I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 432

Li Yan's calm face hides a deep anxiety about interpersonal communication.

"That... I'm sorry, I interrupted your reading, I... Actually, I have always met my senior on the road... By the way, my name is Liangfeng Qingye, I am in the third grade of high school."

Cool breeze Aoba bowed slightly, and politely introduced herself.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at this baby face. His height was only about 1.5 meters, which was shorter than a firefly in the fifth grade of elementary school. It turned out to be the same as Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who had a bumpy figure and a mature breath. The third grader is only one year younger than him.

"The gap is too big. I believe she said she was a junior high school student..." Li Yan looked at this petite girl and couldn't help comparing her with Shiyu Kasumigaoka. He always felt that there was only a single nation in Japan, and everyone. The genetic gap is also so big.

"Is there any problem?" Liang Feng Qingye asked curiously, tilting her head slightly.

"No." Li Yan smiled politely and whispered.

"Well, my name is... Uesugi, I'm currently a freshman."

Liangfeng Aoba said, "...So, Uesugi-senpai, I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

"That's good, then, don't force yourself. When I was in the third year of high school, I was exhausted by the pressure of study, but after I passed the exam, the taste of hard work came back. It is a fulfilling and good memory, so I don't need it. Put too much pressure on yourself."

Li Yan showed understanding and looked at her calmly. After nodding, he also found that the atmosphere of such a stalemate was not good. He quickly returned to his original position and continued to see if there were any inspiring game magazines. content.

"Yes..." Liang Feng Qingye nodded and won a soft voice.

After Li Yan left, Liangfeng Qingye breathed a sigh of relief. After the surroundings recovered calm again, she quietly looked at the copy of "GameSunshine" in her hand.

"I still do not know whether my willfulness is correct."

"My favorite game occupies my dream, and I also want to...like Iori, design a character that can move people's hearts, and become that kind of character..."

Just thinking of this, the look of Firefly who has been suppressing her in painting, with a much higher talent than her, flashed in her mind.

Dreams are always beautiful. However, to take the first step and go to a world that you have never known before, it takes much courage to do it...

Her talent is far inferior to the firefly who taught her a lot of painting. Is she really qualified to have such a dream?

However, she realized that this kind of dream seemed to be a luxury even when she thought of it now.


Cool breeze Qingye thought quietly, and finally, with a confused mood, she put the magazine back on its original position.

As a result, as soon as she approached the booth, she saw the quietly placed notebook.

"Huh?" Liangfeng Qingye was taken aback for a while, picked up this brand new notepad, blinked, and was quite curious about what it was...

She thought carefully, and suddenly, remembered the scene where Li Yan had put something aside when Li Yan was there...

"Ah, come to think of it, this is the stuff of the senior. I saw what he wrote in the magazine before. It should be recorded in this notebook. What is he doing?"

Liangfeng Qingye looked at this little book and thought curiously.

How should I say it, Liang Feng Qingye still has some gratitude to this serious and mature temperament young man, but after getting close, I always feel that this person is particularly good at dealing with girls, and that one seems to be good at dealing with girls. The fresh face that mature women over the age of 20 likes can't be too close. A man with such capital is not a slutty kid who likes to play with women, that is, a person with ulterior motives who may provoke flowers everywhere.

Of course, the above is all the experience given to her by her mother. She herself is eighteen years old, and her experience in contact with men is almost a blank paper.

She wondered whether she wanted to return it to this stranger directly.

However, recalling the expression of this senior seriously writing something, she really wanted to open it to see the content...


"No way, no way, how can you peek at other people's privacy at will, you must return it to him!"

Cool breeze Aoba suddenly recovered, shook her head vigorously, calmed herself down, reminded herself earnestly, and thought inwardly.


The game magazine is the most professional publication for observing games.

In the long process of practice, Li Yan believes that the difference between humans and animals is largely due to the fact that humans have mastered the summary theory and condensed the long practice process into a few sentences to explain, so it takes a lot of time compared to himself. To study a game, Li Yan increasingly focused on finding answers to his troubles from various game publications.

The game industry is as deep as the sea. The more he understands, the more Li Yan feels that in addition to comics and light novels, Japanese games are excellent, such as the personally produced PC free game "Touhou Project", the story in the group image mode In the background, he pioneered barrage games, and as a result created the myth of one of the three major fan series in Japan. This is the classic counterattack that extends the game back to comics and novels.

The series of "The Ranch" and the famous game "Rune Workshop" also integrate love and farm life. The gameplay is unique and has a group of loyal fans sticking to it. "Heavy Soldiers", "Devil Wars", "Legend of Mind"... Because of different game scripts, different story backgrounds derived from different ingenious gameplays, perfection and sublimation of details, will become classics game.

Now, he has the opportunity to write and make his own PS4 platform game world. As an ordinary boy who has played arcade games since he was a child, just like other people who have been accompanied by FC, arcade, PS1, and PSP in childhood, who Never imagined that I could make a game by myself.


He raised his head and sighed softly. Thinking of the barrage praising Qianshoucun’s work in Station N, he clearly understands that his work is actually a fanatic, not a popular one, and the stories he writes will not be universally liked... He is like this Does the author of the genre have a chance to beat Qianshou Village, who has sold more than 10 million copies...

For a game that takes only a few months to complete, real-time sales are the most important indicator. This is a huge difference from light novels that can sell seven or eight volumes and slowly accumulate sales and popularity...

"Ms. Qianshou, I am so happy to be able to create without any worries. If I lose to her, it won't be a big unpopular result, but sure enough, the taste of losing is really uncomfortable..."

Li Yan quietly looked at the rows of magazines printed with game covers, and thought to himself.

As time is getting closer, his confidence is getting scarcer, but Li Yan calms down. He takes back all these cranky things, and refocuses his attention on finding inspiration and learning materials. He understands the relationship between the enemy and ourselves. The advantage gap, at present, the only thing I don't let myself have regrets is that before the results are produced, I must go all out and never give up.

As a result, when he found some new inspirations, Li Yan searched his notebook in his pocket, but he couldn't find anything.


Li Yan patted his trouser pockets and chest, his face turned pale and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Where is my notepad, where is the notepad with a lot of valuable information? It was there just now?!"

Li Yan hurriedly lowered his head and looked for it.

If it fell, it would be almost a huge loss. Li Yan searched very nervously, but when he found it, he returned to the area called Liangfeng Qingye. Finally, he was stunned. , Her expression became a little complicated, staring blankly at the scene in front of her.

The street behind is illuminated by street lights, a neon sign, bright as a bustling business district in daylight, and the noisy sound does not affect readers' mood when watching.

The petite and well-proportioned girl, quietly looking at his notepad, looking attentively, turning pages one by one, with a very focused expression.


Li Yan didn't stop Liang Feng Qingye from watching, and he didn't know why he didn't stop it. It seemed that when he saw the other person's expression, he forgot to look for the notepad.

"Huh?" Liangfeng Qingye was taken aback for a moment, and when he noticed someone around him, he raised his head and looked at it.

"...How about this game?"

Li Yan looked at her calmly, and finally asked about the most concerned sentence at the moment.

"Sure enough, this is the setting and game story written by you, senior. Crossing the dark continent, the only light armored train, and the resurrected protagonist and the mysterious witch Sang, the description of the fight is also very interesting, the weapon of change Dealing with different maze mechanisms, as well as funny farce episodes... It's amazing, it's very fun..."