I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 446

In the middle of the night, the night is clear and the moon is clear.

In a brightly lit high-rise building, located in a large game headquarters building mainly cut into walls by reflective glass, more than two thousand game designers are still busy at work at this moment, and there is no quietness that should be in the middle of the night. Posters are posted on the walls and work desks, and people are busy running around in the office area, still working overtime for all kinds of games that are ready to be released.


In a special temporary office, the surname of [Sawamura] is posted. Sayuri Sawamura, who has her own temporary studio in this building, looks serious. Under the bright lights, it is one of the largest in Japan. The game studio belonging to the game company designs highly demanding paintings.

Sawamura Sayuri's humming little song suddenly disappeared. Holding the paintbrush, she paused and thought about it for a while, and then began to design.

As a painter who graduated from a well-known Japanese art school, Sawamura Sayuri’s painting skills have always been quite solid and extensive. He is good at paintings of various types and different cultural backgrounds, Western oil paintings, sketches, magical style paintings, and Eastern ukiyo-e. Landscape painting, manga, Japanese realism, etc. are all handy, so the range of orders is quite wide, and her customers are almost everywhere in the world.

Ying Lili's painting skills were also taught by her.

After returning from the United States, the studio established by Sayuri Sawamura has been in full swing. The closer it is to the end of the year, the more numerous game companies from Japan, the United States and Europe enter the game development stage.

After all, at Christmas and New Year, there will be enough employees to get the annual lucrative year-end awards. According to most statistics, it is generally true that the game sales will increase substantially after these two times.

So, in general, as long as it is a good order, she basically does her best to complete it, and she hasn't let up in this period of time.


Sayuri Sawamura exhaled and felt a sense of fatigue all over her body. She silently thought: "Oops, if you continue to work like this, you will lose your hair sooner or later after a few months..."

[Boom boom boom. 】

At this moment, the knock at the door interrupted Sayuri Sawamura's work.

"Miss, it's almost ten o'clock, are you going home now?"

The voice of the assistant Kimura came from outside the door.


Sawamura Sayuri looked at the timetable for a while, and it turned out that it was already 9:45 at this moment.

"It turns out it's already this time, so it's no wonder I feel tired... I see, that's all for today's work schedule." Sawamura Sayuri was taken aback, then rubbed her shoulder a little, and followed outside to help her run errands. Assistant Miss Kimura said.


As a result, Sawamura Sayuri, who had been sitting in a chair for a long time, couldn't help but stretched her waist. When she caught Kimura opening the door, she happened to see the straight and pretty and beautiful body of the Oriental woman.


For a moment, Kimura felt that there was no happier job in this world than staying with Ms. Sawamura.

Sawamura Sayuri stood up, still wearing her favorite red and white striped gorgeous kimono, her slender and well-proportioned figure exuded a unique oriental charm, and her dazzled eyes looked at each other quietly. Looking at the balcony outside the studio, the endless beautiful city, gradually began to contemplate.


It seems that every time I see the scenery of Tokyo, I can't help but think of someone...

The delicate woman's face hesitated for a moment, as if hesitating something.

"Then, let me inform Mr. Shiraishi..." Kimura took out his cell phone and said politely to Sayuri Sawamura.

"Wait a minute..."

Sawamura Sayuri showed a slight smile on her beautiful face, and said to Kimura: "Kimura, let's go back at ten o'clock... I'm a little bit, I want to make a phone call to a friend."

Sawamura Sayuri walked to the balcony and stood under a turbulent night sky, facing the gorgeous and luxurious night view of the city, the night breeze was blowing, and her ears were whirring, she picked up the phone and finally dialed that long time. There is no call log number.

In the light, that figure, like a snow-white orchid in a valley, holding a mobile phone in both hands, his face a little nervously waiting to be connected...



[This is Li Yan. 】

Soon, it got through.

"Yes, it's Sayuri, Uesugi-sensei, long time no see."

When Sayuri Sawamura heard this familiar voice, she immediately smiled and said.


On the other hand, Li Yan, who had just handled all the work, answered the call during his busy schedule, and did not have time to look at the caller’s name. As a result, he heard Sawamura Sayuri’s voice unexpectedly and asked him to suspend the operation of the computer. .

"Miss Zecun, it's been a long time. Have you come back from America?" Li Yan asked with a smile.

[Yes... Actually, it has been almost three weeks since I came back to Japan. Sorry, I have been busy until now and call you. 】

Sawamura Sayuri's words contained a strong apology, but her clear and deep voice was quite pleasant. She apologized to Li Yan over the phone.

Li Yan took the cell phone and understood Sawamura Sayuri's situation quite well, and said, "No, it doesn't matter, after all, I know that you are busy for a while."

[... By the way, I called you this time and asked a little bit. Have you received some game discs on the XBOXONE game console I sent you in the United States? 】

Sayuri Sawamura hesitated for a few seconds and did not speak again. She said that she didn't have anything special to call. After the greeting, she couldn't find other topics for a while, and she was silent for a few seconds. Facing the vast and bright night scene, I remembered the previous events and hurriedly asked.

"I have received the gift. Thank you Ms. Sawamura for giving me this generous gift. I really like it. Thanks to that game console, I have more convenient resources to study..."

Li Yan took the phone and talked about the gift. In fact, he has always been a little entangled, why the price is similar, it would be more perfect if he gave him a coveted PS4.

However, it is precisely because of XBOXONE in the United States that he has determined a relatively unique game style, which is also considered a kind of luck.

When talking about the game console, Li Yan suddenly thought of something. Sayuri Sawamura is a professional game designer and seems to be well-known. Even the "Monster X-Man" series has her designs in...

Li Yan deeply understands that as an inexperienced trainee planner, he shoulders the key next game script of EagleJump and the responsibility of restoring the fun of the game as much as possible. He lacks experience in making good games, and can't help but want to consult Sayuri Sawamura's 3A masterpiece about the concept of game design.


Li Yan was silent for a while, and finally changed his conversation. He asked sincerely: "Sorry, Miss Sawamura, that... I actually have a question that I want to consult. I have some interest in the game field recently, and I want to consult. Regarding the experience of the game, it is not clear whether you are free?"

[Yes, is there anything you don’t understand? You can ask me at any time, about what aspect of the game? 】

Sayuri Sawamura didn't seem to expect that Li Yan would be interested in the game, so he responded to the question easily over the phone.

Li Yan looked at the settings of a bunch of game scripts on his desk, as well as the drafts of the applicants, and the entire EagleJump company environment.

"Excuse me, what can I do to make an excellent and interesting game?"

Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback for a moment, and a trace of doubt appeared on her white and flawless cheeks. Suddenly, Li Yan began to want to know how to make a good game. She couldn't guess the purpose of the other party's inquiry for a while, and now she said her feelings.

[The production of the game requires the joint assistance of many people, not one person can determine the quality of the game. The most fundamental thing is that you need an excellent script from the beginning. Any game cannot be separated from the initial plot setting. The next is the ingenious screen design, the game features, and every step is well carved, then it will be born. It's a good game... In short, it's a word, every distraction has a selling point. 】
