpless.

"So, what's so good about writing novels..." Li Yan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself sadly.

However, in fact, he did not have any qualifications to feel this way, because since the store opened today, in another invisible area in front of Li Yan, "Super Academy War-Volume Seven" appears so scarce in the towering piles of books on both sides, basically It was almost sold out, and there was not much left.

"Ah, the rain is about to stop."

"This book is pretty good, buy some and read it back."

The teenager who looked like a high school student reading comics next to him was looking at the window while discussing.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the sky in the window. Indeed, the rain has become very small. He took the suitcase and set foot on the road back to the apartment building again.

However, when he returned to the rainy sky again, the scene before him reminded Li Yan of a lonely and dim memory.

Everyone in the Ministry of Service, the summer camp for elementary school students in Chiba Village, and the Chiba Fireworks Festival finally came to an end in the torrential rain...

And... the back of Sayuri Sawamura's departure, and the back of Yukino under Yukoshita, made him always feel that a rain is right and wrong.

——【Goodbye, Jun Li. 】

The black-haired woman lowered her head slightly with a bitter and sad smile, and whispered to him.


"Did I accidentally do something wrong?"

Li Yan was silent, his eyes were troubled and confused, standing in this dim street, thinking again curiously.

However, sometimes things are not as good as the heavens. When Li Yan is puzzled, things have changed...

After returning to the apartment building that looked a bit empty after the foreign students and foreign students moved out, when a doorbell rang and Li Yan, who changed his clothes, opened the door of the bachelor apartment with a little curiosity, that one The figure made him stunned.

"..." Li Yan didn't speak for a while.

"Ahaha... Well, I haven't seen each other for about a week, Uesugi-kun, I heard that you are back, so, a little... come and visit you a little bit, you shouldn't mind..."

The person standing at the door wearing an orange kimono with a bitter and awkward smile bowed slightly. When she raised her head to look at him, it seemed that she didn't even know how to find the steps...

In her original smiling expression, her brows couldn't help but frowned, which looked a little unnatural.

That's right, after all, she herself said very vaguely just a week ago, suggesting that she would be separated from him less than a week later, she "slapped" her own "face" by herself...


Three days ago, it was on the second floor of a fully restored villa.

"Mom, grandfather and great-grandfather called and said they were coming over here."

In the gorgeous European-style corridor, when Ying Lili, who had just returned home with a smile, was entangled with a smile, Ying Lili remembered something when she was a little disgusted by her and told her the news.

For a while, Sayuri Sawamura was like a stone statue, fixed there, and settled down all at once.

"Eh... eh, what's the matter, what are they doing here?" Sawamura Sayuri smiled stiffly and asked nervously.

"After you divorced your dad, you have been worried that your emotional problems have not been resolved. It seems that after you went to Chiba, the situation in Kyoto is even more wrong, so they plan to stay at home for a period of time and let you pass this sad Time." Sawamura Ying Riri looked at her and said.

Sayuri Sawamura was silent for a while, and an unbelievable tone was squeezed out of her increasingly ugly smile: "...Huh?"

"Wait, wait a minute, won't you help me reject it?!" Sawamura Sayuri asked in horror.

"Mom, is your mood really that bad? I don't look like it, but you should know what kind of person your grandfather and great-grandfather are like. It's useless how I oppose it. Okay. Anyway, I came here anyway. It would be a good thing to ask my mother to restrain her daughter's control of this attribute..."

Ying Lili narrowed her eyes and retorted.